"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium

时间:2022-04-04 09:07:01


pyCharm提示python Interpreter没有设置,点击configure Python Interpreter,进入Settings

"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium

在 Project Interpreter 中,点击设置,添加Python Interpreter

"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium

点击Add Local

"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium

选择 New enviroment,下面两个勾上,然后点击OK

"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium

pyCharm提示python Interpreter没有设置,但尽管在setting中设置了正确的解释器,却无法保存。

错误提示:Cannot Save Settings:

试了多次都如此,在下拉列表中选择好了,一点OK或Apply就变成No interpreter。

"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium


"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium


"No Python interpreter configured for the project " in Pycharm for python selenium