
时间:2023-02-12 10:39:08

The post summarizes problems in using Screen in Mac's terminal when you have the following in your .zshrc


if [[ $STY = '' ]] then screen -xR; fi 
  1. Solution #1 is not working but Solution #2 works: Clipboard programs: pbcopy, pbpaste and xsel do not work at all
  2. 解决方案#1不起作用但解决方案#2工作:剪贴板程序:pbcopy,pbpaste和xsel完全不起作用

  3. Bug in Vim when used in Mac: Unable to have no scattered windows in Screen by .Xresources.
  4. 在Mac中使用Vim中的错误:无法在Screen by .Xresources中没有分散的窗口。

  5. Solved: Ctrl A stops working in terminal. This suggests me that Screen's keyboard bindings need to be changed slightly.
  6. 解决:Ctrl A停止在终端工作。这表明我需要稍微改变Screen的键盘绑定。

  7. Solved: The scrolling with touchpad does not work. By editing your .screenrc the scrollback works normally (including touchpad)
  8. 解决:使用触摸板滚动不起作用。通过编辑.screenrc,回滚功能正常(包括触摸板)

  9. Solved: Unable to have Dvorak keybindings for Screen for moving in Scrollback mod.
  10. 解决:无法使用Dvorak键绑定屏幕进行Scrollback mod移动。

  11. How can you use pbcopy/pbpaste/xsel inside Screen?
  12. 如何在屏幕内使用pbcopy / pbpaste / xsel?

7 个解决方案


I usually solve the ctrl-a problem by setting my escape character to ctrl-z (which you generally don't need to use as often when you're running screen, since instead of backgrounding a process, you can just start up a new screen). In my .screenrc:


escape ^Zz

Scrolling using the touchpad just isn't going to work; screen is acting as a terminal emulator inside a terminal emulator, and it's just not possible for screen to switch the scrollback buffer in Terminal.app whenever you switch between screens. You're going to have to use screen's scrollback features. See this article for some tips on using screen's scrollback features.



In screenrc:

# Make xterm scrolling work properly with screen.
termcapinfo xterm-256color|xterm-color|xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@

Works for Terminal.app too.



The default OS X Terminal app is weak. Get iTerm instead:

默认的OS X终端应用程序很弱。取而代之的是iTerm:


If I'm not mistaken, iTerm solves all of these out of the box (my install is a couple years old, so I can't test that theory now).



Problem #3 might be solvable if you enable the alternate screen buffer. Use altscreen on in .screenrc



Solution #1 which does not work


To be able to copy/paste in OSX put the following to your .screenrc


bind b eval "writebuf" "exec sh -c 'pbcopy < /tmp/screen-exchange'"

> Th[e] line - - sends that file to pbcopy - -.

> Th [e]行 - 将该文件发送到pbcopy - - 。

The command is bound to C-a b (in my case, C-z b).

该命令绑定到C-a b(在我的例子中,C-z b)。

Solution #2 which works but is rather slow to type


Use Scrollback mode i.e. copy mode by



C-A [


C-A ]

The solution is great, since it is the same in all terminal apps. It is similar to the clipboard as you use with your mouse.



Q5: Impossible: The scrolling with touchpad does not work.


You can use ^A Esc to scroll up the screen. You cannot use Touchpad in Screen.

您可以使用^ A Esc向上滚动屏幕。您无法在屏幕中使用触控板。


This solves the scrollback issue, although it is somewhat broken in that it isn't aware of screen's buffers. env TERM=vt100 screen

这解决了回滚问题,虽然它有点破碎,因为它不知道屏幕的缓冲区。 env TERM = vt100屏幕


I usually solve the ctrl-a problem by setting my escape character to ctrl-z (which you generally don't need to use as often when you're running screen, since instead of backgrounding a process, you can just start up a new screen). In my .screenrc:


escape ^Zz

Scrolling using the touchpad just isn't going to work; screen is acting as a terminal emulator inside a terminal emulator, and it's just not possible for screen to switch the scrollback buffer in Terminal.app whenever you switch between screens. You're going to have to use screen's scrollback features. See this article for some tips on using screen's scrollback features.



In screenrc:

# Make xterm scrolling work properly with screen.
termcapinfo xterm-256color|xterm-color|xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@

Works for Terminal.app too.



The default OS X Terminal app is weak. Get iTerm instead:

默认的OS X终端应用程序很弱。取而代之的是iTerm:


If I'm not mistaken, iTerm solves all of these out of the box (my install is a couple years old, so I can't test that theory now).



Problem #3 might be solvable if you enable the alternate screen buffer. Use altscreen on in .screenrc



Solution #1 which does not work


To be able to copy/paste in OSX put the following to your .screenrc


bind b eval "writebuf" "exec sh -c 'pbcopy < /tmp/screen-exchange'"

> Th[e] line - - sends that file to pbcopy - -.

> Th [e]行 - 将该文件发送到pbcopy - - 。

The command is bound to C-a b (in my case, C-z b).

该命令绑定到C-a b(在我的例子中,C-z b)。

Solution #2 which works but is rather slow to type


Use Scrollback mode i.e. copy mode by



C-A [


C-A ]

The solution is great, since it is the same in all terminal apps. It is similar to the clipboard as you use with your mouse.



Q5: Impossible: The scrolling with touchpad does not work.


You can use ^A Esc to scroll up the screen. You cannot use Touchpad in Screen.

您可以使用^ A Esc向上滚动屏幕。您无法在屏幕中使用触控板。


This solves the scrollback issue, although it is somewhat broken in that it isn't aware of screen's buffers. env TERM=vt100 screen

这解决了回滚问题,虽然它有点破碎,因为它不知道屏幕的缓冲区。 env TERM = vt100屏幕