
时间:2021-05-26 07:42:19

I have a simple question about debugging on Xcode and GDB.


I often run into an error:


unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1081ad0

which makes the program load into GDB. Is there an easy way to examine what instance is located in that memory from GDB?


4 个解决方案



po 0x1081ad0

po 0x1081ad0

po = Print Object. You can even call methods, like

po =打印对象。你甚至可以调用方法,比如

po [myArray objectAtIndex:0]

po [myArray objectAtIndex:0]

Note that it only works on objects, so


po 1


will crash your program.




Steven is correct — the gdb command po is a shortcut for print-object, which actually calls -debugDescription (not -description, as you might expect) on the object provided as an argument. In many cases you'll see the same result from both methods, since one calls the other unless overridden. (See the related Note: callout on this Apple technote for details. Note that in their code sample, po $r3 prints the contents of a PowerPC register, but you can use any object pointer/reference, including Intel registers, etc.)

史蒂文是正确的 - gdb命令po是print-object的快捷方式,它实际上在作为参数提供的对象上调用-debugDescription(不是-description,如您所料)。在许多情况下,您将从两种方法中看到相同的结果,因为除非被覆盖,否则将调用另一种方法。 (有关详细信息,请参阅相关说明:此Apple技术说明中的标注。请注意,在其代码示例中,po $ r3打印PowerPC寄存器的内容,但您可以使用任何对象指针/引用,包括Intel寄存器等)

Also, be aware that print-object will only work on valid objects that haven't been deallocated. It won't help at all if you're sending a message to a borked pointer. Given the error you cited, though, it would seem that it's a valid object instance, it just doesn't implement the method you're trying to invoke.


It's also remotely possible that the object has already been destroyed. This answer should help in that case.




There are other ways to "examine" objects in the debugger. I asked this SO question about Xcode data formatters, which is one way you can determine how a custom class appears in the Summary column of the debugger. The documentation linked from that question explain how it works. I've found the summary approach to help a lot with seeing the state of an object.




There are a couple of things you can do.


  1. You can insert a break point that will trigger every time you have an exception, so basically create a break point for this (go to breakpoints and create a new one): -[NSException raise]
  2. 你可以插入一个断点,每次有异常时都会触发,所以基本上为此创建一个断点(转到断点并创建一个断点): - [NSException raise]
  3. Alternatively, you can actually see what the object at that mem location is:


    info symbol 0x1081ad0 or


    info line *0x1081ad0

    信息行* 0x1081ad0

There's more info at the cocoadev wiki entry for exceptionhandling and debugging tips for objective C at cocoawithlove.

有关cocoawithlove目标C的异常处理和调试技巧,请参阅cocoadev wiki条目。



Your instance is not valid. You have release the object somewhere else, but you did not clear out your pointer... enable Zombie detection.




po 0x1081ad0

po 0x1081ad0

po = Print Object. You can even call methods, like

po =打印对象。你甚至可以调用方法,比如

po [myArray objectAtIndex:0]

po [myArray objectAtIndex:0]

Note that it only works on objects, so


po 1


will crash your program.




Steven is correct — the gdb command po is a shortcut for print-object, which actually calls -debugDescription (not -description, as you might expect) on the object provided as an argument. In many cases you'll see the same result from both methods, since one calls the other unless overridden. (See the related Note: callout on this Apple technote for details. Note that in their code sample, po $r3 prints the contents of a PowerPC register, but you can use any object pointer/reference, including Intel registers, etc.)

史蒂文是正确的 - gdb命令po是print-object的快捷方式,它实际上在作为参数提供的对象上调用-debugDescription(不是-description,如您所料)。在许多情况下,您将从两种方法中看到相同的结果,因为除非被覆盖,否则将调用另一种方法。 (有关详细信息,请参阅相关说明:此Apple技术说明中的标注。请注意,在其代码示例中,po $ r3打印PowerPC寄存器的内容,但您可以使用任何对象指针/引用,包括Intel寄存器等)

Also, be aware that print-object will only work on valid objects that haven't been deallocated. It won't help at all if you're sending a message to a borked pointer. Given the error you cited, though, it would seem that it's a valid object instance, it just doesn't implement the method you're trying to invoke.


It's also remotely possible that the object has already been destroyed. This answer should help in that case.




There are other ways to "examine" objects in the debugger. I asked this SO question about Xcode data formatters, which is one way you can determine how a custom class appears in the Summary column of the debugger. The documentation linked from that question explain how it works. I've found the summary approach to help a lot with seeing the state of an object.




There are a couple of things you can do.


  1. You can insert a break point that will trigger every time you have an exception, so basically create a break point for this (go to breakpoints and create a new one): -[NSException raise]
  2. 你可以插入一个断点,每次有异常时都会触发,所以基本上为此创建一个断点(转到断点并创建一个断点): - [NSException raise]
  3. Alternatively, you can actually see what the object at that mem location is:


    info symbol 0x1081ad0 or


    info line *0x1081ad0

    信息行* 0x1081ad0

There's more info at the cocoadev wiki entry for exceptionhandling and debugging tips for objective C at cocoawithlove.

有关cocoawithlove目标C的异常处理和调试技巧,请参阅cocoadev wiki条目。



Your instance is not valid. You have release the object somewhere else, but you did not clear out your pointer... enable Zombie detection.
