
时间:2021-04-24 07:38:01

UITableViewController has an initWithStyle method where you pass it the style you want the table view to use, plain or grouped. These means that to create and use my table view controller, somewhere else in the code, possibly in multiple places, I do this:


MyViewController *myViewController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewStyleGrouped];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: myViewController animated: YES];
[myViewController release];

These seems backwards to me. The classes that use my UITableViewController should not know or care if it used grouped or plain style, that is a concern that the MyViewController should take care of. What's the idiomatic way of dealing with this? Override the init method in MyViewController to call initWithStyle?


3 个解决方案


My answer as a newbie is 'just do it' and worry about the philosophical design issues later. All the examples I've seen, including popular books have that 'pattern' so it can't be too wrong.



Just be careful when overriding one init method on a superclass that calls another. I'm not sure about it here, but IF initWithStyle allready calls init in the superclass when you override init in the subclass and call the super you might have a loop on your hands.

在调用另一个超类的超类上覆盖一个init方法时要小心。我在这里不确定,但是当你在子类中覆盖init并调用超级时,initWithStyle allready在超类中调用init,你可能会有一个循环。


I would just create a table view controller through xcode, assign the table the grouped style in Interface Builder, then override the init method if necessary:

我只想通过xcode创建一个表视图控制器,在Interface Builder中为表分配分组的样式,然后在必要时覆盖init方法:

- (id)init {
    self = [super initWithNibName:@"MyViewControllerNibFileName" bundle:nil];
    if (self) {
        // Do other customisation
    return self;

I needed to explicitly set the nib name for some reason, but sometimes the view controller just finds it automagically (I'm still a newbie, so not sure why this happens)



My answer as a newbie is 'just do it' and worry about the philosophical design issues later. All the examples I've seen, including popular books have that 'pattern' so it can't be too wrong.



Just be careful when overriding one init method on a superclass that calls another. I'm not sure about it here, but IF initWithStyle allready calls init in the superclass when you override init in the subclass and call the super you might have a loop on your hands.

在调用另一个超类的超类上覆盖一个init方法时要小心。我在这里不确定,但是当你在子类中覆盖init并调用超级时,initWithStyle allready在超类中调用init,你可能会有一个循环。


I would just create a table view controller through xcode, assign the table the grouped style in Interface Builder, then override the init method if necessary:

我只想通过xcode创建一个表视图控制器,在Interface Builder中为表分配分组的样式,然后在必要时覆盖init方法:

- (id)init {
    self = [super initWithNibName:@"MyViewControllerNibFileName" bundle:nil];
    if (self) {
        // Do other customisation
    return self;

I needed to explicitly set the nib name for some reason, but sometimes the view controller just finds it automagically (I'm still a newbie, so not sure why this happens)
