
时间:2020-12-30 09:34:41

I'm looking for a way to allow a property in a C# object to be set once only. It's easy to write the code to do this, but I would rather use a standard mechanism if one exists.


public OneShot<int> SetOnceProperty { get; set; }

What I want to happen is that the property can be set if it is not already set, but throw an exception if it has been set before. It should function like a Nullable value where I can check to see if it has been set or not.


12 个解决方案



There is direct support for this in the TPL in .NET 4.0;

在.NET 4.0的TPL中直接支持这一点;

(edit: the above sentence was written in anticipation of System.Threading.WriteOnce<T> which existed in the "preview" bits available at the time, but this seems to have evaporated before the TPL hit RTM/GA)

(编辑:上面的句子是为了预期System.Threading.WriteOnce 编写的,它存在于当时可用的“预览”位中,但这似乎在TPL命中RTM / GA之前已经消失了)

until then just do the check yourself... it isn't many lines, from what I recall...


something like:


public sealed class WriteOnce<T>
    private T value;
    private bool hasValue;
    public override string ToString()
        return hasValue ? Convert.ToString(value) : "";
    public T Value
            if (!hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value not set");
            return value;
            if (hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value already set");
            this.value = value;
            this.hasValue = true;
    public T ValueOrDefault { get { return value; } }

    public static implicit operator T(WriteOnce<T> value) { return value.Value; }

Then use, for example:


readonly WriteOnce<string> name = new WriteOnce<string>();
public WriteOnce<string> Name { get { return name; } }



You can roll your own (see the end of the answer for a more robust implementation that is thread safe and supports default values).


public class SetOnce<T>
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public T Value
        get { return value; }
            if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(value);
            set = true;
            this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

You can use it like so:


public class Foo
    private readonly SetOnce<int> toBeSetOnce = new SetOnce<int>();

    public int ToBeSetOnce
        get { return toBeSetOnce; }
        set { toBeSetOnce.Value = value; }

More robust implementation below


public class SetOnce<T>
    private readonly object syncLock = new object();
    private readonly bool throwIfNotSet;
    private readonly string valueName;
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public SetOnce(string valueName)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        throwIfGet = true;

    public SetOnce(string valueName, T defaultValue)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        value = defaultValue;

    public T Value
            lock (syncLock)
                if (!set && throwIfNotSet) throw new ValueNotSetException(valueName);
                return value;
            lock (syncLock)
                if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(valueName, value);
                set = true;
                this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

public class NamedValueException : InvalidOperationException
    private readonly string valueName;

    public NamedValueException(string valueName, string messageFormat)
        : base(string.Format(messageFormat, valueName))
        this.valueName = valueName;

    public string ValueName
        get { return valueName; }

public class AlreadySetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has already been set.";

    public AlreadySetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)

public class ValueNotSetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has not yet been set.";

    public ValueNotSetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)



This can be done with either fiddling with flag:


private OneShot<int> setOnce;
private bool setOnceSet;

public OneShot<int> SetOnce
    get { return setOnce; }
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        setOnce = value;
        setOnceSet = true;

which is not good since you can potentially receive a run-time error. It's much better to enforce this behavior at compile-time:


public class Foo
    private readonly OneShot<int> setOnce;        

    public OneShot<int> SetOnce
        get { return setOnce; }

    public Foo() :

    public Foo(OneShot<int> setOnce)
        this.setOnce = setOnce;

and then use either constructor.




As Marc said there is no way to do this by default in .Net but adding one yourself is not too difficult.


public class SetOnceValue<T> { 
  private T m_value;
  private bool m_isSet;
  public bool IsSet { get { return m_isSet; }}
  public T Value { get {
    if ( !IsSet ) {
       throw new InvalidOperationException("Value not set");
    return m_value;
  public T ValueOrDefault { get { return m_isSet ? m_value : default(T); }}
  public SetOnceValue() { }
  public void SetValue(T value) {
    if ( IsSet ) {
      throw new InvalidOperationException("Already set");
    m_value = value;
    m_isSet = true;

You can then use this as the backing for your particular property.




No such feature in C# (as of 3.5). You have to code it yourself.




Have you considered readonly? http://en.csharp-online.net/const,_static_and_readonly

你有没有考虑过只读? http://en.csharp-online.net/const,_static_and_readonly

It's only available to set during init, but might be what you are looking for.




/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for once inizialization
/// </summary>
public class WriteOnce<T>
    private T _value;
    private Int32 _hasValue;

    public T Value
        get { return _value; }
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _hasValue, 1, 0) == 0)
                _value = value;
                throw new Exception(String.Format("You can't inizialize class instance {0} twice", typeof(WriteOnce<T>)));

    public WriteOnce(T defaultValue)
        _value = defaultValue;

    public static implicit operator T(WriteOnce<T> value)
        return value.Value;



Here's my take on this:


public class ReadOnly<T> // or WriteOnce<T> or whatever name floats your boat
    private readonly TaskCompletionSource<T> _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();

    public Task<T> ValueAsync => _tcs.Task;
    public T Value => _tcs.Task.Result;

    public bool TrySetInitialValue(T value)
            return true;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            return false;

    public void SetInitialValue(T value)
        if (!TrySetInitialValue(value))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The value has already been set.");

    public static implicit operator T(ReadOnly<T> readOnly) => readOnly.Value;
    public static implicit operator Task<T>(ReadOnly<T> readOnly) => readOnly.ValueAsync;

Marc's answer suggests the TPL provides this functionality and I think TaskCompletionSource<T> might have been what he meant, but I can't be sure.

Marc的回答表明TPL提供了这个功能,我认为TaskCompletionSource 可能就是他的意思,但我不能确定。

Some nice properties of my solution:


  • TaskCompletionSource<T> is an officially support MS class which simplifies the implementation.
  • TaskCompletionSource 是一个官方支持的MS类,它简化了实现。
  • You can choose to synchronously or asynchronously get the value.
  • 您可以选择同步或异步获取值。
  • An instance of this class will implicitly convert to the type of value it stores. This can tidy up your code a little bit when you need to pass the value around.
  • 此类的实例将隐式转换为它存储的值的类型。当你需要传递值时,这可以稍微整理你的代码。



You can do this but is not a clear solution and code readability is not the best. If you are doing code design you can have a look at singleton realization in tandem with AOP to intercept setters. The realization is just 123 :)

您可以这样做,但不是一个明确的解决方案,代码可读性不是最好的。如果您正在进行代码设计,您可以查看与AOP串联的单例实现来拦截setter。实现只是123 :)



interface IFoo {

    int Bar { get; }

class Foo : IFoo {

    public int Bar { get; set; }

class Program {

    public static void Main() {

        IFoo myFoo = new Foo() {
            Bar = 5 // valid

        int five = myFoo.Bar; // valid

        myFoo.Bar = 6; // compilation error

Notice that myFoo is declared as an IFoo, but instantiated as a Foo.


This means that Bar can be set within the initializer block, but not through a later reference to myFoo.




The answers assume that objects that receive a reference to an object in the future will not try to change it. If you want to protect against this, you need to make your write-once code only work for types that implement ICloneable or are primitives. the String type implements ICloneable for example. then you would return a clone of the data or new instance of the primitive instead of the actual data.


Generics for primitives only: T GetObject where T: struct;

仅用于基元的泛型:T GetObject其中T:struct;

This is not needed if you know that objects that get a reference to the data will never overwrite it.


Also, consider if the ReadOnlyCollection will work for your application. an exception is thrown whenever a change is attempted on the data.




While the accepted and top-rated answers most directly answer this (older) question, another strategy would be to build a class hierarchy such that you can construct children via parents, plus the new properties:


public class CreatedAtPointA 
    public int ExamplePropOne { get; }
    public bool ExamplePropTwo { get; }

    public CreatedAtPointA(int examplePropOne, bool examplePropTwo)
        ExamplePropOne = examplePropOne;
        ExamplePropTwo = examplePropTwo;

public class CreatedAtPointB : CreatedAtPointA
    public string ExamplePropThree { get; }

    public CreatedAtPointB(CreatedAtPointA dataFromPointA, string examplePropThree) 
        : base(dataFromPointA.ExamplePropOne, dataFromPointA.ExamplePropTwo)
        ExamplePropThree = examplePropThree;

By relying on constructors, you can spray some Febreeze on the code smell, though it's still tedious and a potentially expensive strategy.




There is direct support for this in the TPL in .NET 4.0;

在.NET 4.0的TPL中直接支持这一点;

(edit: the above sentence was written in anticipation of System.Threading.WriteOnce<T> which existed in the "preview" bits available at the time, but this seems to have evaporated before the TPL hit RTM/GA)

(编辑:上面的句子是为了预期System.Threading.WriteOnce 编写的,它存在于当时可用的“预览”位中,但这似乎在TPL命中RTM / GA之前已经消失了)

until then just do the check yourself... it isn't many lines, from what I recall...


something like:


public sealed class WriteOnce<T>
    private T value;
    private bool hasValue;
    public override string ToString()
        return hasValue ? Convert.ToString(value) : "";
    public T Value
            if (!hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value not set");
            return value;
            if (hasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException("Value already set");
            this.value = value;
            this.hasValue = true;
    public T ValueOrDefault { get { return value; } }

    public static implicit operator T(WriteOnce<T> value) { return value.Value; }

Then use, for example:


readonly WriteOnce<string> name = new WriteOnce<string>();
public WriteOnce<string> Name { get { return name; } }



You can roll your own (see the end of the answer for a more robust implementation that is thread safe and supports default values).


public class SetOnce<T>
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public T Value
        get { return value; }
            if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(value);
            set = true;
            this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

You can use it like so:


public class Foo
    private readonly SetOnce<int> toBeSetOnce = new SetOnce<int>();

    public int ToBeSetOnce
        get { return toBeSetOnce; }
        set { toBeSetOnce.Value = value; }

More robust implementation below


public class SetOnce<T>
    private readonly object syncLock = new object();
    private readonly bool throwIfNotSet;
    private readonly string valueName;
    private bool set;
    private T value;

    public SetOnce(string valueName)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        throwIfGet = true;

    public SetOnce(string valueName, T defaultValue)
        this.valueName = valueName;
        value = defaultValue;

    public T Value
            lock (syncLock)
                if (!set && throwIfNotSet) throw new ValueNotSetException(valueName);
                return value;
            lock (syncLock)
                if (set) throw new AlreadySetException(valueName, value);
                set = true;
                this.value = value;

    public static implicit operator T(SetOnce<T> toConvert)
        return toConvert.value;

public class NamedValueException : InvalidOperationException
    private readonly string valueName;

    public NamedValueException(string valueName, string messageFormat)
        : base(string.Format(messageFormat, valueName))
        this.valueName = valueName;

    public string ValueName
        get { return valueName; }

public class AlreadySetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has already been set.";

    public AlreadySetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)

public class ValueNotSetException : NamedValueException
    private const string MESSAGE = "The value \"{0}\" has not yet been set.";

    public ValueNotSetException(string valueName)
        : base(valueName, MESSAGE)



This can be done with either fiddling with flag:


private OneShot<int> setOnce;
private bool setOnceSet;

public OneShot<int> SetOnce
    get { return setOnce; }
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        setOnce = value;
        setOnceSet = true;

which is not good since you can potentially receive a run-time error. It's much better to enforce this behavior at compile-time:


public class Foo
    private readonly OneShot<int> setOnce;        

    public OneShot<int> SetOnce
        get { return setOnce; }

    public Foo() :

    public Foo(OneShot<int> setOnce)
        this.setOnce = setOnce;

and then use either constructor.




As Marc said there is no way to do this by default in .Net but adding one yourself is not too difficult.


public class SetOnceValue<T> { 
  private T m_value;
  private bool m_isSet;
  public bool IsSet { get { return m_isSet; }}
  public T Value { get {
    if ( !IsSet ) {
       throw new InvalidOperationException("Value not set");
    return m_value;
  public T ValueOrDefault { get { return m_isSet ? m_value : default(T); }}
  public SetOnceValue() { }
  public void SetValue(T value) {
    if ( IsSet ) {
      throw new InvalidOperationException("Already set");
    m_value = value;
    m_isSet = true;

You can then use this as the backing for your particular property.




No such feature in C# (as of 3.5). You have to code it yourself.




Have you considered readonly? http://en.csharp-online.net/const,_static_and_readonly

你有没有考虑过只读? http://en.csharp-online.net/const,_static_and_readonly

It's only available to set during init, but might be what you are looking for.




/// <summary>
/// Wrapper for once inizialization
/// </summary>
public class WriteOnce<T>
    private T _value;
    private Int32 _hasValue;

    public T Value
        get { return _value; }
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _hasValue, 1, 0) == 0)
                _value = value;
                throw new Exception(String.Format("You can't inizialize class instance {0} twice", typeof(WriteOnce<T>)));

    public WriteOnce(T defaultValue)
        _value = defaultValue;

    public static implicit operator T(WriteOnce<T> value)
        return value.Value;



Here's my take on this:


public class ReadOnly<T> // or WriteOnce<T> or whatever name floats your boat
    private readonly TaskCompletionSource<T> _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();

    public Task<T> ValueAsync => _tcs.Task;
    public T Value => _tcs.Task.Result;

    public bool TrySetInitialValue(T value)
            return true;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            return false;

    public void SetInitialValue(T value)
        if (!TrySetInitialValue(value))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("The value has already been set.");

    public static implicit operator T(ReadOnly<T> readOnly) => readOnly.Value;
    public static implicit operator Task<T>(ReadOnly<T> readOnly) => readOnly.ValueAsync;

Marc's answer suggests the TPL provides this functionality and I think TaskCompletionSource<T> might have been what he meant, but I can't be sure.

Marc的回答表明TPL提供了这个功能,我认为TaskCompletionSource 可能就是他的意思,但我不能确定。

Some nice properties of my solution:


  • TaskCompletionSource<T> is an officially support MS class which simplifies the implementation.
  • TaskCompletionSource 是一个官方支持的MS类,它简化了实现。
  • You can choose to synchronously or asynchronously get the value.
  • 您可以选择同步或异步获取值。
  • An instance of this class will implicitly convert to the type of value it stores. This can tidy up your code a little bit when you need to pass the value around.
  • 此类的实例将隐式转换为它存储的值的类型。当你需要传递值时,这可以稍微整理你的代码。



You can do this but is not a clear solution and code readability is not the best. If you are doing code design you can have a look at singleton realization in tandem with AOP to intercept setters. The realization is just 123 :)

您可以这样做,但不是一个明确的解决方案,代码可读性不是最好的。如果您正在进行代码设计,您可以查看与AOP串联的单例实现来拦截setter。实现只是123 :)



interface IFoo {

    int Bar { get; }

class Foo : IFoo {

    public int Bar { get; set; }

class Program {

    public static void Main() {

        IFoo myFoo = new Foo() {
            Bar = 5 // valid

        int five = myFoo.Bar; // valid

        myFoo.Bar = 6; // compilation error

Notice that myFoo is declared as an IFoo, but instantiated as a Foo.


This means that Bar can be set within the initializer block, but not through a later reference to myFoo.




The answers assume that objects that receive a reference to an object in the future will not try to change it. If you want to protect against this, you need to make your write-once code only work for types that implement ICloneable or are primitives. the String type implements ICloneable for example. then you would return a clone of the data or new instance of the primitive instead of the actual data.


Generics for primitives only: T GetObject where T: struct;

仅用于基元的泛型:T GetObject其中T:struct;

This is not needed if you know that objects that get a reference to the data will never overwrite it.


Also, consider if the ReadOnlyCollection will work for your application. an exception is thrown whenever a change is attempted on the data.




While the accepted and top-rated answers most directly answer this (older) question, another strategy would be to build a class hierarchy such that you can construct children via parents, plus the new properties:


public class CreatedAtPointA 
    public int ExamplePropOne { get; }
    public bool ExamplePropTwo { get; }

    public CreatedAtPointA(int examplePropOne, bool examplePropTwo)
        ExamplePropOne = examplePropOne;
        ExamplePropTwo = examplePropTwo;

public class CreatedAtPointB : CreatedAtPointA
    public string ExamplePropThree { get; }

    public CreatedAtPointB(CreatedAtPointA dataFromPointA, string examplePropThree) 
        : base(dataFromPointA.ExamplePropOne, dataFromPointA.ExamplePropTwo)
        ExamplePropThree = examplePropThree;

By relying on constructors, you can spray some Febreeze on the code smell, though it's still tedious and a potentially expensive strategy.
