
时间:2022-05-07 13:50:51

While running the following lines of code:


int i,a;    for(i=0;i<=4;i++)  {        a=pow(10,i);        printf("%d\t",a);    }   

I was surprised to see the output, it comes out to be 1 10 99 1000 9999 instead of 1 10 100 1000 10000.

我惊讶地看到输出,结果是1 10 99 1000 9999而不是1 10 100 1000 10000。

What could be the possible reason?


If you think it's a floating point inaccuracy that in the above for loop when i = 2, the values stored in variable a is 99.

注意,如果您认为它是浮点型不精确,那么在上面的for循环中,当i = 2时,变量a中的值是99。

But if you write instead



now the value of a comes out to be 100. How is that possible?


5 个解决方案



I can't even spell c, but I can tell you why.


You have set a to be an int. pow() generates a floating point number, that in SOME cases may be just a hair less than 100 or 10000 (as we see here.)

您已经将a设置为int. pow()生成一个浮点数,在某些情况下,这个浮点数可能仅仅是少于100或10000的一根头发(正如我们在这里看到的)。

Then you stuff that into the integer, which TRUNCATES to an integer. So you lose that fractional part. Oops. If you really needed an integer result, round may be a better way to do that operation.


Be careful even there, as for large enough powers, the error may actually be large enough to still cause a failure, giving you something you don't expect. Remember that floating point numbers only carry so much precision.




The function pow() returns a double. You're assigning it to variable a, of type int. Doing that doesn't "round off" the floating point value, it truncates it. So pow() is returning something like 99.99999... for 10^2, and then you're just throwing away the .9999... part. Better to say a = round(pow(10, i)).

函数pow()返回一个double。你将它赋值给变量a,类型为int类型,这样做不会“四舍五入”浮点值,它会截断它。所以pow()返回了99。99999…10 ^ 2,然后你只是扔掉.9999……部分。最好说a = round(pow(10, i))。



This is to do with floating point inaccuracy. Although you are passing in ints they are being implicitly converted to a floating point type since the pow function is only defined for floating point parameters.




Mathematically, the integer power of an integer is an integer.


In a good quality pow() routine this specific calculation should NOT produce any round-off errors. I ran your code on Eclipse/Microsoft C and got the following output:

在一个高质量的pow()例程中,这个特定的计算不应该产生任何舍入错误。我在Eclipse/Microsoft C上运行了您的代码,得到如下输出:

1   10  100 1000    10000   

This test does NOT indicate if Microsoft is using floats and rounding or if they are detecting the type of your numbers and choosing the appropriate method.


So, I ran the following code:


#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main (){    double i,a;    for(i=0.0; i <= 4.0 ;i++)    {        a=pow(10,i);        printf("%lf\t",a);    }}

And got the following output:


1.000000    10.000000   100.000000  1000.000000 10000.000000    



No one spelt out how to actually do it correctly - instead of pow function, just have a variable that tracks the current power:


int i, a, power;    for (i = 0, a = 1; i <= 4; i++, a *= 10) {        printf("%d\t",a);    }

This continuing multiplication by ten is guaranteed to give you the correct answer, and quite OK (and much better than pow, even if it were giving the correct results) for tasks like converting decimal strings into integers.




I can't even spell c, but I can tell you why.


You have set a to be an int. pow() generates a floating point number, that in SOME cases may be just a hair less than 100 or 10000 (as we see here.)

您已经将a设置为int. pow()生成一个浮点数,在某些情况下,这个浮点数可能仅仅是少于100或10000的一根头发(正如我们在这里看到的)。

Then you stuff that into the integer, which TRUNCATES to an integer. So you lose that fractional part. Oops. If you really needed an integer result, round may be a better way to do that operation.


Be careful even there, as for large enough powers, the error may actually be large enough to still cause a failure, giving you something you don't expect. Remember that floating point numbers only carry so much precision.




The function pow() returns a double. You're assigning it to variable a, of type int. Doing that doesn't "round off" the floating point value, it truncates it. So pow() is returning something like 99.99999... for 10^2, and then you're just throwing away the .9999... part. Better to say a = round(pow(10, i)).

函数pow()返回一个double。你将它赋值给变量a,类型为int类型,这样做不会“四舍五入”浮点值,它会截断它。所以pow()返回了99。99999…10 ^ 2,然后你只是扔掉.9999……部分。最好说a = round(pow(10, i))。



This is to do with floating point inaccuracy. Although you are passing in ints they are being implicitly converted to a floating point type since the pow function is only defined for floating point parameters.




Mathematically, the integer power of an integer is an integer.


In a good quality pow() routine this specific calculation should NOT produce any round-off errors. I ran your code on Eclipse/Microsoft C and got the following output:

在一个高质量的pow()例程中,这个特定的计算不应该产生任何舍入错误。我在Eclipse/Microsoft C上运行了您的代码,得到如下输出:

1   10  100 1000    10000   

This test does NOT indicate if Microsoft is using floats and rounding or if they are detecting the type of your numbers and choosing the appropriate method.


So, I ran the following code:


#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>main (){    double i,a;    for(i=0.0; i <= 4.0 ;i++)    {        a=pow(10,i);        printf("%lf\t",a);    }}

And got the following output:


1.000000    10.000000   100.000000  1000.000000 10000.000000    



No one spelt out how to actually do it correctly - instead of pow function, just have a variable that tracks the current power:


int i, a, power;    for (i = 0, a = 1; i <= 4; i++, a *= 10) {        printf("%d\t",a);    }

This continuing multiplication by ten is guaranteed to give you the correct answer, and quite OK (and much better than pow, even if it were giving the correct results) for tasks like converting decimal strings into integers.
