
时间:2022-10-17 12:09:08

On a simple directory creation operation for example, I can make an OSError like this:


(Ubuntu Linux)

(Ubuntu Linux)

>>> import os
>>> os.mkdir('foo')
>>> os.mkdir('foo')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'foo'

Now I can catch that error like this:


>>> import os
>>> os.mkdir('foo')
>>> try:
...     os.mkdir('foo')
... except OSError, e:
...     print e.args
(17, 'File exists')

Is there a cross-platform way that I can know that that the 17 or the 'File Exists' will always mean the same thing so that I can act differently depending on the situation?


(This came up during another question.)


1 个解决方案



The errno attribute on the error should be the same on all platforms. You will get WindowsError exceptions on Windows, but since this is a subclass of OSError the same "except OSError:" block will catch it. Windows does have its own error codes, and these are accessible as .winerror, but the .errno attribute should still be present, and usable in a cross-platform way.

错误的errno属性应该在所有平台上都相同。您将在Windows上获得WindowsError异常,但由于这是OSError的子类,因此相同的“除OSError:”块将捕获它。 Windows确实有自己的错误代码,这些代码可以作为.winerror访问,但.errno属性应该仍然存在,并且可以跨平台方式使用。

Symbolic names for the various error codes can be found in the errno module. For example,


import os, errno
except OSError, e:
    if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
        # Do something

You can also perform the reverse lookup (to find out what code you should be using) with errno.errorcode. That is:


>>> errno.errorcode[17]



The errno attribute on the error should be the same on all platforms. You will get WindowsError exceptions on Windows, but since this is a subclass of OSError the same "except OSError:" block will catch it. Windows does have its own error codes, and these are accessible as .winerror, but the .errno attribute should still be present, and usable in a cross-platform way.

错误的errno属性应该在所有平台上都相同。您将在Windows上获得WindowsError异常,但由于这是OSError的子类,因此相同的“除OSError:”块将捕获它。 Windows确实有自己的错误代码,这些代码可以作为.winerror访问,但.errno属性应该仍然存在,并且可以跨平台方式使用。

Symbolic names for the various error codes can be found in the errno module. For example,


import os, errno
except OSError, e:
    if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
        # Do something

You can also perform the reverse lookup (to find out what code you should be using) with errno.errorcode. That is:


>>> errno.errorcode[17]