为什么Python 2.6没有设置文字和理解或词典理解?

时间:2021-01-10 09:56:40

Python 2.6 was basically a stepping stone to make converting to Python 3 easier. A lot of the features destined for Python 3 were implemented in 2.6 if they didn't break backward compatibility with syntax and the class libs.

Python 2.6基本上是一个让转换为Python 3更容易的垫脚石。如果Python没有破坏与语法和类库的向后兼容性,那么很多用于Python 3的功能都在2.6中实现。

Why weren't set literals ({1, 2, 3}), set comprehensions ({v for v in l}), or dict comprehensions ({k: v for k, v in d}) among them? In particular dict comprehensions would have been a great boon... I find myself using the considerably uglier dict([(k, v) for k, v in d]) an awful lot lately.

为什么没有设置文字({1,2,3}),设置理解({v for v in l}),或者dict comprehensions({k:v for k,v in d})?特别是字典理解本来是一个很大的好处......我发现自己使用了相当丑陋的字典([(k,v)for k,v in d])最近很多。

Is there something obvious I'm missing, or was this just a feature that didn't make the cut?


2 个解决方案



It wasn't done because nobody took the time to do it. There are bugs opened for months, and no one commented on them:


So it wasn't important enough for anybody to care, probably.




All these are syntax/grammar changes. Such changes are traditionally introduced first in a Python x.y version with a from __future__ import … statement, and implemented at least on Python x.(y+1) version. Such a transition hasn't happened yet for these changes.

所有这些都是语法/语法的变化。传统上,这些更改首先在Python x.y版本中引入,其中包含from __future__ import ...语句,并且至少在Python x。(y + 1)版本上实现。对于这些变化,这种转变尚未发生。

Technically, I've answered your "why".


Now, if you meant, “why didn't anyone take the time to suggest, support and implement something that I would like to have in 2.x also, even if they don't know about it since I never tried to suggest/support backporting those syntax enhancements in either comp.lang.python or Python-Dev and I never tried to even read the PEPs?”, then the answer lies in you too, and you can offer an answer yourself.



BTW, you shouldn't use the dict([(k,v) for k,v in d]) form, but the dict((k,v) for k,v in d). More efficient. Why create an intermediate list?




It wasn't done because nobody took the time to do it. There are bugs opened for months, and no one commented on them:


So it wasn't important enough for anybody to care, probably.




All these are syntax/grammar changes. Such changes are traditionally introduced first in a Python x.y version with a from __future__ import … statement, and implemented at least on Python x.(y+1) version. Such a transition hasn't happened yet for these changes.

所有这些都是语法/语法的变化。传统上,这些更改首先在Python x.y版本中引入,其中包含from __future__ import ...语句,并且至少在Python x。(y + 1)版本上实现。对于这些变化,这种转变尚未发生。

Technically, I've answered your "why".


Now, if you meant, “why didn't anyone take the time to suggest, support and implement something that I would like to have in 2.x also, even if they don't know about it since I never tried to suggest/support backporting those syntax enhancements in either comp.lang.python or Python-Dev and I never tried to even read the PEPs?”, then the answer lies in you too, and you can offer an answer yourself.



BTW, you shouldn't use the dict([(k,v) for k,v in d]) form, but the dict((k,v) for k,v in d). More efficient. Why create an intermediate list?
