
时间:2021-10-23 00:10:44

I'm wondering if there's a way to store CSS asset paths, like background images, in the database so that they're customizable without accessing or rewriting the code. I've looked at some template engines, like liquid, but think they're a overkill for what I want to do. I only want a tiny bit of customization in my views between various deployments of the same app codebase, not anything for various users.


I've not looked much at Rails 3.1, but from what I understand the CSS assets are compiled and aren't static any longer, so -- does that mean I can write something like that into my CSS in rails 3.1 that pulls from the database? I usually deploy to Heroku and aren't sure if they're supporting 3.1 yet.

我不太关注Rails 3.1,但据我所知,CSS资产已被编译并且不再是静态的,所以 - 这是否意味着我可以将这样的东西写入我的CSS中的rails 3.1数据库?我通常部署到Heroku,并不确定他们是否支持3.1。

Anyone have any better strategies or ideas?


2 个解决方案



Storing binary files like images in the database can quickly become cumbersome. There was a time when we were storing user uploads like PDF's and such in the DB but it became unmanageable. We quickly moved it all over to S3 and made Paperclip store and retrieve the files there (encrypting the files before saving them to S3, and sending them over SSL since the files were potentially sensitive) and it made things much saner.


I'd say best bet for you is to use S3. Since


  1. On heroku you have a limited database size (depending on your plan) and could quickly run out if you're storing binaries there.
  2. 在heroku上,您拥有有限的数据库大小(取决于您的计划),如果您在那里存储二进制文件,可能会很快耗尽。

  3. You can't dynamically save new files to the filesystem on heroku, and
  4. 您无法将新文件动态保存到heroku上的文件系统中

  5. S3 is cheap as hell (and free for most casual use) to store and retrieve files.
  6. S3对于存储和检索文件而言很便宜(并且对于大多数临时使用而言是免费的)。

EDIT based on your comment:


Ok I mis-understood the question. Either store the image path in the database or have the image stored with such a path & naming convention that the code itself can figure out where to get the image (which is what paperclip does). Both ways are acceptable. NOTE that SASS is not truly dynamic, you can't pull paths from the database and make the sass change on-the-fly. I've run into a similar situation and the solution was to make the CSS point to a background-image that was in fact a route in the application. In our instance we were able to change the image displayed based on the subdomain or domain of the incoming user, but you could just as easily display that image based on a session cookie that gets set before the views are rendered.


While SASS is compiled, after it's been generated it is static. The syntax, and 'dynamic' nature of it are just to make writing CSS easier.




What about using something like S3(Paperclip) + a "css assets" table/model?

那么使用像S3(Paperclip)+“css assets”表/模型这样的东西呢?

That way in an "admin" page you can pull all of the possible CSS assets, allow someone to select a new one or even upload a new image to s3. This means you wouldn't have to actually rewrite any code just have an admin portal where they can select possible images.




Storing binary files like images in the database can quickly become cumbersome. There was a time when we were storing user uploads like PDF's and such in the DB but it became unmanageable. We quickly moved it all over to S3 and made Paperclip store and retrieve the files there (encrypting the files before saving them to S3, and sending them over SSL since the files were potentially sensitive) and it made things much saner.


I'd say best bet for you is to use S3. Since


  1. On heroku you have a limited database size (depending on your plan) and could quickly run out if you're storing binaries there.
  2. 在heroku上,您拥有有限的数据库大小(取决于您的计划),如果您在那里存储二进制文件,可能会很快耗尽。

  3. You can't dynamically save new files to the filesystem on heroku, and
  4. 您无法将新文件动态保存到heroku上的文件系统中

  5. S3 is cheap as hell (and free for most casual use) to store and retrieve files.
  6. S3对于存储和检索文件而言很便宜(并且对于大多数临时使用而言是免费的)。

EDIT based on your comment:


Ok I mis-understood the question. Either store the image path in the database or have the image stored with such a path & naming convention that the code itself can figure out where to get the image (which is what paperclip does). Both ways are acceptable. NOTE that SASS is not truly dynamic, you can't pull paths from the database and make the sass change on-the-fly. I've run into a similar situation and the solution was to make the CSS point to a background-image that was in fact a route in the application. In our instance we were able to change the image displayed based on the subdomain or domain of the incoming user, but you could just as easily display that image based on a session cookie that gets set before the views are rendered.


While SASS is compiled, after it's been generated it is static. The syntax, and 'dynamic' nature of it are just to make writing CSS easier.




What about using something like S3(Paperclip) + a "css assets" table/model?

那么使用像S3(Paperclip)+“css assets”表/模型这样的东西呢?

That way in an "admin" page you can pull all of the possible CSS assets, allow someone to select a new one or even upload a new image to s3. This means you wouldn't have to actually rewrite any code just have an admin portal where they can select possible images.
