
时间:2020-12-10 13:16:41

We're developing a site that will only run on the intranet, and computers with access to this intranet will have this executable installed. We can't have any "Would you like to open [filename].exe?" prompts. Click a link and the program begins running.

我们正在开发一个只能在Intranet上运行的站点,并且可以访问此Intranet的计算机将安装此可执行文件。我们不能有任何“你想打开[filename] .exe吗?”提示。单击一个链接,程序开始运行。

I realize that giving websites the ability to run executables on the client machine is very, very bad, but management refuses to budge on this.


Machines will have Windows (XP or up) with Firefox 3.

机器将使用Firefox 3的Windows(XP或更高版本)。

11 个解决方案


We're developing a site that will only run on the intranet, and computers with access to this intranet will have this executable installed.


Does this mean the EXE is already installed on the desktop? You just want to launch it from the website?


If so, you can associate the EXE with a MIME Content Type and when the user clicks it, it will launch.


Pick a Content Type and a file extension, for your EXE name, for instance:


Associated with .chaos file extenstion
Content Type will be: application/chaos

Associate the file extension with your EXE via the EXE install. I show it here, using InnoSetup


Root: HKCR; Subkey: .chaos; ValueType: string; ValueData: CauseChaos; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos; ValueType: string; ValueData: CauseChaos Tool; Flags: uninsdeletekey 
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos\DefaultIcon; ValueType: string; ValueData: {app}\CauseChaos.exe,0; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\CauseChaos.exe ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletekey

Associate the MIME content type with the file extension, through the EXE install.


[Registry] (continued...)
Root: HKCR; Subkey: HKCR\Mime\Database\Content Type\application/chaos; ValueType: string; ValueName: Extension; ValueData: .chaos; Flags: uninsdeletevalue


Been there done that. MIME types (accepted answer at the moment I add this) requires a lot of configuring on client and server.This is quite a bit of work, and you end up with temporary files etc.

去过也做过。 MIME类型(我添加此时接受的答案)需要在客户端和服务器上进行大量配置。这是相当多的工作,你最终得到临时文件等。

Our solution was to add our own "Custom URL Protocol Handler". Basically, add URL type x-our-intranet and make your corporate app the URL handler for it. Now any link will start your corporate app, passing "x-our-intrenet:foo" as a command-line argument. All it takes is a client-side registry entry, similar to the MIME types.



Try this JavaScript:


function executeCommands(inputparms)
// Instantiate the Shell object and invoke its execute method.

var oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");

var commandtoRun = "c:\windows\Notepad.exe";

// Invoke the execute method. 
oShell.ShellExecute(commandtoRun, commandParms, "", "open", "1"); 

You will have to set the browser security settings accordingly, and this would work only in IE.



The only way I could possibly imagine this working is through some sort of ActiveX control which would run your executable, but I don't know how feasible that is with Firefox.


This should be one of those things where -you- should be refusing to budge on it, not management.



I recommend you take a look at Adobe Flex / Air, it is designed with this model in mind and the inherent security barn door that it opens.

我建议你看一下Adobe Flex / Air,它的设计考虑了这个型号以及它打开的固有安全谷仓门。


I agree with the rest, I'm pretty sure you can't do this anymore (and especially in Firefox). This is how many of the spyware/adware programs got installed back in the day. You will have to take a stand and just tell management that its impossible.



An active X control is the easiest way. There is a plugin for firefox that allows you to host active X controls. Or you could just write an NS Plugin to handle this.



This is an old article about web deployment of executables. I know this is possible using Internet Explorer (because of our fragmented development team we still have to support some of this). I don't know about the firefox implications.

这是一篇关于可执行文件的Web部署的旧文章。我知道这可以使用Internet Explorer(因为我们支离破碎的开发团队,我们仍然需要支持其中一些)。我不知道firefox的含义。


Using a "file:///c:/Program Files/myprogs/myprog.exe" URL in the link used to work for IE. But, I have not tried this in a long time.

在用于IE的链接中使用“file:/// c:/ Program Files / myprogs / myprog.exe”URL。但是,我很久没有尝试过这个了。

I would recommend the MIME type method above or adding a special URI prefix "chaos://myparams" that is handled by that executable.

我建议使用上面的MIME类型方法或添加由该可执行文件处理的特殊URI前缀“chaos:// myparams”。


I understand completely what you are wanting. All I read on the internet is people mentioning this is a big security breach etc... However, I dont guess they understand why you would want this implemented and I will explain why I need this and am working on a solution to this problem and am getting very close.


I have many different user applications, ex. Call Center, etc... I am currently working on a lockdown desktop that runs in Kiosk mode. All the user will see is a blue screen with some computer information and an IE icon. My goal is to run the Microsoft Office, and some internal Client/Server apps from this page. It works perfectly fine as everything is still there just my users cannot see it. However, I'm having the same issues as you. My network is very secure utilizing MPLS, internal and external managed Routers, Firewalls/ASA's, and plenty of security professionals. Plus, this is strictly INTERNAL only. So, in my opinion its perfectly ok. So, if I come up with some sort of workaround solution for this I will post it.

我有很多不同的用户应用程序,例如。呼叫中心等...我目前正在研究一种在Kiosk模式下运行的锁定桌面。所有用户都会看到一个带有一些计算机信息和IE图标的蓝屏。我的目标是从此页面运行Microsoft Office和一些内部客户端/服务器应用程序。它工作得很好,因为一切都还在那里,只是我的用户看不到它。但是,我遇到了和你一样的问题。我的网络使用MPLS,内部和外部管理路由器,防火墙/ ASA以及大量安全专业人员非常安全。另外,这仅限于INTERNAL。所以,在我看来,它完全可以。所以,如果我想出一些解决方法,我会发布它。


I don't even know if that is possible. As mentioned above maybe using an ActiveX control, but then you are going to have problems with browser support and people's security settings. Not to mention the moral implications of you hijacking someone's PC.



We're developing a site that will only run on the intranet, and computers with access to this intranet will have this executable installed.


Does this mean the EXE is already installed on the desktop? You just want to launch it from the website?


If so, you can associate the EXE with a MIME Content Type and when the user clicks it, it will launch.


Pick a Content Type and a file extension, for your EXE name, for instance:


Associated with .chaos file extenstion
Content Type will be: application/chaos

Associate the file extension with your EXE via the EXE install. I show it here, using InnoSetup


Root: HKCR; Subkey: .chaos; ValueType: string; ValueData: CauseChaos; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos; ValueType: string; ValueData: CauseChaos Tool; Flags: uninsdeletekey 
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos\DefaultIcon; ValueType: string; ValueData: {app}\CauseChaos.exe,0; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: CauseChaos\shell\open\command; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\CauseChaos.exe ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletekey

Associate the MIME content type with the file extension, through the EXE install.


[Registry] (continued...)
Root: HKCR; Subkey: HKCR\Mime\Database\Content Type\application/chaos; ValueType: string; ValueName: Extension; ValueData: .chaos; Flags: uninsdeletevalue


Been there done that. MIME types (accepted answer at the moment I add this) requires a lot of configuring on client and server.This is quite a bit of work, and you end up with temporary files etc.

去过也做过。 MIME类型(我添加此时接受的答案)需要在客户端和服务器上进行大量配置。这是相当多的工作,你最终得到临时文件等。

Our solution was to add our own "Custom URL Protocol Handler". Basically, add URL type x-our-intranet and make your corporate app the URL handler for it. Now any link will start your corporate app, passing "x-our-intrenet:foo" as a command-line argument. All it takes is a client-side registry entry, similar to the MIME types.



Try this JavaScript:


function executeCommands(inputparms)
// Instantiate the Shell object and invoke its execute method.

var oShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");

var commandtoRun = "c:\windows\Notepad.exe";

// Invoke the execute method. 
oShell.ShellExecute(commandtoRun, commandParms, "", "open", "1"); 

You will have to set the browser security settings accordingly, and this would work only in IE.



The only way I could possibly imagine this working is through some sort of ActiveX control which would run your executable, but I don't know how feasible that is with Firefox.


This should be one of those things where -you- should be refusing to budge on it, not management.



I recommend you take a look at Adobe Flex / Air, it is designed with this model in mind and the inherent security barn door that it opens.

我建议你看一下Adobe Flex / Air,它的设计考虑了这个型号以及它打开的固有安全谷仓门。


I agree with the rest, I'm pretty sure you can't do this anymore (and especially in Firefox). This is how many of the spyware/adware programs got installed back in the day. You will have to take a stand and just tell management that its impossible.



An active X control is the easiest way. There is a plugin for firefox that allows you to host active X controls. Or you could just write an NS Plugin to handle this.



This is an old article about web deployment of executables. I know this is possible using Internet Explorer (because of our fragmented development team we still have to support some of this). I don't know about the firefox implications.

这是一篇关于可执行文件的Web部署的旧文章。我知道这可以使用Internet Explorer(因为我们支离破碎的开发团队,我们仍然需要支持其中一些)。我不知道firefox的含义。


Using a "file:///c:/Program Files/myprogs/myprog.exe" URL in the link used to work for IE. But, I have not tried this in a long time.

在用于IE的链接中使用“file:/// c:/ Program Files / myprogs / myprog.exe”URL。但是,我很久没有尝试过这个了。

I would recommend the MIME type method above or adding a special URI prefix "chaos://myparams" that is handled by that executable.

我建议使用上面的MIME类型方法或添加由该可执行文件处理的特殊URI前缀“chaos:// myparams”。


I understand completely what you are wanting. All I read on the internet is people mentioning this is a big security breach etc... However, I dont guess they understand why you would want this implemented and I will explain why I need this and am working on a solution to this problem and am getting very close.


I have many different user applications, ex. Call Center, etc... I am currently working on a lockdown desktop that runs in Kiosk mode. All the user will see is a blue screen with some computer information and an IE icon. My goal is to run the Microsoft Office, and some internal Client/Server apps from this page. It works perfectly fine as everything is still there just my users cannot see it. However, I'm having the same issues as you. My network is very secure utilizing MPLS, internal and external managed Routers, Firewalls/ASA's, and plenty of security professionals. Plus, this is strictly INTERNAL only. So, in my opinion its perfectly ok. So, if I come up with some sort of workaround solution for this I will post it.

我有很多不同的用户应用程序,例如。呼叫中心等...我目前正在研究一种在Kiosk模式下运行的锁定桌面。所有用户都会看到一个带有一些计算机信息和IE图标的蓝屏。我的目标是从此页面运行Microsoft Office和一些内部客户端/服务器应用程序。它工作得很好,因为一切都还在那里,只是我的用户看不到它。但是,我遇到了和你一样的问题。我的网络使用MPLS,内部和外部管理路由器,防火墙/ ASA以及大量安全专业人员非常安全。另外,这仅限于INTERNAL。所以,在我看来,它完全可以。所以,如果我想出一些解决方法,我会发布它。


I don't even know if that is possible. As mentioned above maybe using an ActiveX control, but then you are going to have problems with browser support and people's security settings. Not to mention the moral implications of you hijacking someone's PC.
