
时间:2023-01-07 13:14:10

I write automated test with Ruby(Selenium framework) and I need to know how can I select an option from drop-down list.


Thanks in advance!


5 个解决方案


building on floehopper's answer:


selenium.addSelection(locator, value)
selenium.select(locator, value)

You almost certainly want "id=my_select_box_id" (with the quotes) for locator, though other CSS selectors will work. value is the literal text value (not the display value) of the option to be selected.

您几乎肯定希望“id = my_select_box_id”(带引号)用于定位器,但其他CSS选择器也可以使用。 value是要选择的选项的文字文本值(不是显示值)。


It sounds like you are writing a functional test here. Selecting it probably won't do you much good on its own. You need to submit the form in order to test the controller. :) It might help people answering to know which testing framework you are using, because there are several to choose from. If you are using RSpec, check out this screencast.

听起来你在这里写了一个功能测试。选择它可能不会对你有好处。您需要提交表单以测试控制器。 :)它可能有助于人们回答你知道你正在使用哪个测试框架,因为有几个可供选择。如果您使用的是RSpec,请查看此截屏视频。

Hope that helps anyway.



Aside from functional tests, if you're looking for something that acts a bit more like the real app, have a look at WebRat. For non-AJAXed integration tests, it has a very nice DSL for selection your DOMs and taking appropriate actions against them. (link-clicking form-filling etc.).

除了功能测试之外,如果您正在寻找更像真实应用程序的东西,请查看WebRat。对于非AJAXed集成测试,它有一个非常好的DSL,用于选择您的DOM并对它们采取适当的措施。 (链接点击表格填写等)。

On the other hand if your App is an external Web App that you just want to do acceptance tests on, you can also check Selenimum or Watir.


Note that WeRat is heavily web framework based where as Selenimum and Watir use the browser to interact with your web app directly (like a real user).



I think you want this command :-

我想你想要这个命令: -

select(selectLocator, optionLocator)
  • selectLocator identifies the drop down list
  • selectLocator标识下拉列表

  • optionLocator identifies the option within the list
  • optionLocator标识列表中的选项


Easiest way of doing this: select(selectLocator,optionLocator) as suggested above.


selectLocator: name or xpath for dropdown object optionLocator: name or xpath for dropdown option to be selected

selectLocator:下拉对象的名称或xpath optionLocator:要选择的下拉选项的name或xpath


@selenium.select "Language", "label=Ruby"


building on floehopper's answer:


selenium.addSelection(locator, value)
selenium.select(locator, value)

You almost certainly want "id=my_select_box_id" (with the quotes) for locator, though other CSS selectors will work. value is the literal text value (not the display value) of the option to be selected.

您几乎肯定希望“id = my_select_box_id”(带引号)用于定位器,但其他CSS选择器也可以使用。 value是要选择的选项的文字文本值(不是显示值)。


It sounds like you are writing a functional test here. Selecting it probably won't do you much good on its own. You need to submit the form in order to test the controller. :) It might help people answering to know which testing framework you are using, because there are several to choose from. If you are using RSpec, check out this screencast.

听起来你在这里写了一个功能测试。选择它可能不会对你有好处。您需要提交表单以测试控制器。 :)它可能有助于人们回答你知道你正在使用哪个测试框架,因为有几个可供选择。如果您使用的是RSpec,请查看此截屏视频。

Hope that helps anyway.



Aside from functional tests, if you're looking for something that acts a bit more like the real app, have a look at WebRat. For non-AJAXed integration tests, it has a very nice DSL for selection your DOMs and taking appropriate actions against them. (link-clicking form-filling etc.).

除了功能测试之外,如果您正在寻找更像真实应用程序的东西,请查看WebRat。对于非AJAXed集成测试,它有一个非常好的DSL,用于选择您的DOM并对它们采取适当的措施。 (链接点击表格填写等)。

On the other hand if your App is an external Web App that you just want to do acceptance tests on, you can also check Selenimum or Watir.


Note that WeRat is heavily web framework based where as Selenimum and Watir use the browser to interact with your web app directly (like a real user).



I think you want this command :-

我想你想要这个命令: -

select(selectLocator, optionLocator)
  • selectLocator identifies the drop down list
  • selectLocator标识下拉列表

  • optionLocator identifies the option within the list
  • optionLocator标识列表中的选项


Easiest way of doing this: select(selectLocator,optionLocator) as suggested above.


selectLocator: name or xpath for dropdown object optionLocator: name or xpath for dropdown option to be selected

selectLocator:下拉对象的名称或xpath optionLocator:要选择的下拉选项的name或xpath


@selenium.select "Language", "label=Ruby"