
时间:2021-01-18 09:57:10

With JDK7, the reflection API has changed and now the methods returned by getDeclaredMethods() are not returned in the order in which they are declared in the source file.


Now my question is, does the .class file generated by javac contains methods in the same order in which they were defined in the source file OR it can write methods in random order too?


2 个解决方案



The Binary Compatibility chapter of the Java Language Specification is explicit about the fact that reordering of elements in the class files is permitted:


[...] here is a list of some important binary compatible changes that the Java programming language supports:


  • [...]


  • Reordering the fields, methods, or constructors in an existing type declaration.


  • [...]


  • Reordering the list of direct superinterfaces of a class or interface.


That means that the order in which they appear in the .class file is not dictated by the specifications. If you want to rely on it, you have to either (1) know for a fact that your specific implementation uses the same order as the definition order (testing it, like you've done, is a good idea but does not guarantee anything), or (2) change the order yourself.

这意味着它们出现在.class文件中的顺序不是由规范决定的。如果你想依赖它,你必须要么(1)知道你的具体实现使用与定义顺序相同的顺序(测试它,就像你做的那样,是一个好主意,但不能保证任何东西) ),或(2)自己更改订单。



Class.getDeclaredMethods API is clear about this "...The elements in the array returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order...". Most likely the reason of that is that javac is not obliged to generate methods in .class in any particular order.

Class.getDeclaredMethods API很清楚这个“...返回的数组中的元素没有排序,并且没有按任何特定的顺序......”。最有可能的原因是javac没有义务以任何特定顺序在.class中生成方法。



The Binary Compatibility chapter of the Java Language Specification is explicit about the fact that reordering of elements in the class files is permitted:


[...] here is a list of some important binary compatible changes that the Java programming language supports:


  • [...]


  • Reordering the fields, methods, or constructors in an existing type declaration.


  • [...]


  • Reordering the list of direct superinterfaces of a class or interface.


That means that the order in which they appear in the .class file is not dictated by the specifications. If you want to rely on it, you have to either (1) know for a fact that your specific implementation uses the same order as the definition order (testing it, like you've done, is a good idea but does not guarantee anything), or (2) change the order yourself.

这意味着它们出现在.class文件中的顺序不是由规范决定的。如果你想依赖它,你必须要么(1)知道你的具体实现使用与定义顺序相同的顺序(测试它,就像你做的那样,是一个好主意,但不能保证任何东西) ),或(2)自己更改订单。



Class.getDeclaredMethods API is clear about this "...The elements in the array returned are not sorted and are not in any particular order...". Most likely the reason of that is that javac is not obliged to generate methods in .class in any particular order.

Class.getDeclaredMethods API很清楚这个“...返回的数组中的元素没有排序,并且没有按任何特定的顺序......”。最有可能的原因是javac没有义务以任何特定顺序在.class中生成方法。