如何访问std :: vector的内部连续缓冲区,我可以将它与memcpy等一起使用吗?

时间:2022-03-07 15:01:05

How can I access the contiguous memory buffer used within a std::vector so I can perform direct memory operations on it (e.g. memcpy)? Also, it is safe to perform operations like memcpy on that buffer?

如何访问std :: vector中使用的连续内存缓冲区,以便对其执行直接内存操作(例如memcpy)?此外,在缓冲区上执行memcpy等操作是安全的吗?

I've read that the standard guarantees that a vector uses a contiguous memory buffer internally, but that it is not necessarily implemented as a dynamic array. I figure given that it is definitely contiguous, I should be able to use it as such - but I wasn't sure if the vector implementation stored book-keeping data as part of that buffer. If it did, then something like memcpying the vector buffer would destroy its internal state.

我已经读过标准保证向量在内部使用连续的内存缓冲区,但它不一定是作为动态数组实现的。我认为它肯定是连续的,我应该可以这样使用它 - 但我不确定向量实现是否将簿记数据存储为该缓冲区的一部分。如果确实如此,那么像memcpying向量缓冲区这样的东西就会破坏它的内部状态。

7 个解决方案



In practice, virtually all compilers implement vector as an array under the hood. You can get a pointer to this array by doing &somevector[0]. If the contents of the vector are POD ('plain-old-data') types, doing memcpy should be safe - however if they're C++ classes with complex initialization logic, you'd be safer using std::copy.

实际上,几乎所有编译器都将矢量作为阵列实现。您可以通过执行&somevector [0]获取指向此数组的指针。如果向量的内容是POD('plain-old-data')类型,那么执行memcpy应该是安全的 - 但是如果它们是具有复杂初始化逻辑的C ++类,那么使用std :: copy会更安全。



Simply do


// or Goz's suggestion:

// or
// but I don't know why you'd want to do that

This returns the address of the first element in the vector (assuming vec has more than 0 elements), which is the address of the array it uses. vector storage is guaranteed by the standard to be contiguous, so this is a safe way to use a vector with functions that expect arrays.


Be aware that if you add, or remove elements from the vector, or [potentially] modify the vector in any way (such as calling reserve), this pointer could become invalid and point to a deallocated area of memory.




You can simply do:



The memory is guaranteed contiguous so its safe to work with it with C library functions such as memcpy. However, you shouldn't persist pointers into the contiguous data because vector resizes may reallocate and copy the memory to a different location. IE the following would be bad:


  std::vector<char> charVect;
  // insert a bunch of stuff into charVect
  char* bufferPtr = &charVect[0];
  charVect.push_back('a'); // potential resize
  // Now bufferPtr may not be valid since the resize may have moved
  // the vectors contents
  bufferPtr[0] = 'f'; // **CRASH**




But note that using memcpy is really only applicable if this is a vector of PODs or primitive types. Doing direct memory manipulation of anything else leads to undefined behaviour.




The simplest way is to use &v[0], where v is your vector. An example:

最简单的方法是使用&v [0],其中v是你的向量。一个例子:

int write_vector(int fd, const std::vector<char>& v) {
   int rval = write(fd, &v[0], v.size());
   return rval;



Yes - since the standard guarantees contiguous placement of the vector's internal data, you can access a pointer to the first element in the vector via:

是 - 由于标准保证了矢量内部数据的连续放置,您可以通过以下方式访问向量中第一个元素的指针:

std::vector<int> my_vector;
// initialize...

int* arr = &my_vector[0];



While you can safely read the right amount of data from the underlying storage, writing there may not happen to be a good idea, depending on the design.


    vlad:Code ⧴ cat vectortest.cpp
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        using namespace std;
        vector<char> v(2);
        char c[6]={ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
        cout << "Original size is " << v.size();
        memcpy( v.data(), c, 6);
        cout << ", after memcpy it is " << v.size();
        copy(c, c+6, v.begin());
        cout << ", and after copy it is " << v.size() << endl;
        cout << "Arr: " << c << endl;
        cout << "Vec: ";
        for (auto i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i) cout << *i;
        cout << endl;
    vlad:Code ⧴ make vectortest
    make: `vectortest' is up to date.
    vlad:Code ⧴ ./vectortest
    Original size is 2, after memcpy it is 2, and after copy it is 2
    Arr: Hello
    Vec: He
    vlad:Code ⧴

So if you are writing past the size(), then the new data is not accessible by class methods.


You can account for that and ensure the size is enough (e.g. vector<char> v(10)), but do you really want to make software where you are fighting the standard library?

你可以考虑到这一点,并确保大小足够(例如vector v(10)),但你真的想制作你正在与标准库作斗争的软件吗?



In practice, virtually all compilers implement vector as an array under the hood. You can get a pointer to this array by doing &somevector[0]. If the contents of the vector are POD ('plain-old-data') types, doing memcpy should be safe - however if they're C++ classes with complex initialization logic, you'd be safer using std::copy.

实际上,几乎所有编译器都将矢量作为阵列实现。您可以通过执行&somevector [0]获取指向此数组的指针。如果向量的内容是POD('plain-old-data')类型,那么执行memcpy应该是安全的 - 但是如果它们是具有复杂初始化逻辑的C ++类,那么使用std :: copy会更安全。



Simply do


// or Goz's suggestion:

// or
// but I don't know why you'd want to do that

This returns the address of the first element in the vector (assuming vec has more than 0 elements), which is the address of the array it uses. vector storage is guaranteed by the standard to be contiguous, so this is a safe way to use a vector with functions that expect arrays.


Be aware that if you add, or remove elements from the vector, or [potentially] modify the vector in any way (such as calling reserve), this pointer could become invalid and point to a deallocated area of memory.




You can simply do:



The memory is guaranteed contiguous so its safe to work with it with C library functions such as memcpy. However, you shouldn't persist pointers into the contiguous data because vector resizes may reallocate and copy the memory to a different location. IE the following would be bad:


  std::vector<char> charVect;
  // insert a bunch of stuff into charVect
  char* bufferPtr = &charVect[0];
  charVect.push_back('a'); // potential resize
  // Now bufferPtr may not be valid since the resize may have moved
  // the vectors contents
  bufferPtr[0] = 'f'; // **CRASH**




But note that using memcpy is really only applicable if this is a vector of PODs or primitive types. Doing direct memory manipulation of anything else leads to undefined behaviour.




The simplest way is to use &v[0], where v is your vector. An example:

最简单的方法是使用&v [0],其中v是你的向量。一个例子:

int write_vector(int fd, const std::vector<char>& v) {
   int rval = write(fd, &v[0], v.size());
   return rval;



Yes - since the standard guarantees contiguous placement of the vector's internal data, you can access a pointer to the first element in the vector via:

是 - 由于标准保证了矢量内部数据的连续放置,您可以通过以下方式访问向量中第一个元素的指针:

std::vector<int> my_vector;
// initialize...

int* arr = &my_vector[0];



While you can safely read the right amount of data from the underlying storage, writing there may not happen to be a good idea, depending on the design.


    vlad:Code ⧴ cat vectortest.cpp
    #include <vector>
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        using namespace std;
        vector<char> v(2);
        char c[6]={ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };
        cout << "Original size is " << v.size();
        memcpy( v.data(), c, 6);
        cout << ", after memcpy it is " << v.size();
        copy(c, c+6, v.begin());
        cout << ", and after copy it is " << v.size() << endl;
        cout << "Arr: " << c << endl;
        cout << "Vec: ";
        for (auto i = v.begin(); i!=v.end(); ++i) cout << *i;
        cout << endl;
    vlad:Code ⧴ make vectortest
    make: `vectortest' is up to date.
    vlad:Code ⧴ ./vectortest
    Original size is 2, after memcpy it is 2, and after copy it is 2
    Arr: Hello
    Vec: He
    vlad:Code ⧴

So if you are writing past the size(), then the new data is not accessible by class methods.


You can account for that and ensure the size is enough (e.g. vector<char> v(10)), but do you really want to make software where you are fighting the standard library?

你可以考虑到这一点,并确保大小足够(例如vector v(10)),但你真的想制作你正在与标准库作斗争的软件吗?