
时间:2020-12-16 12:15:57

I have a powershell script. Executing this will create a session with remote computer and execute some scriptblock inside remote computer. After that execution I need to send a mail.


So, I get the arguments required (like from, to, subject, body, smtp server, credentials) etc locally as shown below:

所以,我在本地得到所需的参数(如from,to,subject,body,smtp server,credentials)等,如下所示:

 $param = @{
SmtpServer = 'SMTPServer'
Port = 587
UseSsl = $true
Credential  = $crede
From = 'server@domain.in'
To = 'userv@domain.in'
Subject = 'Hi'
Body = "Hello"

$crede has value (username explicitly given, password reading from a text file).

$ crede具有值(明确给出用户名,从文本文件读取密码)。

And I call that param as shown below:


Send-MailMessage  $using:param

This is inside an Invoke-Command.

But when I run this program it asks me for the mail message details like from, to, smtp server etc.. Please note that these values are given on $param locally. I guess $param values are not being passed to the remote session.

但是当我运行这个程序时,它会询问我的邮件消息详细信息,如from,to,smtp server等。请注意,这些值是在$ param本地给出的。我猜$ param值没有传递给远程会话。

Can someone please support me. Any help would be really appreciated.


2 个解决方案


I just had a similar issue.


$processName = myProcess.exe
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $anycomputer -Credential $credentials

# powershell syntax requires -Scriptblock and { on this line
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
  param([string] $processName)
  Get-Process -Name $processName 
} -Args $processName

Remove-PSSession $session


$processName = myProcess.exe $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $anycomputer -Credential $credentials

$ processName = myProcess.exe $ session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ anycomputer -Credential $ credentials

Invoke-Command -Session $session {Get-Process -Name $using:processName}

Invoke-Command -Session $ session {Get-Process -Name $ using:processName}


I just had a similar issue.


$processName = myProcess.exe
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $anycomputer -Credential $credentials

# powershell syntax requires -Scriptblock and { on this line
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
  param([string] $processName)
  Get-Process -Name $processName 
} -Args $processName

Remove-PSSession $session


$processName = myProcess.exe $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $anycomputer -Credential $credentials

$ processName = myProcess.exe $ session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ anycomputer -Credential $ credentials

Invoke-Command -Session $session {Get-Process -Name $using:processName}

Invoke-Command -Session $ session {Get-Process -Name $ using:processName}