
时间:2022-07-17 09:35:22

I'm currently doing something like this in some code I'm working on right now:


public CommandType GetCommandTypeFromCommandString(String command)
      return CommandType.Acknowledge;
   else if (command.StartsWith(CommandConstants.Status))
      return CommandType.Status;
   else if (command.StartsWith(CommandConstants.Echo))
      return CommandType.Echo;
   else if (command.StartsWith(CommandConstants.Warning))
     return CommandType.Warning;
     // and so on

   return CommandType.None;

I'd like to know if there is a more efficient way of doing this in C#. This code needs to execute many, many times a second, and I'm not too happy with the time it takes to do all of those string comparisons. Any suggestions? :)

我想知道在C#中是否有更有效的方法。这段代码需要每秒执行很多次,而且我对完成所有这些字符串比较所花费的时间不太满意。有什么建议? :)

11 个解决方案


One optimization would be to use the StringComparison enum to specify that you only want ordinal comparison. Like this:


if(command.StartsWith(CommandConstants.Acknowledge, StringComparison.Ordinal))
    return CommandType.Acknowledge;

If you don't specify a string comparison method the current culture will be used for comparison and that slows things down a bit.


I did some (really really naive) benchmarking:


var a = "foo bar foo";
var b = "foo";

int numTimes = 1000000;

Benchmark.Time(() => a.StartsWith(b, StringComparison.Ordinal), "ordinal", numTimes);
Benchmark.Time(() => a.StartsWith(b), "culture sensitive", numTimes);

Which produced the following results:


ordinal ran 1000000 times in 35.6033 ms
culture sensitive ran 1000000 times in 175.5859 ms

You should also order your comparisons so that the most likely tokens are being compared first (happy path).


Theese optimizations are a simple way of making your current implementation perform better but if performance really is critical (and I mean really critical) you should be looking towards implementing some sort of state machine.



Similar in concept to the FSM answer by Vojislav, you could try putting the constants into a trie. You can then replace your sequence of comparisons with a single traversal of the trie.


There is a C# trie implementation described here.



It's quite a bit of work, but you could construct an FSM based on each of the tokens. The FSM would accept characters from the command string one by one; it would have one final state for each token and an additional final state to which to go when the command doesn't start with any of the tokens.

这是相当多的工作,但你可以根据每个令牌构建一个FSM。 FSM将逐个接受命令字符串中的字符;对于每个令牌,它将具有一个最终状态,并且当命令不以任何令牌开始时,将具有另外的最终状态。


I think you could do better with a regular expression and a Dictionary:


static Regex reCommands = new Regex("^(cmd1|cmd2|cmd3|cmd4)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static Dictionary<string, CommandType> Commands = new Dictionary<string, CommandType>();
private static InitDictionary()
    Commands.Add("cmd1", cmdType1);
    Commands.Add("cmd2", cmdType2);
    Commands.Add("cmd3", cmdType3);
    Commands.Add("cmd4", cmdType4);
public CommandType GetCommandTypeFromCommandString(String command)
    Match m = reCommands.Match(command);
    if (m.Success)
        return Commands[m.Groups[1].Value];
    return CommandType.None; // no command


I think you should go for more readability than worry about efficiency. These operations are pretty fast. I second Serge, it's unlikely this part of the code is the bottleneck. I would do something like this:


public CommandType GetCommandTypeFromCommandString(String command)
   for(String currentCommand : allCommands) {
           return currentCommand;
   return CommandType.None;

EDIT: As an afterthought, if you know which commands are used most frequently, you could order your array so those commands are at the start... you can also do this with if statements if you keep them.



Edit: In light of a misunderstanding of one of the caveats of StopWatch, my original answer doesn't perform so well as StartsWith in combination with StringComparison.Ordinal. Even if you compile the regex with all the correct options it is a little slower, with performance comparable to using StartsWith without any StringComparison settings. However, the regular expression route does give you more flexibility to match patterns whereas StartsWith doesn't, so I've left my original answer for posterity...


Original Answer:

I have to admit, I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for - however, it seems to me that this kind of code is generally parsing a log file of some description looking to pull out useful information. To save you doing all the string comparisons long hand you could generate a regular expression of the values in your enumeration and then parse the correct enum item using the matched item:

我不得不承认,我不确定你到底在想什么 - 但是,在我看来,这种代码通常会解析一些描述的日志文件,以寻找有用的信息。为了节省您长时间进行所有字符串比较,您可以在枚举中生成值的正则表达式,然后使用匹配的项解析正确的枚举项:

public enum CommandType
static public CommandType? GetCommandTypeFromString(String command)
    var CommandTypes = String.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(CommandType)));
    var PassedConstant = Regex.Match(command, String.Format("(?i:^({0}))", CommandTypes)).Value;
    if (PassedConstant != String.Empty)
        return (CommandType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandType), PassedConstant, true);
    return null;

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(GetCommandTypeFromString("Acknowledge that I am great!").ToString());

This would pull out CommandType.Acknowledge from the beginning of my string, but only if it existed at the start of the string... it would also pull out the other correct CommandTypes.


Doing similar benchmarking to the accepted answer, I got about a 40% performance increase. I ran the accepted code over a million iterations in 10421ms, but mine ran in only 6459ms.


Of course, while the if statement you're using may not look as efficient as you'd like, it's still easier to read than using the regex form...



Create an


and populate it with the values.


You don't need to compare everything...just look it up in the table.


You'll also need to define your command syntax a little better. Require a space between the command and the rest of the line for example...



How many times is "many many"? I seriously doubt this part of the code is the bottleneck. You could probably optimize it a tiny tiny little bit with a switch statement based on the first letter of each command, assuming they are all different.


But then again, it is really useful? I wouldn't bet much on it.



I did something similar as an extension method:


public static bool StartsWith(this string s, params string[] candidate)
    string match = candidate.FirstOrDefault(t => s.StartsWith(t));
    return match != default(string);

Now this is just a predicate that returns whether or not a string in an array starts with a given string, but you could modify it somewhat:


public static int PrefixIndex(this string s, params string[] candidate)
    int index = -1;
    string match = candidate.FirstOrDefault(t => { index++; return s.StartsWith(t); });
    return match == default(string) ? -1 : index;

and in usage it would be:


int index = command.PrefixIndex(tokenStrings);

if (index >= 0) {
    // convert to your enum

In a comment I saw that you wanted to do 30 string compares in 1/40th of a second. My friend, you should be able to do that on a 1 MHz machine. It should be no sweat to do thousands of string compares in 1/40th of a second.

在评论中,我看到你想在1/40秒内进行30次字符串比较。我的朋友,你应该可以在1 MHz的机器上做到这一点。在1/40秒内进行数千次字符串比较应该没有汗水。


A trie's almost certainly going to be the fastest approach. If the prefixes were the same length, you might be able to come up with a faster implementation by hashing the prefix to get an index into an array, but that breaks down if you don't know how many bytes to hash.



NOTE: I'm not demonstrating using Exception handling to control program flow. Enum.Parse will throw an exception if the string name of the Enum doesn't exist. The Catch clause just returns the default CommandType of None like the questioner's sample code does.

注意:我没有演示如何使用异常处理来控制程序流。如果Enum的字符串名称不存在,Enum.Parse将抛出异常。 Catch子句只返回默认的CommandType为None,就像提问者的示例代码一样。

If the object is just to return the actual Enum object given the string name couldn't you use:


    return (CommandType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandType), strCmdName, true);
catch (Exception)
    return CommandType.None;


One optimization would be to use the StringComparison enum to specify that you only want ordinal comparison. Like this:


if(command.StartsWith(CommandConstants.Acknowledge, StringComparison.Ordinal))
    return CommandType.Acknowledge;

If you don't specify a string comparison method the current culture will be used for comparison and that slows things down a bit.


I did some (really really naive) benchmarking:


var a = "foo bar foo";
var b = "foo";

int numTimes = 1000000;

Benchmark.Time(() => a.StartsWith(b, StringComparison.Ordinal), "ordinal", numTimes);
Benchmark.Time(() => a.StartsWith(b), "culture sensitive", numTimes);

Which produced the following results:


ordinal ran 1000000 times in 35.6033 ms
culture sensitive ran 1000000 times in 175.5859 ms

You should also order your comparisons so that the most likely tokens are being compared first (happy path).


Theese optimizations are a simple way of making your current implementation perform better but if performance really is critical (and I mean really critical) you should be looking towards implementing some sort of state machine.



Similar in concept to the FSM answer by Vojislav, you could try putting the constants into a trie. You can then replace your sequence of comparisons with a single traversal of the trie.


There is a C# trie implementation described here.



It's quite a bit of work, but you could construct an FSM based on each of the tokens. The FSM would accept characters from the command string one by one; it would have one final state for each token and an additional final state to which to go when the command doesn't start with any of the tokens.

这是相当多的工作,但你可以根据每个令牌构建一个FSM。 FSM将逐个接受命令字符串中的字符;对于每个令牌,它将具有一个最终状态,并且当命令不以任何令牌开始时,将具有另外的最终状态。


I think you could do better with a regular expression and a Dictionary:


static Regex reCommands = new Regex("^(cmd1|cmd2|cmd3|cmd4)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
static Dictionary<string, CommandType> Commands = new Dictionary<string, CommandType>();
private static InitDictionary()
    Commands.Add("cmd1", cmdType1);
    Commands.Add("cmd2", cmdType2);
    Commands.Add("cmd3", cmdType3);
    Commands.Add("cmd4", cmdType4);
public CommandType GetCommandTypeFromCommandString(String command)
    Match m = reCommands.Match(command);
    if (m.Success)
        return Commands[m.Groups[1].Value];
    return CommandType.None; // no command


I think you should go for more readability than worry about efficiency. These operations are pretty fast. I second Serge, it's unlikely this part of the code is the bottleneck. I would do something like this:


public CommandType GetCommandTypeFromCommandString(String command)
   for(String currentCommand : allCommands) {
           return currentCommand;
   return CommandType.None;

EDIT: As an afterthought, if you know which commands are used most frequently, you could order your array so those commands are at the start... you can also do this with if statements if you keep them.



Edit: In light of a misunderstanding of one of the caveats of StopWatch, my original answer doesn't perform so well as StartsWith in combination with StringComparison.Ordinal. Even if you compile the regex with all the correct options it is a little slower, with performance comparable to using StartsWith without any StringComparison settings. However, the regular expression route does give you more flexibility to match patterns whereas StartsWith doesn't, so I've left my original answer for posterity...


Original Answer:

I have to admit, I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for - however, it seems to me that this kind of code is generally parsing a log file of some description looking to pull out useful information. To save you doing all the string comparisons long hand you could generate a regular expression of the values in your enumeration and then parse the correct enum item using the matched item:

我不得不承认,我不确定你到底在想什么 - 但是,在我看来,这种代码通常会解析一些描述的日志文件,以寻找有用的信息。为了节省您长时间进行所有字符串比较,您可以在枚举中生成值的正则表达式,然后使用匹配的项解析正确的枚举项:

public enum CommandType
static public CommandType? GetCommandTypeFromString(String command)
    var CommandTypes = String.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(CommandType)));
    var PassedConstant = Regex.Match(command, String.Format("(?i:^({0}))", CommandTypes)).Value;
    if (PassedConstant != String.Empty)
        return (CommandType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandType), PassedConstant, true);
    return null;

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(GetCommandTypeFromString("Acknowledge that I am great!").ToString());

This would pull out CommandType.Acknowledge from the beginning of my string, but only if it existed at the start of the string... it would also pull out the other correct CommandTypes.


Doing similar benchmarking to the accepted answer, I got about a 40% performance increase. I ran the accepted code over a million iterations in 10421ms, but mine ran in only 6459ms.


Of course, while the if statement you're using may not look as efficient as you'd like, it's still easier to read than using the regex form...



Create an


and populate it with the values.


You don't need to compare everything...just look it up in the table.


You'll also need to define your command syntax a little better. Require a space between the command and the rest of the line for example...



How many times is "many many"? I seriously doubt this part of the code is the bottleneck. You could probably optimize it a tiny tiny little bit with a switch statement based on the first letter of each command, assuming they are all different.


But then again, it is really useful? I wouldn't bet much on it.



I did something similar as an extension method:


public static bool StartsWith(this string s, params string[] candidate)
    string match = candidate.FirstOrDefault(t => s.StartsWith(t));
    return match != default(string);

Now this is just a predicate that returns whether or not a string in an array starts with a given string, but you could modify it somewhat:


public static int PrefixIndex(this string s, params string[] candidate)
    int index = -1;
    string match = candidate.FirstOrDefault(t => { index++; return s.StartsWith(t); });
    return match == default(string) ? -1 : index;

and in usage it would be:


int index = command.PrefixIndex(tokenStrings);

if (index >= 0) {
    // convert to your enum

In a comment I saw that you wanted to do 30 string compares in 1/40th of a second. My friend, you should be able to do that on a 1 MHz machine. It should be no sweat to do thousands of string compares in 1/40th of a second.

在评论中,我看到你想在1/40秒内进行30次字符串比较。我的朋友,你应该可以在1 MHz的机器上做到这一点。在1/40秒内进行数千次字符串比较应该没有汗水。


A trie's almost certainly going to be the fastest approach. If the prefixes were the same length, you might be able to come up with a faster implementation by hashing the prefix to get an index into an array, but that breaks down if you don't know how many bytes to hash.



NOTE: I'm not demonstrating using Exception handling to control program flow. Enum.Parse will throw an exception if the string name of the Enum doesn't exist. The Catch clause just returns the default CommandType of None like the questioner's sample code does.

注意:我没有演示如何使用异常处理来控制程序流。如果Enum的字符串名称不存在,Enum.Parse将抛出异常。 Catch子句只返回默认的CommandType为None,就像提问者的示例代码一样。

If the object is just to return the actual Enum object given the string name couldn't you use:


    return (CommandType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CommandType), strCmdName, true);
catch (Exception)
    return CommandType.None;