
时间:2021-06-08 13:19:45

What's the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript? From what I've deduced, ECMAScript is the standard and JavaScript is the implementation. Is this correct?


17 个解决方案



ECMAScript is the language, whereas JavaScript, JScript, and even ActionScript 3 are called "dialects". Wikipedia sheds some light on this.

ECMAScript是语言,而JavaScript、JScript甚至ActionScript 3都被称为“方言”。*对此给出了一些解释。



I think a little history lesson is due.


JavaScript was originally named Mocha and changed to Livescript but ultimately became JavaScript.


It's important to note that JavaScript came before ECMAscript and the history will tell you why.


To start from the beginning, JavaScript derived its name from Java and initially Brendan Eich (the creator of JS) was asked to develop a language that resembled Java for the web for Netscape.

从一开始,JavaScript就从Java衍生出了它的名字,最初,人们要求Brendan Eich (JS的创造者)为Netscape开发一种类似于Java的语言。

Eich, however decided that Java was too complicated with all its rules and so set out to create a simpler language that even a beginner could code in. This is evident in such things like the relaxing of the need to have a semicolon.


After the language was complete, the marketing team of Netscape requested Sun to allow them to name it JavaScript as a marketing stunt and hence why most people who have never used JavaScript think it's related to Java.


About a year or two after JavaScript's release in the browser, Microsoft's IE took the language and started making its own implementations such as JScript. At the same time, IE was dominating the market and not long after Netscape had to shut its project.


Before Netscape went down, they decided to start a standard that would guide the path of JavaScript, named ECMAScript.


ECMAScript had a few releases and in 1999 they released their last version (ECMAScript 3) before they went into hibernation for the next 10 years. During this 10 years, Microsoft dominated the scenes but at the same time they weren't improving their product and hence Firefox was born (led by Eich) and a whole heap of other browsers such as Chrome, Opera.

ECMAScript有几个版本,1999年发布了最后一个版本(ECMAScript 3),之后十年都处于休眠状态。在这10年里,微软占据了主导地位,但与此同时,他们并没有改进他们的产品,因此Firefox诞生了(由Eich领导)和一大堆其他浏览器,如Chrome、Opera。

ECMAScript released its 5th Edition in 2009 (the 4th edition was abandoned) with features such as strict mode. Since then, ECMAScript has gained a lot of momentum and is scheduled to release its 6th Edition in a few months from now with the biggest changes its had thus far.


You can use a list of features for ECMAScript 6 here and also the browser support. You can even start writing Ecmascript 6 like you do with CoffeeScript and use a compiler to compile down to Ecmascript 5.

您可以在这里使用ECMAScript 6的特性列表http://kangax.github。io/es5-compat-table/es6/以及浏览器支持。您甚至可以像使用CoffeeScript那样编写Ecmascript 6,并使用编译器来编译到Ecmascript 5。

Whether ECMAScript is the language and JavaScript is a dialect is arguable, but not important. If you continue to think like this it might confuse you. There is no compiler out there that would run ECMAScript, and I believe JavaScript is considered the Language which implements a standard called ECMAScript.


There are also other noticeable languages that implement ECMAScript such as ActionScript (used for Flash)




ECMAScript = ES:

ECMAScript = ES:

  • ECMAScript is a Standard for scripting languages.


  • Languages like Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard.


  • ECMA Standard is based on several originating technologies, the most well known being JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft).

    ECMA标准基于几种原始技术,最著名的是JavaScript (Netscape)和JScript (Microsoft)。

  • ECMA means European Computer Manufacturer’s Association


JavaScript = JS:

JavaScript = JS:

  • JavaScript is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript Standard.


  • The core features of Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard,  but Javascript also has other additional features that are not in the ECMA specifications/standard.


  • ActionScript and JScript are other languages that implement the ECMAScript.


  • JavaScript was submitted to ECMA for standardization but due to trademark issues with the name Javascript the standard became called ECMAScript.


  • Every browser has a JavaScript interpreter.


ES5 = ECMAScript 5:

ES5 = ECMAScript 5:

  • ES5 is a version of the ECMAScript (old/current one).


  • ES5 is the JavaScript you know and use in the browser today.


  • ES5 does not require a build step (transpilers) to transform it into something that will run in today's browsers.


  • ECMAScript version 5 was finished in December 2009,  the latest versions of all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE)  have implemented version 5.


  • Version 5.1 was finished in June, 2011.


ES6 = ECMAScript 6 = ES2015 = ECMAScript 2015:

ES6 = ECMAScript 6 = ES2015 = ECMAScript 2015:

  • ES2015 is a version of the ECMAScript (new/future one).


  • Officially the name ES2015 should be used instead of ES6.


  • ES6 will tackle many of the core language shortcomings addressed in  TypeScript and CoffeeScript.


  • ES6 is the next iteration of JavaScript, but it does not run in today's browsers.


  • There are quite a few transpilers that will export ES5 for running in browsers.




  • BabelJS is the most popular transpiler that transforms new JavaScript ES6 to Old JavaScript ES5.

    BabelJS是最流行的传输器,它将新的JavaScript ES6转换为旧的JavaScript ES5。

  • BabelJS makes it possible for writing the next generation of JavaScript today (means ES2015).


  • BabelJS simply takes ES2015 file and transform it into ES5 file.


  • Current browsers versions can now understand the new JavaScript code (ES2015), even if they don't yet support it.


TypeScript and CoffeeScript:


  • Both provides syntactic sugar on top of ES5  and then are transcompiled into ES5 compliant JavaScript. 


  • You write TypeScript or CoffeeScript then the transpiler transforms it into ES5 JavaScript.

    你写打字稿或咖啡稿,然后传送者把它转换成ES5 JavaScript。



Technically ECMAScript is the language that everyone is using and implementing -- it is the specification created many years ago when Netscape and Microsoft sat down and attempted to standardise the scripting between JavaScript (Netscape's scripting language) and JScript (Microsoft's).

从技术上讲,ECMAScript是每个人都在使用和实现的语言——它是多年前Netscape和Microsoft所创建的规范,并试图在JavaScript (Netscape的脚本语言)和JScript(微软的)之间标准化脚本。

Subsequently all these engines are ostensibly implementing ECMAScript, however JavaScript (the name) now hangs around for both traditional naming reasons, and as a marketing term by Mozilla for their various non-standard extensions (which they want to be able to actually "version")




JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

  • ECMAScript® Language Specification defines all logic for creating and editing objects, arrays, numbers, etc...


  • DOM API makes it possible to communicate with HTML/XML documents (e.g. document.getElementById('id');).

    DOM API使与HTML/XML文档(例如document.getElementById('id');)进行通信成为可能。

History of JavaScript naming:


Mocha ► LiveScript ► JavaScript ► (part of JS resulted in) ECMA-262 ► ECMAScript ► JavaScript (consists of ECMAScript + DOM API)

摩卡►LiveScript JavaScript►►(JS导致的一部分)ecma - 262►ECMAScript►JavaScript(包括ECMAScript + DOM API)



What is ECMAScript i.e. ES?


ECMAScript is a standard for a scripting language, and the Javascript language is based on the ECMAScript standard.


Is Javascript exactly the same as ECMAScript?


  • No, Javascript is not exactly equivalent to ECMAScript.
  • 不,Javascript并不完全等同于ECMAScript。
  • The core features of Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard, but Javascript also has other additional features that are not in the ECMA specifications/standard.
  • Javascript的核心特性基于ECMAScript标准,但是Javascript也有其他ECMA规范/标准中没有的特性。

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

DOM API like: document.getElementById('id');

DOM API:. getelementbyid(“id”);

Do other languages use the ECMAScript standard?


  • Yes, there are languages other than JavaScript that also implement the ECMAScript Standard as their core.
  • 是的,除了JavaScript之外还有其他语言,它们也实现了ECMAScript标准作为其核心。
  • ActionScript (used by Adobe Flash) and JScript (used by Microsoft) are both languages that implement the ECMAScript standard.
  • ActionScript(由Adobe Flash使用)和JScript(由微软使用)都是实现ECMAScript标准的语言。

Why is it called ECMAScript?


  • Javascript was originally created at Netscape, and they wanted to standardize the language. So, they submitted the language to the European Computer Manufacturer’s Association (ECMA) for standardization.
  • Javascript最初是在Netscape中创建的,他们想要标准化这种语言。因此,他们向欧洲计算机制造商协会(ECMA)提交了标准化语言。
  • But, there were trademark issues with the name Javascript, and the standard became called ECMAScript, which is the name it holds today as well.
  • 但是,Javascript这个名字有商标问题,标准变成了ECMAScript,这也是它今天的名字。
  • Because of trademark issues, Microsoft’s version of the language is called JScript – even though JScript is, at it’s core, the same language as Javascript.
  • 由于商标问题,微软版本的语言被称为JScript——尽管它的核心是与Javascript相同的语言。

< Update: > For those who care about history

<更新:> 给那些关心历史的人

  • 1995: Originally named Mocha and changed to Livescript
  • 1995年:原名摩卡,改名为Livescript
  • 1997: ECMAScript standard is established
  • 1997年:建立了ECMAScript标准。
  • 1999: ES3 comes out and IE5 is all the rage
  • 1999年:ES3问世,IE5风靡一时
  • 2000–2005: XMLHttpRequest, a.k.a. AJAX, gains popularity in app such as Outlook Web Access (2000) and Oddpost (2002), Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005).
  • 2000 - 2005: XMLHttpRequest,又称AJAX,在Outlook Web Access(2000)和Oddpost(2002)、Gmail(2004)和谷歌Maps(2005)等应用中越来越流行。
  • 2009: ES5 comes out (this is what most of us use now) with forEach, Object.keys, Object.create (specially for Douglas Crockford), and standard JSON
  • 2009: ES5在forEach对象中出现(这是我们大多数人现在使用的)。钥匙,对象。创建(特别为Douglas Crockford创建)和标准JSON
  • 2015: ES6/ECMAScript2015 comes out; it has mostly syntactic sugar, because people weren’t able to agree on anything more ground breaking (ES7?)
  • 2015:ES6 / ECMAScript2015出来;它主要含有句法上的糖分,因为人们无法就更多的突破达成一致(ES7?)



Various JavaScript versions are implementations of the ECMAScript standard.




i know this is an old post but hopefully this will help someone.


In the 1990’s different versions of js started coming out like javascript from netscape, Js script from Microsoft. So ecmascript was introduced as a standard. But ecmascript forms only a part of javascript which specifies its core syntax,types,objects etc. Probably that explains the inconsistent implementations of javascript across diff. browsers


Reference - Wrox(Professional Javascript For Web Developers)

参考- Wrox(Web开发人员的专业Javascript)



In my understanding, ECMAScript is the "Theory" or "Specification", and Javascript is "Practicals" or "Implementation".




JavaScript is a ECMAScript language.


ECMAScript isn't necessarily JavaScript.




Existing answers paraphrase the main point quite well.


The main point is that ECMAScript is the bare abstract language, without any domain specific extensions, it's useless in itself. The specification defines only the language and the core objects of it.


While JavaScript and ActionScript and other dialects add the domain specific library to it, so you can use it for something meaningful.


There are many ECMAScript engines, some of them are open source, others are proprietary. You can link them into your program then add your native functions to the global object so your program becomes scriptable. Although most often they are used in browsers.




Javascript was the original name, meant to capitalize on the popularity of java. ECMA is the standards body that oversees the standard that was eventually put in place so the names are roughly equivalent.


Implementations have other names, like V8 or Rhino, etc.




I doubt we'd ever use the word "ECMAScript" if not for the fact that the name "JavaScript" is owned by Sun. For all intents and purposes, the language is JavaScript. You don't go to the bookstore looking for ECMAScript books, do you?


It's a bit too simple to say that "JavaScript" is the implementation. JScript is Microsoft's implementation.




JavaScript is one branch of languages formed around the ECMAScript standard. I believe ECMA is the European Computer Manufacturers Association, not that this is really relevant or anything.


Don't forget another popular language formed around the ECMA Script standard is ActionScript, used in Adobe Flash/Flex.

不要忘记在ECMA脚本标准中形成的另一种流行语言是ActionScript,它在Adobe Flash/Flex中使用。



ECMAScript is a standard for JavaScript, look at these statements from MDN:




JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted or JIT-compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g. functional programming) styles. Read more about JavaScript.

JavaScript是一种轻量级的解释或jit编译的编程语言,具有一流的函数。虽然它是Web页面的脚本语言,但许多非浏览器环境也使用它,比如node。js、Apache CouchDB和adobeacrobat。JavaScript是一种基于原型、多范式、动态语言,支持面向对象、命令式和声明式(例如函数式编程)风格。阅读更多关于JavaScript。


The standard for JavaScript is ECMAScript. As of 2012, all modern browsers fully support ECMAScript 5.1. Older browsers support at least ECMAScript 3. On June 17, 2015, ECMA International published the sixth major version of ECMAScript, which is officially called ECMAScript 2015, and was initially referred to as ECMAScript 6 or ES6. Since then, ECMAScript standards are on yearly release cycles. This documentation refers to the latest draft version, which is currently ECMAScript 2018.

JavaScript的标准是ECMAScript。到2012年,所有现代浏览器都完全支持ECMAScript 5.1。旧浏览器至少支持ECMAScript 3。2015年6月17日,ECMA International出版了《ECMAScript第六版》,正式名称为《ECMAScript 2015》,最初被称为《ECMAScript 6》或《ES6》。从那时起,ECMAScript标准每年发布一次。该文档参考了最新的草案版本,目前是2018年的ECMAScript。

For more info, visit here




ECMAScript is nothing but a standard or specification defined in order to create different scripting languages and one of them happens to be JavaScript. It has been created with the sole purpose of cross-browser compatibility


A standard guarantees that if somebody writes a code following the rules of the standard then the code would run fine in a browser(in case of javascript) if the browser implements the same standard.


Why do we need a standard?


When Javascript was first created by Netscape then there was a war going on between all the browser vendors in the market . Microsoft implemented its own version of javascript in internet explorer . Similarly other browser vendors implemented their own versions.

当Netscape最初创建Javascript时,市场上所有浏览器供应商之间都在进行一场战争。微软在internet explorer中实现了自己的javascript版本。类似地,其他浏览器厂商也实现了自己的版本。

All this created a huge problem for the developers.One code ran fine on Netscape but was a total waste on Internet Explorer . To solve cross browser compatibilty Javascript was standardised by ECMA international ; hence the name ECMAscript.

所有这些都给开发人员带来了巨大的问题。一段代码在Netscape上运行良好,但在Internet Explorer上完全是浪费。为解决跨浏览器兼容问题,ECMA international对Javascript进行了标准化;因此ECMAscript的名称。

All browers agreed to implement ECMAscript(though it took a lot of time).


The result is that now the same code runs fine in all browsers.


The exception is DOM(Document object model) . DOM is still interpreted in different ways in different browsers . However there is good news . Slowly all browsers are adhering to the same DOM standard .




Here are my findings:


JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, written by David Flanagan provides a very concise explanation:

由David Flanagan撰写的权威指南提供了一个非常简明的解释:

JavaScript was created at Netscape in the early days of the Web, and technically, "JavaScript" is a trademark licensed from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) used to describe Netscape's (now Mozilla's) implementation of the language. Netscape submitted the language for standardization to ECMA and because of trademark issues, the standardized version of the language was stuck with the awkward name "ECMAScript". For the same trademark reasons, Microsoft's version of the language is formally known as "JScript". In practice, just about everyone calls the language JavaScript.


A blog post by Microsoft seems to agree with what Flanagan explains by saying..


ECMAScript is the official name for the JavaScript language we all know and love.


.. which makes me think all occurrences of JavaScript in this reference post (by Microsoft again) must be replaced by ECMASCript. They actually seem to be careful with using ECMAScript only in this, more recent and more technical documentation page.

. .这让我想到,在这篇参考文章中出现的所有JavaScript必须被ECMASCript取代。实际上,他们似乎只在最近的技术文档页面上使用ECMAScript。 seems to agree with the definitions above:


JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997. ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard. ECMAScript is the official name of the language.


The key here is: the official name of the language.


If you check Mozilla 's JavaScript version pages, you will encounter the following statement:


Deprecated. The explicit versioning and opt-in of language features was Mozilla-specific and are in process of being removed. Firefox 4 was the last version which referred to a JavaScript version (1.8.5). With new ECMA standards, JavaScript language features are now often mentioned with their initial definition in ECMA-262 Editions such as ECMAScript 2015.

弃用。语言特性的显式版本控制和选择是特定于mozilla的,并且正在被移除。Firefox 4是最后一个提到JavaScript版本的版本(1.8.5)。有了新的ECMA标准,JavaScript语言特性现在常常会在ECMA-262版本(如ECMAScript 2015)中被首次定义。

and when you see the recent release notes, you will always see reference to ECMAScript standards, such as:


  • The ES2015 Symbol.toStringTag property has been implemented (bug 1114580).

    ES2015符号。已经实现了toStringTag属性(bug 1114580)。

  • The ES2015 TypedArray.prototype.toString() and TypedArray.prototype.toLocaleString() methods have been implemented (bug 1121938).

    ES2015 TypedArray.prototype.toString()和TypedArray.prototype.toLocaleString()方法已经实现(bug 1121938)。

Mozilla Web Docs also has a page that explains the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript:

Mozilla Web文档也有一个页面来解释ECMAScript和JavaScript的区别:

However, the umbrella term "JavaScript" as understood in a web browser context contains several very different elements. One of them is the core language (ECMAScript), another is the collection of the Web APIs, including the DOM (Document Object Model).

但是,在web浏览器上下文中理解的统称“JavaScript”包含几个非常不同的元素。其中之一是核心语言(ECMAScript),另一个是Web api的集合,包括DOM(文档对象模型)。



To my understanding, people use the word JavaScript somewhat liberally to refer to the core ECMAScript specification.


I would say, all the modern JavaScript implementations (or JavaScript Engines) are in fact ECMAScript implementations. Check the definition of the V8 Engine from Google, for example:


V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript engine, written in C++ and used in Google Chrome, the open source browser from Google, and in Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262.


They seem to use the word JavaScript and ECMAScript interchangeably, and I would say it is actually an ECMAScript engine?


So most JavaScript Engines are actually implementing the ECMAScript standard, but instead of calling them ECMAScript engines, they call themselves JavaScript Engines. This answer also supports the way I see the situation.




ECMAScript is the language, whereas JavaScript, JScript, and even ActionScript 3 are called "dialects". Wikipedia sheds some light on this.

ECMAScript是语言,而JavaScript、JScript甚至ActionScript 3都被称为“方言”。*对此给出了一些解释。



I think a little history lesson is due.


JavaScript was originally named Mocha and changed to Livescript but ultimately became JavaScript.


It's important to note that JavaScript came before ECMAscript and the history will tell you why.


To start from the beginning, JavaScript derived its name from Java and initially Brendan Eich (the creator of JS) was asked to develop a language that resembled Java for the web for Netscape.

从一开始,JavaScript就从Java衍生出了它的名字,最初,人们要求Brendan Eich (JS的创造者)为Netscape开发一种类似于Java的语言。

Eich, however decided that Java was too complicated with all its rules and so set out to create a simpler language that even a beginner could code in. This is evident in such things like the relaxing of the need to have a semicolon.


After the language was complete, the marketing team of Netscape requested Sun to allow them to name it JavaScript as a marketing stunt and hence why most people who have never used JavaScript think it's related to Java.


About a year or two after JavaScript's release in the browser, Microsoft's IE took the language and started making its own implementations such as JScript. At the same time, IE was dominating the market and not long after Netscape had to shut its project.


Before Netscape went down, they decided to start a standard that would guide the path of JavaScript, named ECMAScript.


ECMAScript had a few releases and in 1999 they released their last version (ECMAScript 3) before they went into hibernation for the next 10 years. During this 10 years, Microsoft dominated the scenes but at the same time they weren't improving their product and hence Firefox was born (led by Eich) and a whole heap of other browsers such as Chrome, Opera.

ECMAScript有几个版本,1999年发布了最后一个版本(ECMAScript 3),之后十年都处于休眠状态。在这10年里,微软占据了主导地位,但与此同时,他们并没有改进他们的产品,因此Firefox诞生了(由Eich领导)和一大堆其他浏览器,如Chrome、Opera。

ECMAScript released its 5th Edition in 2009 (the 4th edition was abandoned) with features such as strict mode. Since then, ECMAScript has gained a lot of momentum and is scheduled to release its 6th Edition in a few months from now with the biggest changes its had thus far.


You can use a list of features for ECMAScript 6 here and also the browser support. You can even start writing Ecmascript 6 like you do with CoffeeScript and use a compiler to compile down to Ecmascript 5.

您可以在这里使用ECMAScript 6的特性列表http://kangax.github。io/es5-compat-table/es6/以及浏览器支持。您甚至可以像使用CoffeeScript那样编写Ecmascript 6,并使用编译器来编译到Ecmascript 5。

Whether ECMAScript is the language and JavaScript is a dialect is arguable, but not important. If you continue to think like this it might confuse you. There is no compiler out there that would run ECMAScript, and I believe JavaScript is considered the Language which implements a standard called ECMAScript.


There are also other noticeable languages that implement ECMAScript such as ActionScript (used for Flash)




ECMAScript = ES:

ECMAScript = ES:

  • ECMAScript is a Standard for scripting languages.


  • Languages like Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard.


  • ECMA Standard is based on several originating technologies, the most well known being JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft).

    ECMA标准基于几种原始技术,最著名的是JavaScript (Netscape)和JScript (Microsoft)。

  • ECMA means European Computer Manufacturer’s Association


JavaScript = JS:

JavaScript = JS:

  • JavaScript is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript Standard.


  • The core features of Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard,  but Javascript also has other additional features that are not in the ECMA specifications/standard.


  • ActionScript and JScript are other languages that implement the ECMAScript.


  • JavaScript was submitted to ECMA for standardization but due to trademark issues with the name Javascript the standard became called ECMAScript.


  • Every browser has a JavaScript interpreter.


ES5 = ECMAScript 5:

ES5 = ECMAScript 5:

  • ES5 is a version of the ECMAScript (old/current one).


  • ES5 is the JavaScript you know and use in the browser today.


  • ES5 does not require a build step (transpilers) to transform it into something that will run in today's browsers.


  • ECMAScript version 5 was finished in December 2009,  the latest versions of all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE)  have implemented version 5.


  • Version 5.1 was finished in June, 2011.


ES6 = ECMAScript 6 = ES2015 = ECMAScript 2015:

ES6 = ECMAScript 6 = ES2015 = ECMAScript 2015:

  • ES2015 is a version of the ECMAScript (new/future one).


  • Officially the name ES2015 should be used instead of ES6.


  • ES6 will tackle many of the core language shortcomings addressed in  TypeScript and CoffeeScript.


  • ES6 is the next iteration of JavaScript, but it does not run in today's browsers.


  • There are quite a few transpilers that will export ES5 for running in browsers.




  • BabelJS is the most popular transpiler that transforms new JavaScript ES6 to Old JavaScript ES5.

    BabelJS是最流行的传输器,它将新的JavaScript ES6转换为旧的JavaScript ES5。

  • BabelJS makes it possible for writing the next generation of JavaScript today (means ES2015).


  • BabelJS simply takes ES2015 file and transform it into ES5 file.


  • Current browsers versions can now understand the new JavaScript code (ES2015), even if they don't yet support it.


TypeScript and CoffeeScript:


  • Both provides syntactic sugar on top of ES5  and then are transcompiled into ES5 compliant JavaScript. 


  • You write TypeScript or CoffeeScript then the transpiler transforms it into ES5 JavaScript.

    你写打字稿或咖啡稿,然后传送者把它转换成ES5 JavaScript。



Technically ECMAScript is the language that everyone is using and implementing -- it is the specification created many years ago when Netscape and Microsoft sat down and attempted to standardise the scripting between JavaScript (Netscape's scripting language) and JScript (Microsoft's).

从技术上讲,ECMAScript是每个人都在使用和实现的语言——它是多年前Netscape和Microsoft所创建的规范,并试图在JavaScript (Netscape的脚本语言)和JScript(微软的)之间标准化脚本。

Subsequently all these engines are ostensibly implementing ECMAScript, however JavaScript (the name) now hangs around for both traditional naming reasons, and as a marketing term by Mozilla for their various non-standard extensions (which they want to be able to actually "version")




JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

  • ECMAScript® Language Specification defines all logic for creating and editing objects, arrays, numbers, etc...


  • DOM API makes it possible to communicate with HTML/XML documents (e.g. document.getElementById('id');).

    DOM API使与HTML/XML文档(例如document.getElementById('id');)进行通信成为可能。

History of JavaScript naming:


Mocha ► LiveScript ► JavaScript ► (part of JS resulted in) ECMA-262 ► ECMAScript ► JavaScript (consists of ECMAScript + DOM API)

摩卡►LiveScript JavaScript►►(JS导致的一部分)ecma - 262►ECMAScript►JavaScript(包括ECMAScript + DOM API)



What is ECMAScript i.e. ES?


ECMAScript is a standard for a scripting language, and the Javascript language is based on the ECMAScript standard.


Is Javascript exactly the same as ECMAScript?


  • No, Javascript is not exactly equivalent to ECMAScript.
  • 不,Javascript并不完全等同于ECMAScript。
  • The core features of Javascript are based on the ECMAScript standard, but Javascript also has other additional features that are not in the ECMA specifications/standard.
  • Javascript的核心特性基于ECMAScript标准,但是Javascript也有其他ECMA规范/标准中没有的特性。

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

JavaScript = ECMAScript + DOM API;

DOM API like: document.getElementById('id');

DOM API:. getelementbyid(“id”);

Do other languages use the ECMAScript standard?


  • Yes, there are languages other than JavaScript that also implement the ECMAScript Standard as their core.
  • 是的,除了JavaScript之外还有其他语言,它们也实现了ECMAScript标准作为其核心。
  • ActionScript (used by Adobe Flash) and JScript (used by Microsoft) are both languages that implement the ECMAScript standard.
  • ActionScript(由Adobe Flash使用)和JScript(由微软使用)都是实现ECMAScript标准的语言。

Why is it called ECMAScript?


  • Javascript was originally created at Netscape, and they wanted to standardize the language. So, they submitted the language to the European Computer Manufacturer’s Association (ECMA) for standardization.
  • Javascript最初是在Netscape中创建的,他们想要标准化这种语言。因此,他们向欧洲计算机制造商协会(ECMA)提交了标准化语言。
  • But, there were trademark issues with the name Javascript, and the standard became called ECMAScript, which is the name it holds today as well.
  • 但是,Javascript这个名字有商标问题,标准变成了ECMAScript,这也是它今天的名字。
  • Because of trademark issues, Microsoft’s version of the language is called JScript – even though JScript is, at it’s core, the same language as Javascript.
  • 由于商标问题,微软版本的语言被称为JScript——尽管它的核心是与Javascript相同的语言。

< Update: > For those who care about history

<更新:> 给那些关心历史的人

  • 1995: Originally named Mocha and changed to Livescript
  • 1995年:原名摩卡,改名为Livescript
  • 1997: ECMAScript standard is established
  • 1997年:建立了ECMAScript标准。
  • 1999: ES3 comes out and IE5 is all the rage
  • 1999年:ES3问世,IE5风靡一时
  • 2000–2005: XMLHttpRequest, a.k.a. AJAX, gains popularity in app such as Outlook Web Access (2000) and Oddpost (2002), Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005).
  • 2000 - 2005: XMLHttpRequest,又称AJAX,在Outlook Web Access(2000)和Oddpost(2002)、Gmail(2004)和谷歌Maps(2005)等应用中越来越流行。
  • 2009: ES5 comes out (this is what most of us use now) with forEach, Object.keys, Object.create (specially for Douglas Crockford), and standard JSON
  • 2009: ES5在forEach对象中出现(这是我们大多数人现在使用的)。钥匙,对象。创建(特别为Douglas Crockford创建)和标准JSON
  • 2015: ES6/ECMAScript2015 comes out; it has mostly syntactic sugar, because people weren’t able to agree on anything more ground breaking (ES7?)
  • 2015:ES6 / ECMAScript2015出来;它主要含有句法上的糖分,因为人们无法就更多的突破达成一致(ES7?)



Various JavaScript versions are implementations of the ECMAScript standard.




i know this is an old post but hopefully this will help someone.


In the 1990’s different versions of js started coming out like javascript from netscape, Js script from Microsoft. So ecmascript was introduced as a standard. But ecmascript forms only a part of javascript which specifies its core syntax,types,objects etc. Probably that explains the inconsistent implementations of javascript across diff. browsers


Reference - Wrox(Professional Javascript For Web Developers)

参考- Wrox(Web开发人员的专业Javascript)



In my understanding, ECMAScript is the "Theory" or "Specification", and Javascript is "Practicals" or "Implementation".




JavaScript is a ECMAScript language.


ECMAScript isn't necessarily JavaScript.




Existing answers paraphrase the main point quite well.


The main point is that ECMAScript is the bare abstract language, without any domain specific extensions, it's useless in itself. The specification defines only the language and the core objects of it.


While JavaScript and ActionScript and other dialects add the domain specific library to it, so you can use it for something meaningful.


There are many ECMAScript engines, some of them are open source, others are proprietary. You can link them into your program then add your native functions to the global object so your program becomes scriptable. Although most often they are used in browsers.




Javascript was the original name, meant to capitalize on the popularity of java. ECMA is the standards body that oversees the standard that was eventually put in place so the names are roughly equivalent.


Implementations have other names, like V8 or Rhino, etc.




I doubt we'd ever use the word "ECMAScript" if not for the fact that the name "JavaScript" is owned by Sun. For all intents and purposes, the language is JavaScript. You don't go to the bookstore looking for ECMAScript books, do you?


It's a bit too simple to say that "JavaScript" is the implementation. JScript is Microsoft's implementation.




JavaScript is one branch of languages formed around the ECMAScript standard. I believe ECMA is the European Computer Manufacturers Association, not that this is really relevant or anything.


Don't forget another popular language formed around the ECMA Script standard is ActionScript, used in Adobe Flash/Flex.

不要忘记在ECMA脚本标准中形成的另一种流行语言是ActionScript,它在Adobe Flash/Flex中使用。



ECMAScript is a standard for JavaScript, look at these statements from MDN:




JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted or JIT-compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g. functional programming) styles. Read more about JavaScript.

JavaScript是一种轻量级的解释或jit编译的编程语言,具有一流的函数。虽然它是Web页面的脚本语言,但许多非浏览器环境也使用它,比如node。js、Apache CouchDB和adobeacrobat。JavaScript是一种基于原型、多范式、动态语言,支持面向对象、命令式和声明式(例如函数式编程)风格。阅读更多关于JavaScript。


The standard for JavaScript is ECMAScript. As of 2012, all modern browsers fully support ECMAScript 5.1. Older browsers support at least ECMAScript 3. On June 17, 2015, ECMA International published the sixth major version of ECMAScript, which is officially called ECMAScript 2015, and was initially referred to as ECMAScript 6 or ES6. Since then, ECMAScript standards are on yearly release cycles. This documentation refers to the latest draft version, which is currently ECMAScript 2018.

JavaScript的标准是ECMAScript。到2012年,所有现代浏览器都完全支持ECMAScript 5.1。旧浏览器至少支持ECMAScript 3。2015年6月17日,ECMA International出版了《ECMAScript第六版》,正式名称为《ECMAScript 2015》,最初被称为《ECMAScript 6》或《ES6》。从那时起,ECMAScript标准每年发布一次。该文档参考了最新的草案版本,目前是2018年的ECMAScript。

For more info, visit here




ECMAScript is nothing but a standard or specification defined in order to create different scripting languages and one of them happens to be JavaScript. It has been created with the sole purpose of cross-browser compatibility


A standard guarantees that if somebody writes a code following the rules of the standard then the code would run fine in a browser(in case of javascript) if the browser implements the same standard.


Why do we need a standard?


When Javascript was first created by Netscape then there was a war going on between all the browser vendors in the market . Microsoft implemented its own version of javascript in internet explorer . Similarly other browser vendors implemented their own versions.

当Netscape最初创建Javascript时,市场上所有浏览器供应商之间都在进行一场战争。微软在internet explorer中实现了自己的javascript版本。类似地,其他浏览器厂商也实现了自己的版本。

All this created a huge problem for the developers.One code ran fine on Netscape but was a total waste on Internet Explorer . To solve cross browser compatibilty Javascript was standardised by ECMA international ; hence the name ECMAscript.

所有这些都给开发人员带来了巨大的问题。一段代码在Netscape上运行良好,但在Internet Explorer上完全是浪费。为解决跨浏览器兼容问题,ECMA international对Javascript进行了标准化;因此ECMAscript的名称。

All browers agreed to implement ECMAscript(though it took a lot of time).


The result is that now the same code runs fine in all browsers.


The exception is DOM(Document object model) . DOM is still interpreted in different ways in different browsers . However there is good news . Slowly all browsers are adhering to the same DOM standard .




Here are my findings:


JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, written by David Flanagan provides a very concise explanation:

由David Flanagan撰写的权威指南提供了一个非常简明的解释:

JavaScript was created at Netscape in the early days of the Web, and technically, "JavaScript" is a trademark licensed from Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) used to describe Netscape's (now Mozilla's) implementation of the language. Netscape submitted the language for standardization to ECMA and because of trademark issues, the standardized version of the language was stuck with the awkward name "ECMAScript". For the same trademark reasons, Microsoft's version of the language is formally known as "JScript". In practice, just about everyone calls the language JavaScript.


A blog post by Microsoft seems to agree with what Flanagan explains by saying..


ECMAScript is the official name for the JavaScript language we all know and love.


.. which makes me think all occurrences of JavaScript in this reference post (by Microsoft again) must be replaced by ECMASCript. They actually seem to be careful with using ECMAScript only in this, more recent and more technical documentation page.

. .这让我想到,在这篇参考文章中出现的所有JavaScript必须被ECMASCript取代。实际上,他们似乎只在最近的技术文档页面上使用ECMAScript。 seems to agree with the definitions above:


JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995, and became an ECMA standard in 1997. ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard. ECMAScript is the official name of the language.


The key here is: the official name of the language.


If you check Mozilla 's JavaScript version pages, you will encounter the following statement:


Deprecated. The explicit versioning and opt-in of language features was Mozilla-specific and are in process of being removed. Firefox 4 was the last version which referred to a JavaScript version (1.8.5). With new ECMA standards, JavaScript language features are now often mentioned with their initial definition in ECMA-262 Editions such as ECMAScript 2015.

弃用。语言特性的显式版本控制和选择是特定于mozilla的,并且正在被移除。Firefox 4是最后一个提到JavaScript版本的版本(1.8.5)。有了新的ECMA标准,JavaScript语言特性现在常常会在ECMA-262版本(如ECMAScript 2015)中被首次定义。

and when you see the recent release notes, you will always see reference to ECMAScript standards, such as:


  • The ES2015 Symbol.toStringTag property has been implemented (bug 1114580).

    ES2015符号。已经实现了toStringTag属性(bug 1114580)。

  • The ES2015 TypedArray.prototype.toString() and TypedArray.prototype.toLocaleString() methods have been implemented (bug 1121938).

    ES2015 TypedArray.prototype.toString()和TypedArray.prototype.toLocaleString()方法已经实现(bug 1121938)。

Mozilla Web Docs also has a page that explains the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript:

Mozilla Web文档也有一个页面来解释ECMAScript和JavaScript的区别:

However, the umbrella term "JavaScript" as understood in a web browser context contains several very different elements. One of them is the core language (ECMAScript), another is the collection of the Web APIs, including the DOM (Document Object Model).

但是,在web浏览器上下文中理解的统称“JavaScript”包含几个非常不同的元素。其中之一是核心语言(ECMAScript),另一个是Web api的集合,包括DOM(文档对象模型)。



To my understanding, people use the word JavaScript somewhat liberally to refer to the core ECMAScript specification.


I would say, all the modern JavaScript implementations (or JavaScript Engines) are in fact ECMAScript implementations. Check the definition of the V8 Engine from Google, for example:


V8 is Google’s open source high-performance JavaScript engine, written in C++ and used in Google Chrome, the open source browser from Google, and in Node.js, among others. It implements ECMAScript as specified in ECMA-262.


They seem to use the word JavaScript and ECMAScript interchangeably, and I would say it is actually an ECMAScript engine?


So most JavaScript Engines are actually implementing the ECMAScript standard, but instead of calling them ECMAScript engines, they call themselves JavaScript Engines. This answer also supports the way I see the situation.
