We are working on the analysis of big data to help develop e-learning platform for our university and looking for some info from you !!!! Please provide us an initiative by clarifying !!!
- We need to get the below big data information from my university's database: the enrolled student list, course materials, grades and related university info stored in the database. I have seen the Valence REST APIs of D2L and so thinking to use them to get the information from the database. Is that possible to get the university's data? If so, please guide me how I could do that or any docs to refer?
我们需要从我大学的数据库中获取以下大数据信息:登记的学生列表,课程材料,成绩和相关的大学信息存储在数据库中。我已经看过D2L的Valence REST API,因此考虑使用它们从数据库中获取信息。这有可能获得大学的数据吗?如果是这样,请指导我如何做到这一点或任何文件?
Note:[My university uses Desire2learn to share the course materials, assignments, grades and so we hope we could get the necessary authorization to access its data base information]
Do I need to have the university back-end web server address ? How can I get pull up the required info? (I am not sure where the data is stored exactly as I couldn't find any database info or data models in the valence website)
我是否需要拥有大学后端Web服务器地址?如何获取所需信息? (我不确定数据的存储位置,因为我在valence网站上找不到任何数据库信息或数据模型)
If 2 is true => Is it the correct resource to follow to use apis in our application? http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/basic/apicall.html
如果2为真=>在我们的应用程序中使用apis是否是正确的资源? http://docs.valence.desire2learn.com/basic/apicall.html
Lastly, where can I know about the data base structure/organization/models? Is the data stored in the form of logs or files in the database and can be pulled out as a file/log ???
Please let us know .... Any additional information / help is appreciated !!!!
Thanks, Desire2Learn User
1 个解决方案
In order to make use of the Valence Learning Framework APIs you will need:
为了使用Valence Learning Framework API,您需要:
A set of Application credentials (an Application ID/Key pair) that is limited to the domain (or
) of the LMS you're going to use it with: your LMS admin can tell you what theLMSID
of your LMS actually is, but you must provide it exactly (case-sensitive) when applying for your Application ID/Key credentials.一组应用程序凭据(应用程序ID /密钥对),仅限于您将使用它的LMS的域(或LMSID):您的LMS管理员可以告诉您LMS的LMSID实际是什么,但在申请您的应用程序ID /密钥凭据时,您必须准确提供(区分大小写)。
An LMS user account. The Valence Learning Framework APIs do authentication by providing you with an ID/Key pair bound to your particular App ID/Key and to a known authenticated, LMS user.
LMS用户帐户。 Valence Learning Framework API通过为您提供绑定到特定App ID / Key和已知身份验证的LMS用户的ID /密钥对来进行身份验证。
Note! The access you will have to your LMS' functionality and data is strictly limited to the privileges afforded to your LMS user account. That is, if you have a student user account with minimal privileges, you will have minimal access to LMS functionality or data. In general, the Learning Framework API functionality mirrors what a user can do through the Web UI, so use that as a rough guide -- you will not be able to do things that your user account cannot do through the Web UI.
注意!您对LMS的功能和数据的访问权限仅限于为LMS用户帐户提供的权限。也就是说,如果您拥有具有最小权限的学生用户帐户,则您对LMS功能或数据的访问权限最小。通常,学习框架API功能镜像用户可以通过Web UI执行的操作,因此将其用作粗略指南 - 您将无法执行用户帐户无法通过Web UI执行的操作。
All the resources you need to get started are on the Valence project website. The steps for getting started are clearly listed on the front page, and available in more detail on the Getting started with Valence topic page.
Please make sure that you have read and understood the Core concepts topics that describe all the foundational concepts for the platform, and the conventions we use in the project documentation.
The API reference topics all describe the various REST-like routes that act as the API functions available through the Learning Framework API. The reference topics also describe all the JSON structures that you will receive from the LMS in calls, and are expected to provide to the LMS in calls.
API参考主题都描述了各种类似REST的路由,它们充当了通过Learning Framework API提供的API函数。参考主题还描述了您将在呼叫中从LMS接收的所有JSON结构,并且应该在呼叫中提供给LMS。
To get started, I would recommend that you first read all the getting started/concepts topics, then choose a client library to work with, and try to get the Getting Started sample up and running. If, after that point, you have specific questions about how to use the Learning Framework API, you can ask them here, tagged with desire2learn
and the community can try to answer your specific questions.
首先,我建议您首先阅读所有入门/概念主题,然后选择要使用的客户端库,并尝试启动并运行“入门”示例。在此之后,如果您对如何使用Learning Framework API有特定的疑问,可以在此处询问,标记为desire2learn,社区可以尝试回答您的具体问题。
If you have an existing business relationship with D2L (and thus an account manager, or a customer support account), then you can also seek support through their customer support desk.
In order to make use of the Valence Learning Framework APIs you will need:
为了使用Valence Learning Framework API,您需要:
A set of Application credentials (an Application ID/Key pair) that is limited to the domain (or
) of the LMS you're going to use it with: your LMS admin can tell you what theLMSID
of your LMS actually is, but you must provide it exactly (case-sensitive) when applying for your Application ID/Key credentials.一组应用程序凭据(应用程序ID /密钥对),仅限于您将使用它的LMS的域(或LMSID):您的LMS管理员可以告诉您LMS的LMSID实际是什么,但在申请您的应用程序ID /密钥凭据时,您必须准确提供(区分大小写)。
An LMS user account. The Valence Learning Framework APIs do authentication by providing you with an ID/Key pair bound to your particular App ID/Key and to a known authenticated, LMS user.
LMS用户帐户。 Valence Learning Framework API通过为您提供绑定到特定App ID / Key和已知身份验证的LMS用户的ID /密钥对来进行身份验证。
Note! The access you will have to your LMS' functionality and data is strictly limited to the privileges afforded to your LMS user account. That is, if you have a student user account with minimal privileges, you will have minimal access to LMS functionality or data. In general, the Learning Framework API functionality mirrors what a user can do through the Web UI, so use that as a rough guide -- you will not be able to do things that your user account cannot do through the Web UI.
注意!您对LMS的功能和数据的访问权限仅限于为LMS用户帐户提供的权限。也就是说,如果您拥有具有最小权限的学生用户帐户,则您对LMS功能或数据的访问权限最小。通常,学习框架API功能镜像用户可以通过Web UI执行的操作,因此将其用作粗略指南 - 您将无法执行用户帐户无法通过Web UI执行的操作。
All the resources you need to get started are on the Valence project website. The steps for getting started are clearly listed on the front page, and available in more detail on the Getting started with Valence topic page.
Please make sure that you have read and understood the Core concepts topics that describe all the foundational concepts for the platform, and the conventions we use in the project documentation.
The API reference topics all describe the various REST-like routes that act as the API functions available through the Learning Framework API. The reference topics also describe all the JSON structures that you will receive from the LMS in calls, and are expected to provide to the LMS in calls.
API参考主题都描述了各种类似REST的路由,它们充当了通过Learning Framework API提供的API函数。参考主题还描述了您将在呼叫中从LMS接收的所有JSON结构,并且应该在呼叫中提供给LMS。
To get started, I would recommend that you first read all the getting started/concepts topics, then choose a client library to work with, and try to get the Getting Started sample up and running. If, after that point, you have specific questions about how to use the Learning Framework API, you can ask them here, tagged with desire2learn
and the community can try to answer your specific questions.
首先,我建议您首先阅读所有入门/概念主题,然后选择要使用的客户端库,并尝试启动并运行“入门”示例。在此之后,如果您对如何使用Learning Framework API有特定的疑问,可以在此处询问,标记为desire2learn,社区可以尝试回答您的具体问题。
If you have an existing business relationship with D2L (and thus an account manager, or a customer support account), then you can also seek support through their customer support desk.