Returning 'nil' from a Lua function in C vs returning 0 values

时间:2021-04-25 09:52:00

Some Lua functions return nil to signal the user that the function couldn't carry out some task (e.g., tonumber(), string.find()).


In C, returnig nil is done like this:

在C中,returnig nil是这样完成的:

int some_function(lua_State* L) {
  if (some condition) {
      return 1;

HOWEVER, I wonder if it's alright to do the following instead:


int some_function(lua_State* L) {
  if (some condition) {
      return 0;

It's shorter. I tried it and it seems to works, but I don't know if that's by-design. I examined Lua's source code and I don't see this return 0 pattern so I wonder if it's legit to do this.


Are the two different ways to return nil equivalent?


(BTW, I know all about signaling errors via exceptions (that is, lua_error()) so please don't mention it.)



I now see that there's a subtle difference between the two methods: print((function() end)()) would print nothing whereas print((function() return nil end)()) would print "nil". I don't know how important this is.

我现在看到两种方法之间存在细微的差别:print((function()end)())什么都不打印而print((function()return nil end)())会打印“nil”。我不知道这有多重要。

3 个解决方案



Functions in Lua may return nil but may also return nothing, and this behavior is not exactly equivalent, although in most context will produce the same results.


The following Lua script shows you how to detect how many return values a function returns:


local function PrintNRetVals( ... )
    local nargs = select( '#', ... )
    print( "Number of values returned: " .. nargs )

local function ReturningSomething()
    return "hello"

local function ReturningNil()
    return nil

local function ReturningNothing()

PrintNRetVals( ReturningSomething() )   --> 1
PrintNRetVals( ReturningNil() )         --> 1
PrintNRetVals( ReturningNothing() )     --> 0

I said the behavior is almost equivalent because as soon as you try to assign to a variable the result of a function that variable will get nil in both cases, thus the subsequent code won't be able to tell the difference. But, as I showed above, you can detect the difference if you really need.




Yes, this is perfectly valid. If you're trying to request/assign more return values than there are (no matter whether you try to get one or ten), you'll get nil for the undefined ones (i.e. those not returned).


function test1()
    return 5

local a, b = test1()
-- a = 5, b = nil

function test2()
    return 1, 2

local c, d, e = test2()
-- c = 1, d = 2, e = nil

function test3()

local f, g = test3()
-- f = nil, g = nil

You probably can't find it in Lua's source because it's no special case or anything. It's just Lua's generic way to handle return values.



The difference you've noticed when trying to print return values is the fact that this is not just an assignment. Of course there is a slight difference between returning nil and returning nothing at all - and it's possible to differentiate there. In the end you'll just have to make sure you document your function's behavior properly, i.e. tell the user what's supposed to happen. For example, returning nil (or getting nil in an assignment) could represent an error state, but it's also possible to return nothing in case there's been an error and return nil if some value is supposed to be invalid or nil (but no error happened).

您在尝试打印返回值时注意到的差异是,这不仅仅是一项任务。当然,在返回零和返回任何内容之间存在细微差别 - 并且可以区分那里。最后,您必须确保正确记录您的功能行为,即告诉用户应该发生什么。例如,返回nil(或在赋值中获取nil)可能表示错误状态,但是如果出现错误也可以返回任何内容,如果某个值应该是无效或为零,则返回nil(但没有发生错误) )。



(This is not an answer, just an opinion about the subject)


As for me, this artifical difference between nil and no value is inconsistent and rather annoying.


local function f1() return nil end
local function f0() end

local v1 = f1()     -- OK, assigns nil
print(type(f1()))   -- OK, prints 'nil'

local v0 = f0()     -- OK, assigns nil
print(type(f0()))   -- Why the hack it raises an error?

IMHO, function's parameter passing must fully comply with semantic of assignment statement.




Functions in Lua may return nil but may also return nothing, and this behavior is not exactly equivalent, although in most context will produce the same results.


The following Lua script shows you how to detect how many return values a function returns:


local function PrintNRetVals( ... )
    local nargs = select( '#', ... )
    print( "Number of values returned: " .. nargs )

local function ReturningSomething()
    return "hello"

local function ReturningNil()
    return nil

local function ReturningNothing()

PrintNRetVals( ReturningSomething() )   --> 1
PrintNRetVals( ReturningNil() )         --> 1
PrintNRetVals( ReturningNothing() )     --> 0

I said the behavior is almost equivalent because as soon as you try to assign to a variable the result of a function that variable will get nil in both cases, thus the subsequent code won't be able to tell the difference. But, as I showed above, you can detect the difference if you really need.




Yes, this is perfectly valid. If you're trying to request/assign more return values than there are (no matter whether you try to get one or ten), you'll get nil for the undefined ones (i.e. those not returned).


function test1()
    return 5

local a, b = test1()
-- a = 5, b = nil

function test2()
    return 1, 2

local c, d, e = test2()
-- c = 1, d = 2, e = nil

function test3()

local f, g = test3()
-- f = nil, g = nil

You probably can't find it in Lua's source because it's no special case or anything. It's just Lua's generic way to handle return values.



The difference you've noticed when trying to print return values is the fact that this is not just an assignment. Of course there is a slight difference between returning nil and returning nothing at all - and it's possible to differentiate there. In the end you'll just have to make sure you document your function's behavior properly, i.e. tell the user what's supposed to happen. For example, returning nil (or getting nil in an assignment) could represent an error state, but it's also possible to return nothing in case there's been an error and return nil if some value is supposed to be invalid or nil (but no error happened).

您在尝试打印返回值时注意到的差异是,这不仅仅是一项任务。当然,在返回零和返回任何内容之间存在细微差别 - 并且可以区分那里。最后,您必须确保正确记录您的功能行为,即告诉用户应该发生什么。例如,返回nil(或在赋值中获取nil)可能表示错误状态,但是如果出现错误也可以返回任何内容,如果某个值应该是无效或为零,则返回nil(但没有发生错误) )。



(This is not an answer, just an opinion about the subject)


As for me, this artifical difference between nil and no value is inconsistent and rather annoying.


local function f1() return nil end
local function f0() end

local v1 = f1()     -- OK, assigns nil
print(type(f1()))   -- OK, prints 'nil'

local v0 = f0()     -- OK, assigns nil
print(type(f0()))   -- Why the hack it raises an error?

IMHO, function's parameter passing must fully comply with semantic of assignment statement.
