
时间:2021-01-10 09:56:16

I'm writing a Javascript function which will be called by a C# application. I can call the function from C#, but have been unable to retrieve the result of the function.


So I have the following structure:


var B = function() {
    var A = function() {
        var dfd = new $.Deferred();
            // do something and then return the value I need
            return dfd.resolve(x);
        return dfd.promise();
        then(function(x) {
            // I can get the x I want here.
            // What to do at this point?

Since A() used asynchronous methods, I chose to use jQuery.promise() method to ensure I get the final result of A(). Now I want B() to return the value x to the C# application. Is there any good solution to this?


1 个解决方案



I assume that you've called your Javascript function by calling WebView method InvokeScriptAsync with Js function name as a parameter.


The problem here is that your JavaScript function is an asynchronous since it uses promise - so you cannot simply get its return value on C#. The IAsyncOperation ends as the promise object has been returned, not as it has been resolved.

这里的问题是你的JavaScript函数是异步的,因为它使用了promise - 所以你不能简单地在C#上获得它的返回值。 IAsyncOperation在返回promise对象时结束,而不是已经解析。

If your javascript function was synchronious:


The return value of the InvokeScriptAsync function is the string result of the script invocation - so if you'll wait for it you'll get the result.

InvokeScriptAsync函数的返回值是脚本调用的字符串结果 - 所以如果你等待它,你将得到结果。

MSDN documentation : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webview.invokescriptasync.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

MSDN文档:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webview.invokescriptasync.aspx?f = 255&MSPPError = -2147217396

However, you can always invoke webView event by calling windows.external.invoke with string parameter from JavaScript and get it on C# by subscribing to webView ScriptNotify event.

但是,您始终可以通过使用JavaScript中的字符串参数调用windows.external.invoke来调用webView事件,并通过订阅webView ScriptNotify事件在C#上获取它。



I assume that you've called your Javascript function by calling WebView method InvokeScriptAsync with Js function name as a parameter.


The problem here is that your JavaScript function is an asynchronous since it uses promise - so you cannot simply get its return value on C#. The IAsyncOperation ends as the promise object has been returned, not as it has been resolved.

这里的问题是你的JavaScript函数是异步的,因为它使用了promise - 所以你不能简单地在C#上获得它的返回值。 IAsyncOperation在返回promise对象时结束,而不是已经解析。

If your javascript function was synchronious:


The return value of the InvokeScriptAsync function is the string result of the script invocation - so if you'll wait for it you'll get the result.

InvokeScriptAsync函数的返回值是脚本调用的字符串结果 - 所以如果你等待它,你将得到结果。

MSDN documentation : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webview.invokescriptasync.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

MSDN文档:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows.ui.xaml.controls.webview.invokescriptasync.aspx?f = 255&MSPPError = -2147217396

However, you can always invoke webView event by calling windows.external.invoke with string parameter from JavaScript and get it on C# by subscribing to webView ScriptNotify event.

但是,您始终可以通过使用JavaScript中的字符串参数调用windows.external.invoke来调用webView事件,并通过订阅webView ScriptNotify事件在C#上获取它。