C ++从函数返回多维数组

时间:2022-04-18 09:56:01

How do I return a multidimensional array hidden in a private field?


class Myclass {
 int myarray[5][5];
 int **get_array();


int **Myclass::get_array() {
 return myarray;

cannot convert int (*)[5][5] to int** in return test.cpp /Polky/src line 73 C/C++ Problem

无法将int(*)[5] [5]转换为int **返回test.cpp / Polky / src第73行C / C ++问题

7 个解决方案



A two-dimensional array does not decay to a pointer to pointer to ints. It decays to a pointer to arrays of ints - that is, only the first dimension decays to a pointer. The pointer does not point to int pointers, which when incremented advance by the size of a pointer, but to arrays of 5 integers.

二维数组不会衰减到指向int的指针。它衰减到指向int数组的指针 - 也就是说,只有第一个维度衰减到指针。指针不指向int指针,当指针的大小增加时,它指向5个整数的数组。

class Myclass {
    int myarray[5][5];
    typedef int (*pointer_to_arrays)[5]; //typedefs can make things more readable with such awkward types

    pointer_to_arrays get_array() {return myarray;}

int main()
    Myclass o;
    int (*a)[5] = o.get_array();
    Myclass::pointer_to_arrays b = o.get_array();

A pointer to pointer (int**) is used when each subarray is allocated separately (that is, you originally have an array of pointers)

当每个子数组分别分配时(即,您最初有一个指针数组),使用指向指针(int **)的指针

int* p[5];
for (int i = 0; i != 5; ++i) {
    p[i] = new int[5];

Here we have an array of five pointers, each pointing to the first item in a separate memory block, altogether 6 distinct memory blocks.


In a two-dimensional array you get a single contiguous block of memory:


int arr[5][5]; //a single block of 5 * 5 * sizeof(int) bytes

You should see that the memory layout of these things are completely different, and therefore these things cannot be returned and passed the same way.




There are two possible types that you can return to provide access to your internal array. The old C style would be returning int *[5], as the array will easily decay into a pointer to the first element, which is of type int[5].

您可以返回两种可能的类型来提供对内部数组的访问。旧的C样式将返回int * [5],因为数组很容易衰变成指向第一个元素的指针,该元素的类型为int [5]。

int (*foo())[5] {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

Now, you can also return a proper reference to the internal array, the simplest syntax would be through a typedef:


typedef int (&array5x5)[5][5];
array5x5 foo() {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

Or a little more cumbersome without the typedef:


int (&foo())[5][5] {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

The advantage of the C++ version is that the actual type is maintained, and that means that the actual size of the array is known at the callers side.

C ++版本的优点是保持了实际类型,这意味着在调用者端已知数组的实际大小。



To return a pointer to your array of array member, the type needed is int (*)[5], not int **:

要返回指向数组成员数组的指针,需要的类型是int(*)[5],而不是int **:

class Myclass {
    int myarray[5][5];
    int (*get_array())[5];

int (*Myclass::get_array())[5] {
    return myarray;



How do I return a multidimensional array hidden in a private field?


If it's supposed to be hidden, why are you returning it in the first place?


Anyway, you cannot return arrays from functions, but you can return a pointer to the first element. What is the first element of a 5x5 array of ints? An array of 5 ints, of course:

无论如何,您不能从函数返回数组,但您可以返回指向第一个元素的指针。 5x5整数数组的第一个元素是什么?一组5个整数,当然:

int (*get_grid())[5]
    return grid;

Alternatively, you could return the entire array by reference:


int (&get_grid())[5][5]
    return grid;

...welcome to C declarator syntax hell ;-)


May I suggest std::vector<std::vector<int> > or boost::multi_array<int, 2> instead?

我可以建议使用std :: vector >或boost :: multi_array 吗? ,2>



I managed to make this function work in C++0x using automatic type deduction. However, I can't make it work without that. Native C arrays are not supported very well in C++ - their syntax is exceedingly hideous. You should use a wrapper class.

我设法使用自动类型推导使此功能在C ++ 0x中工作。但是,如果没有这个,我就无法工作。在C ++中不能很好地支持本机C数组 - 它们的语法非常可怕。你应该使用包装类。

template<typename T, int firstdim, int seconddim> class TwoDimensionalArray {
    T data[firstdim][seconddim];
    T*& operator[](int index) {
        return data[index];
    const T*& operator[](int index) const {
        return data[index];
class Myclass {
    typedef TwoDimensionalArray<int, 5, 5> arraytype;
    arraytype myarray;
    arraytype& get_array() {
        return myarray;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Myclass m;
    Myclass::arraytype& var = m.get_array();
    int& someint = var[0][0];

This code compiles just fine. You can get pre-written wrapper class inside Boost (boost::array) that supports the whole shebang.

这段代码编译得很好。你可以在支持整个shebang的Boost(boost :: array)中获得预先编写的包装类。



Change your int's to int[][]'s or try using int[,] instead?

将你的int更改为int [] []或尝试使用int [,]而不是?



int **Myclass::get_array() { 
 return (int**)myarray; 



A two-dimensional array does not decay to a pointer to pointer to ints. It decays to a pointer to arrays of ints - that is, only the first dimension decays to a pointer. The pointer does not point to int pointers, which when incremented advance by the size of a pointer, but to arrays of 5 integers.

二维数组不会衰减到指向int的指针。它衰减到指向int数组的指针 - 也就是说,只有第一个维度衰减到指针。指针不指向int指针,当指针的大小增加时,它指向5个整数的数组。

class Myclass {
    int myarray[5][5];
    typedef int (*pointer_to_arrays)[5]; //typedefs can make things more readable with such awkward types

    pointer_to_arrays get_array() {return myarray;}

int main()
    Myclass o;
    int (*a)[5] = o.get_array();
    Myclass::pointer_to_arrays b = o.get_array();

A pointer to pointer (int**) is used when each subarray is allocated separately (that is, you originally have an array of pointers)

当每个子数组分别分配时(即,您最初有一个指针数组),使用指向指针(int **)的指针

int* p[5];
for (int i = 0; i != 5; ++i) {
    p[i] = new int[5];

Here we have an array of five pointers, each pointing to the first item in a separate memory block, altogether 6 distinct memory blocks.


In a two-dimensional array you get a single contiguous block of memory:


int arr[5][5]; //a single block of 5 * 5 * sizeof(int) bytes

You should see that the memory layout of these things are completely different, and therefore these things cannot be returned and passed the same way.




There are two possible types that you can return to provide access to your internal array. The old C style would be returning int *[5], as the array will easily decay into a pointer to the first element, which is of type int[5].

您可以返回两种可能的类型来提供对内部数组的访问。旧的C样式将返回int * [5],因为数组很容易衰变成指向第一个元素的指针,该元素的类型为int [5]。

int (*foo())[5] {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

Now, you can also return a proper reference to the internal array, the simplest syntax would be through a typedef:


typedef int (&array5x5)[5][5];
array5x5 foo() {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

Or a little more cumbersome without the typedef:


int (&foo())[5][5] {
   static int array[5][5] = {};
   return array;

The advantage of the C++ version is that the actual type is maintained, and that means that the actual size of the array is known at the callers side.

C ++版本的优点是保持了实际类型,这意味着在调用者端已知数组的实际大小。



To return a pointer to your array of array member, the type needed is int (*)[5], not int **:

要返回指向数组成员数组的指针,需要的类型是int(*)[5],而不是int **:

class Myclass {
    int myarray[5][5];
    int (*get_array())[5];

int (*Myclass::get_array())[5] {
    return myarray;



How do I return a multidimensional array hidden in a private field?


If it's supposed to be hidden, why are you returning it in the first place?


Anyway, you cannot return arrays from functions, but you can return a pointer to the first element. What is the first element of a 5x5 array of ints? An array of 5 ints, of course:

无论如何,您不能从函数返回数组,但您可以返回指向第一个元素的指针。 5x5整数数组的第一个元素是什么?一组5个整数,当然:

int (*get_grid())[5]
    return grid;

Alternatively, you could return the entire array by reference:


int (&get_grid())[5][5]
    return grid;

...welcome to C declarator syntax hell ;-)


May I suggest std::vector<std::vector<int> > or boost::multi_array<int, 2> instead?

我可以建议使用std :: vector >或boost :: multi_array 吗? ,2>



I managed to make this function work in C++0x using automatic type deduction. However, I can't make it work without that. Native C arrays are not supported very well in C++ - their syntax is exceedingly hideous. You should use a wrapper class.

我设法使用自动类型推导使此功能在C ++ 0x中工作。但是,如果没有这个,我就无法工作。在C ++中不能很好地支持本机C数组 - 它们的语法非常可怕。你应该使用包装类。

template<typename T, int firstdim, int seconddim> class TwoDimensionalArray {
    T data[firstdim][seconddim];
    T*& operator[](int index) {
        return data[index];
    const T*& operator[](int index) const {
        return data[index];
class Myclass {
    typedef TwoDimensionalArray<int, 5, 5> arraytype;
    arraytype myarray;
    arraytype& get_array() {
        return myarray;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    Myclass m;
    Myclass::arraytype& var = m.get_array();
    int& someint = var[0][0];

This code compiles just fine. You can get pre-written wrapper class inside Boost (boost::array) that supports the whole shebang.

这段代码编译得很好。你可以在支持整个shebang的Boost(boost :: array)中获得预先编写的包装类。



Change your int's to int[][]'s or try using int[,] instead?

将你的int更改为int [] []或尝试使用int [,]而不是?



int **Myclass::get_array() { 
 return (int**)myarray; 