我可以使用Python访问ImageMagick API吗?

时间:2022-05-03 09:00:30

I need to use ImageMagick as PIL does not have the amount of image functionality available that I am looking for. However, I am wanting to use Python.


The python bindings (PythonMagick) have not been updated since 2009. The only thing I have been able to find is os.system calls to use the command line interface but this seems clunky.


Is there any way to access the API directly using ctypes and conversions of some sort? As a last resort is there any other library out there that has the extensive amount of image editing tools like ImageMagick that I have looked over?


3 个解决方案



I would recommend using Wand (explanations follows).


I was looking for proper binding to ImageMagick library, that would:


  • work error/problem free
  • 工作错误/无问题
  • be regularly maintained and up to date
  • 定期维护和更新
  • allow nice objective Python
  • 允许很好的客观Python

But indeed python API (binding) has too many different (mostly discontinued) versions. After reading a nice historical overview by Benjamin Schweizer it has all become clear (also see his github wiki) :

但实际上python API(绑定)有太多不同的(大多数已停产)版本。在阅读了Benjamin Schweizer的精彩历史概述后,一切都变得清晰了(另见他的github wiki):

  • GraphicsMagick
  • GraphicsMagick工具
  • PythonMagick - first implementation
  • PythonMagick - 第一次实现
  • PythonMagickWand/Achim Domma - first Wand - a CDLL implementation
  • PythonMagickWand / Achim Domma - 第一个Wand - 一个CDLL实现
  • PythonMagickWand/Ian Stevens
  • PythonMagickWand / Ian Stevens
  • MagickFoo - included in python-magickwand
  • MagickFoo - 包含在python-magickwand中
  • Wand/Hong Minhee - the latest project
  • Wand / Hong Minhee - 最新项目

Now Wand is just a (reduced) C API to the ImageMagick ".. API is the recommended interface between the C programming language and the ImageMagick image processing libraries. Unlike the MagickCore C API, MagickWand uses only a few opaque types. Accessors are available to set or get important wand properties." (See project homepage)

现在,Wand只是ImageMagick的一个(简化的)C API。.. API是C编程语言和ImageMagick图像处理库之间的推荐接口。与MagickCore C API不同,MagickWand仅使用几种不透明类型。可以使用访问器设置或获取重要的魔杖属性。“ (见项目主页)

So it is already a simplified interface that is easer to maintain.




I found no good Python binding for ImageMagick, so in order to use ImageMagick in Python program I had to use subprocess module to redirect input/output.


For example, let's assume we need to convert PDF file into TIF:


path = "/path/to/some.pdf"
cmd = ["convert", "-monochrome", "-compress", "lzw", path, "tif:-"]
fconvert = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = fconvert.communicate()
assert fconvert.returncode == 0, stderr

# now stdout is TIF image. let's load it with OpenCV
filebytes = numpy.asarray(bytearray(stdout), dtype=numpy.uint8)
image = cv2.imdecode(filebytes, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Here I used tif:- to tell ImageMagick's command-line utility that I want to get TIF image as stdout stream. In the similar way you may tell it to use stdin stream as input by specifying - as input filename.

在这里我使用tif: - 告诉ImageMagick的命令行实用程序,我想将TIF图像作为stdout流。以类似的方式,您可以通过指定 - 作为输入文件名来告诉它使用stdin流作为输入。



This has worked for me for the following command to create an image from text for the letter "P":


import subprocess

cmd = '/usr/local/bin/convert -size 30x40 xc:white -fill white -fill black -font Arial -pointsize 40 -gravity South -draw "text 0,0 \'P\'" /Users/fred/desktop/draw_text2.gif'

subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)



I would recommend using Wand (explanations follows).


I was looking for proper binding to ImageMagick library, that would:


  • work error/problem free
  • 工作错误/无问题
  • be regularly maintained and up to date
  • 定期维护和更新
  • allow nice objective Python
  • 允许很好的客观Python

But indeed python API (binding) has too many different (mostly discontinued) versions. After reading a nice historical overview by Benjamin Schweizer it has all become clear (also see his github wiki) :

但实际上python API(绑定)有太多不同的(大多数已停产)版本。在阅读了Benjamin Schweizer的精彩历史概述后,一切都变得清晰了(另见他的github wiki):

  • GraphicsMagick
  • GraphicsMagick工具
  • PythonMagick - first implementation
  • PythonMagick - 第一次实现
  • PythonMagickWand/Achim Domma - first Wand - a CDLL implementation
  • PythonMagickWand / Achim Domma - 第一个Wand - 一个CDLL实现
  • PythonMagickWand/Ian Stevens
  • PythonMagickWand / Ian Stevens
  • MagickFoo - included in python-magickwand
  • MagickFoo - 包含在python-magickwand中
  • Wand/Hong Minhee - the latest project
  • Wand / Hong Minhee - 最新项目

Now Wand is just a (reduced) C API to the ImageMagick ".. API is the recommended interface between the C programming language and the ImageMagick image processing libraries. Unlike the MagickCore C API, MagickWand uses only a few opaque types. Accessors are available to set or get important wand properties." (See project homepage)

现在,Wand只是ImageMagick的一个(简化的)C API。.. API是C编程语言和ImageMagick图像处理库之间的推荐接口。与MagickCore C API不同,MagickWand仅使用几种不透明类型。可以使用访问器设置或获取重要的魔杖属性。“ (见项目主页)

So it is already a simplified interface that is easer to maintain.




I found no good Python binding for ImageMagick, so in order to use ImageMagick in Python program I had to use subprocess module to redirect input/output.


For example, let's assume we need to convert PDF file into TIF:


path = "/path/to/some.pdf"
cmd = ["convert", "-monochrome", "-compress", "lzw", path, "tif:-"]
fconvert = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = fconvert.communicate()
assert fconvert.returncode == 0, stderr

# now stdout is TIF image. let's load it with OpenCV
filebytes = numpy.asarray(bytearray(stdout), dtype=numpy.uint8)
image = cv2.imdecode(filebytes, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

Here I used tif:- to tell ImageMagick's command-line utility that I want to get TIF image as stdout stream. In the similar way you may tell it to use stdin stream as input by specifying - as input filename.

在这里我使用tif: - 告诉ImageMagick的命令行实用程序,我想将TIF图像作为stdout流。以类似的方式,您可以通过指定 - 作为输入文件名来告诉它使用stdin流作为输入。



This has worked for me for the following command to create an image from text for the letter "P":


import subprocess

cmd = '/usr/local/bin/convert -size 30x40 xc:white -fill white -fill black -font Arial -pointsize 40 -gravity South -draw "text 0,0 \'P\'" /Users/fred/desktop/draw_text2.gif'

subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)