
时间:2022-02-14 10:44:51

In my home folder in Linux I have several config files that have "rc" as a file name extension:


$ ls -a ~/|pcregrep 'rc$'

What does the "rc" in these names mean?


3 个解决方案



Looks like one of the following:


- run commands
- resource control
- run control
- runtime configuration

Also I've found a citation:


The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix's grandparent, CTSS.
It had a command-script feature called "runcom". Early
Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the operating system's
boot script, as a tribute to CTSS runcom.



Runtime Configuration normally if it's in the config. think of them as resource files. If you see RC in file name this could be version i.e. Release Candidate.

运行时配置通常是在配置中。把它们看作是资源文件。如果您在文件名中看到RC,则可以是版本,即Release Candidate。

Edit: No I take it back official.... "run commands"


[Unix: from runcom files on the CTSS system 1962-63, via the startup script /etc/rc] Script file containing startup instructions for an application program (or an entire operating system), usually a text file containing commands of the sort that might have been invoked manually once the system was running but are to be executed automatically each time the system starts up.

从CTSS runcom文件系统[Unix:1962 - 63,通过启动脚本/etc/rc]包含启动脚本文件指示应用程序(或一个完整的操作系统),通常是一个文本文件包含命令的调用可能是手动一旦系统运行,但在每次系统启动时自动执行。

Thus, it would seem that the "rc" part stands for "runcom", which I believe can be expanded to "run commands". In fact, this is exactly what the file contains, commands that bash should run.


Quote: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/3467/what-does-rc-in-bashrc-stand-for


I learn something new. :)




To understand rc files, it helps to know that Ubuntu boots into several different runlevels. They are 0-6, 0 being "halt", 1 being "single-user", 2 being "multi-user"(the default runlevel), etc. This system has now been outdated by the Upstart and initd programs in most Linux Distros. It is still maintained for backwards compatibility.

要理解rc文件,了解Ubuntu引导到几个不同的运行级别是很有帮助的。0- 6,0表示“停止”,1表示“单用户”,2表示“多用户”(默认运行级),等等。这个系统现在已经被大多数Linux发行版的Upstart和initd程序过时了。它仍然保持向后兼容性。

Within the /etc directory are several folders labeled "rc0.d, rc1.d" etc, through rc6.d. These are the directories the kernel refers to to know which init scripts it should run for that runlevel. They are symbolic links to the system service scripts residing in the /etc/init.d directory.

在/etc目录中有几个文件夹标为“rc0”。d,rc1。通过rc6.d d”等。这些是内核引用的目录,用于知道应该为该运行级别运行哪些init脚本。它们是位于/etc/ initit中的系统服务脚本的符号链接。d目录。

In the context you are using it, it would appear that you are listing any files with rc in the name. The code in these files will set the way the services/tasks startup and run when initialized.




Looks like one of the following:


- run commands
- resource control
- run control
- runtime configuration

Also I've found a citation:


The ‘rc’ suffix goes back to Unix's grandparent, CTSS.
It had a command-script feature called "runcom". Early
Unixes used ‘rc’ for the name of the operating system's
boot script, as a tribute to CTSS runcom.



Runtime Configuration normally if it's in the config. think of them as resource files. If you see RC in file name this could be version i.e. Release Candidate.

运行时配置通常是在配置中。把它们看作是资源文件。如果您在文件名中看到RC,则可以是版本,即Release Candidate。

Edit: No I take it back official.... "run commands"


[Unix: from runcom files on the CTSS system 1962-63, via the startup script /etc/rc] Script file containing startup instructions for an application program (or an entire operating system), usually a text file containing commands of the sort that might have been invoked manually once the system was running but are to be executed automatically each time the system starts up.

从CTSS runcom文件系统[Unix:1962 - 63,通过启动脚本/etc/rc]包含启动脚本文件指示应用程序(或一个完整的操作系统),通常是一个文本文件包含命令的调用可能是手动一旦系统运行,但在每次系统启动时自动执行。

Thus, it would seem that the "rc" part stands for "runcom", which I believe can be expanded to "run commands". In fact, this is exactly what the file contains, commands that bash should run.


Quote: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/3467/what-does-rc-in-bashrc-stand-for


I learn something new. :)




To understand rc files, it helps to know that Ubuntu boots into several different runlevels. They are 0-6, 0 being "halt", 1 being "single-user", 2 being "multi-user"(the default runlevel), etc. This system has now been outdated by the Upstart and initd programs in most Linux Distros. It is still maintained for backwards compatibility.

要理解rc文件,了解Ubuntu引导到几个不同的运行级别是很有帮助的。0- 6,0表示“停止”,1表示“单用户”,2表示“多用户”(默认运行级),等等。这个系统现在已经被大多数Linux发行版的Upstart和initd程序过时了。它仍然保持向后兼容性。

Within the /etc directory are several folders labeled "rc0.d, rc1.d" etc, through rc6.d. These are the directories the kernel refers to to know which init scripts it should run for that runlevel. They are symbolic links to the system service scripts residing in the /etc/init.d directory.

在/etc目录中有几个文件夹标为“rc0”。d,rc1。通过rc6.d d”等。这些是内核引用的目录,用于知道应该为该运行级别运行哪些init脚本。它们是位于/etc/ initit中的系统服务脚本的符号链接。d目录。

In the context you are using it, it would appear that you are listing any files with rc in the name. The code in these files will set the way the services/tasks startup and run when initialized.
