
时间:2021-09-22 09:52:05

How can we print using print document so that we can control the printer paper size?


  • It must be controlled after web hosting is done without the print dialog popup or javascript popup.
  • 在没有打印对话框弹出窗口或javascript弹出窗口完成Web托管后,必须对其进行控制。

  • It should print on the client's printer after webhosting without the print dialog option and setting the paper size.
  • 在没有打印对话框选项并设置纸张尺寸的情况下,它应在webhosting后在客户端的打印机上打印。

  • It should be done in C# .net
  • 它应该在C#.net中完成

6 个解决方案



As a user I don't want that when I enter a site someone to change my printer's settings or to take control over my printer.


For security reasons I hope this is not possible.




Your best option is to generate PDF-files with the appropriate siez in it. A printer should choose the correct page-size based on that unless the user manually changes it in the print-dialog.


Cirrcumventing the print-dialog is a security-restriction, ActiveX or a firefox-extension is your only alternative then, which might be okay on an intranet-based webapplication.




The only way that I've been able to have this amount of control over the printer client side is to create an ActiveX component that would handling the printing interface and go from there. It's not cross-broswer not the cleanest solution; however, it's the only way that I've been able to manage paper size. I looked into a CSS @print options but was not able to find one that could truly control the size.

我能够对打印机客户端进行这种控制的唯一方法是创建一个ActiveX组件来处理打印界面并从那里开始。这不是最彻底的解决方案,而不是最干净的解决方案;然而,这是我能够管理纸张尺寸的唯一方法。我查看了一个CSS @print选项,但无法找到一个可以真正控制大小的选项。

The only other possibility is to look to see what printing capabilities something like Flash or Silverlight have. I'm not familiar enough to say if they do or don't have what you're looking for; however, it may be another option.




I believe a Java applet has the ability to set paper size if you grant it the proper privileges. I think your users will almost certainly have to jump through hoops for this to work...

我相信如果您授予Java applet适当的权限,它可以设置纸张大小。我认为你的用户几乎肯定要跳过这个工作的箍...



Maybe too late but I'm adding for future reference; you could use a kind of download/print manager utility. Imagine the torrent magnet links, you click a link and a .torrent file opened by torrent client, it reads the necessary info and do the rest at client site.


So you have to write a little utility which one recognizes these 'print jobs' from your web site. You click a [Print Invoice] link and browser downloads a unique .print file and the utility captures it.


The .print file has two parts: 1. Header and 2. The file (pdf/jpg/any). Header contains predefined printer/paper size/orientation/etc or just asks for user input. And then prints the file from 2. part/body.

.print文件包含两部分:1。标题和2.文件(pdf / jpg / any)。标题包含预定义的打印机/纸张尺寸/方向/等,或者仅询问用户输入。然后从2. part / body打印文件。

You may also queue the print jobs and manage them as well.


You have to install that utility; define a protocol like http:// or ftp:// to capture print links from the utility. And set printers/papers/etc for specific jobs like invoices/color printings/etc.


These will be what I'll do when I port our winforms app to web. Plus If you are on a LAN environment then you would print the things from the web server to network printers.




I have looked into this before, and the only way to force things like portrait/landscape etc, is to get the user to install an ActiveX control (or similar).


Javascript or CSS alone cannot do it.




As a user I don't want that when I enter a site someone to change my printer's settings or to take control over my printer.


For security reasons I hope this is not possible.




Your best option is to generate PDF-files with the appropriate siez in it. A printer should choose the correct page-size based on that unless the user manually changes it in the print-dialog.


Cirrcumventing the print-dialog is a security-restriction, ActiveX or a firefox-extension is your only alternative then, which might be okay on an intranet-based webapplication.




The only way that I've been able to have this amount of control over the printer client side is to create an ActiveX component that would handling the printing interface and go from there. It's not cross-broswer not the cleanest solution; however, it's the only way that I've been able to manage paper size. I looked into a CSS @print options but was not able to find one that could truly control the size.

我能够对打印机客户端进行这种控制的唯一方法是创建一个ActiveX组件来处理打印界面并从那里开始。这不是最彻底的解决方案,而不是最干净的解决方案;然而,这是我能够管理纸张尺寸的唯一方法。我查看了一个CSS @print选项,但无法找到一个可以真正控制大小的选项。

The only other possibility is to look to see what printing capabilities something like Flash or Silverlight have. I'm not familiar enough to say if they do or don't have what you're looking for; however, it may be another option.




I believe a Java applet has the ability to set paper size if you grant it the proper privileges. I think your users will almost certainly have to jump through hoops for this to work...

我相信如果您授予Java applet适当的权限,它可以设置纸张大小。我认为你的用户几乎肯定要跳过这个工作的箍...



Maybe too late but I'm adding for future reference; you could use a kind of download/print manager utility. Imagine the torrent magnet links, you click a link and a .torrent file opened by torrent client, it reads the necessary info and do the rest at client site.


So you have to write a little utility which one recognizes these 'print jobs' from your web site. You click a [Print Invoice] link and browser downloads a unique .print file and the utility captures it.


The .print file has two parts: 1. Header and 2. The file (pdf/jpg/any). Header contains predefined printer/paper size/orientation/etc or just asks for user input. And then prints the file from 2. part/body.

.print文件包含两部分:1。标题和2.文件(pdf / jpg / any)。标题包含预定义的打印机/纸张尺寸/方向/等,或者仅询问用户输入。然后从2. part / body打印文件。

You may also queue the print jobs and manage them as well.


You have to install that utility; define a protocol like http:// or ftp:// to capture print links from the utility. And set printers/papers/etc for specific jobs like invoices/color printings/etc.


These will be what I'll do when I port our winforms app to web. Plus If you are on a LAN environment then you would print the things from the web server to network printers.




I have looked into this before, and the only way to force things like portrait/landscape etc, is to get the user to install an ActiveX control (or similar).


Javascript or CSS alone cannot do it.
