
时间:2022-04-30 10:40:35

I have set my FileMerge not to ignore any file. However, it ignores my dotFiles.


How can you make FileMerge to diff dotFiles?


2 个解决方案


Since the leading dot is merely a conventional hint to the OS that the file is hidden (inherited from UNIX) I would imagine that removing the leading dot from the filename would allow the utility to see and diff the files.



You need to use opendiff -Mac's builtIn command to launch dotFiles in FileMerge. You can find a solution at the thread.

您需要使用opendiff -Mac的builtIn命令在FileMerge中启动dotFiles。您可以在该主题中找到解决方案。


Since the leading dot is merely a conventional hint to the OS that the file is hidden (inherited from UNIX) I would imagine that removing the leading dot from the filename would allow the utility to see and diff the files.



You need to use opendiff -Mac's builtIn command to launch dotFiles in FileMerge. You can find a solution at the thread.

您需要使用opendiff -Mac的builtIn命令在FileMerge中启动dotFiles。您可以在该主题中找到解决方案。