
时间:2021-08-29 13:49:39

I am looking for any piece of technical paper explaining how access control is conducted on unstructured data ingested by HDFS.


  1. Can the granularity level be smaller than POSIX-ish file permissions?


  2. Similarly, how would products like RecordService (from Cloudera), which provide an abstraction layer for security on storage components, work on unstructured data?


For instance, if I have a very big emails archive file (more than a terabyte), would I be able to specify a more fine-grained ACL than one on the entire file itself? I am thinking about email headers, etc.


1 个解决方案



  1. The granularity supported is to the row and column levels. See details.
  2. 支持的粒度是行级和列级。查看具体信息。
  3. Presently, for RecordService to work, your data must be organized as Hive Metastore tables. In the future, RecordService may infer structure/schema from the files themselves (but, not the case today).
  4. 目前,要使RecordService正常工作,您的数据必须组织为Hive Metastore表。将来,RecordService可能会从文件本身推断出结构/架构(但今天不是这样)。



  1. The granularity supported is to the row and column levels. See details.
  2. 支持的粒度是行级和列级。查看具体信息。
  3. Presently, for RecordService to work, your data must be organized as Hive Metastore tables. In the future, RecordService may infer structure/schema from the files themselves (but, not the case today).
  4. 目前,要使RecordService正常工作,您的数据必须组织为Hive Metastore表。将来,RecordService可能会从文件本身推断出结构/架构(但今天不是这样)。