JavaScript框架和库有什么区别? [重复]

时间:2021-06-08 13:19:51

Possible Duplicate:
Framework vs. Toolkit vs. Library


I would like to know what is the difference between a JavaScript framework and a library by using some example.


For instance, jquery, backbone.js and jasmine are JavaScript framework or library? And why?


Can you provide some example of JavaScript framework and a library using the sentence Don't call Us, We'll call You.


6 个解决方案



Even tho this question is highly subjective, my personal opinion about those two is this:


  • Framework: this describes a given structure of "how" you should present your code. Pretty much like a code-template, along some helpers, constructors etc. to solve/simplify a specific problem or bring your architecture in "order". Examples, "Backbone", "requireJS", "socketIO".


  • Library: Is an entire toolkit which highly abstracts different layers, like browsers / DOM models / etc. Also as a good toolkit, it offers a lot of tools and neat stuff to work with, which in general, simplify your coding experience. Examples "jQuery", "MooTools", "YUI"

    库:是一个完整的工具包,可以高度抽象不同的层,如浏览器/ DOM模型/等。作为一个很好的工具包,它提供了许多工具和简洁的工作,通常可以简化您的编码体验。示例“jQuery”,“MooTools”,“YUI”



I agree with jAndy, in my opinion a framework imposes structure upon your code in order to address a particular problem and a library is a generic set of tools that aid you in various tasks, without necessarily addressing the same problem.


In this respect:


  • jQuery is a library because it abstracts a lot of browser incompatibilities but imposes no structure on your code.
  • jQuery是一个库,因为它抽象了许多浏览器不兼容性,但在代码上没有任何结构。
  • underscore.js is a library because it's a collection of utilities to manipulate data structures and other goodies.
  • underscore.js是一个库,因为它是一组操作数据结构和其他好东西的实用程序。
  • backbone.js is a framework because it structures your front-end code to match the MVC pattern.
  • backbone.js是一个框架,因为它构造您的前端代码以匹配MVC模式。
  • Jasmine is a framework because it structures your code so that you can do BDD easily.
  • Jasmine是一个框架,因为它构建了您的代码,因此您可以轻松地执行BDD。

Regarding your suggested example, frameworks fit the don't call us paradigm, because most of them impose the flow of the code (some sort of inversion of control). You call the libraries, they don't call your code.


This is a subjective opinion, so take it as such.




A framework encapsulates common application functionality, allowing the developer to focus on the parts that are unique to their application. That means the developer writes pieces of code that get called by the framework when various things happen; Ex: backbone.js, or jasmine. Libraries are packages of code that typically get called by your application to perform a task, like DOM manipulation or HTTP requests. Ex: jQuery.




A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications.


and Some JavaScript libraries, such as YUI, are classified as frameworks since they exhibit full-stack capabilities and properties not found in general JavaScript libraries.




JavaScript is a scripting language.


JQuery is a JavaScript library that handles many commonly used features and also handles the differences between, e.g., Internet Explorer and standards-compliant browsers. It's something you can use to reduce the amount of work when creating web-based applications.

JQuery是一个JavaScript库,可以处理许多常用功能,还可以处理Internet Explorer和符合标准的浏览器之间的差异。在创建基于Web的应用程序时,您可以使用它来减少工作量。



There is no real definition of the difference between those two, but in general I would say that a framework is a more general "multi-tool" thing than a library, which is usually very specialized.


For example, Sylvester is a matrix and vector math library. It is very specific in its functionality.


A framework like Prototype on the other hand offers much more than just a limited set of very specialized functionality. It may even use or consist of multiple libraries internally.


Important: In the end, people use "framework" and "library" as they see fit. Unfortunately ;)




Even tho this question is highly subjective, my personal opinion about those two is this:


  • Framework: this describes a given structure of "how" you should present your code. Pretty much like a code-template, along some helpers, constructors etc. to solve/simplify a specific problem or bring your architecture in "order". Examples, "Backbone", "requireJS", "socketIO".


  • Library: Is an entire toolkit which highly abstracts different layers, like browsers / DOM models / etc. Also as a good toolkit, it offers a lot of tools and neat stuff to work with, which in general, simplify your coding experience. Examples "jQuery", "MooTools", "YUI"

    库:是一个完整的工具包,可以高度抽象不同的层,如浏览器/ DOM模型/等。作为一个很好的工具包,它提供了许多工具和简洁的工作,通常可以简化您的编码体验。示例“jQuery”,“MooTools”,“YUI”



I agree with jAndy, in my opinion a framework imposes structure upon your code in order to address a particular problem and a library is a generic set of tools that aid you in various tasks, without necessarily addressing the same problem.


In this respect:


  • jQuery is a library because it abstracts a lot of browser incompatibilities but imposes no structure on your code.
  • jQuery是一个库,因为它抽象了许多浏览器不兼容性,但在代码上没有任何结构。
  • underscore.js is a library because it's a collection of utilities to manipulate data structures and other goodies.
  • underscore.js是一个库,因为它是一组操作数据结构和其他好东西的实用程序。
  • backbone.js is a framework because it structures your front-end code to match the MVC pattern.
  • backbone.js是一个框架,因为它构造您的前端代码以匹配MVC模式。
  • Jasmine is a framework because it structures your code so that you can do BDD easily.
  • Jasmine是一个框架,因为它构建了您的代码,因此您可以轻松地执行BDD。

Regarding your suggested example, frameworks fit the don't call us paradigm, because most of them impose the flow of the code (some sort of inversion of control). You call the libraries, they don't call your code.


This is a subjective opinion, so take it as such.




A framework encapsulates common application functionality, allowing the developer to focus on the parts that are unique to their application. That means the developer writes pieces of code that get called by the framework when various things happen; Ex: backbone.js, or jasmine. Libraries are packages of code that typically get called by your application to perform a task, like DOM manipulation or HTTP requests. Ex: jQuery.




A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript which allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications.


and Some JavaScript libraries, such as YUI, are classified as frameworks since they exhibit full-stack capabilities and properties not found in general JavaScript libraries.




JavaScript is a scripting language.


JQuery is a JavaScript library that handles many commonly used features and also handles the differences between, e.g., Internet Explorer and standards-compliant browsers. It's something you can use to reduce the amount of work when creating web-based applications.

JQuery是一个JavaScript库,可以处理许多常用功能,还可以处理Internet Explorer和符合标准的浏览器之间的差异。在创建基于Web的应用程序时,您可以使用它来减少工作量。



There is no real definition of the difference between those two, but in general I would say that a framework is a more general "multi-tool" thing than a library, which is usually very specialized.


For example, Sylvester is a matrix and vector math library. It is very specific in its functionality.


A framework like Prototype on the other hand offers much more than just a limited set of very specialized functionality. It may even use or consist of multiple libraries internally.


Important: In the end, people use "framework" and "library" as they see fit. Unfortunately ;)
