
时间:2021-05-30 07:28:04

Hello guys I need a help. I want to read from stdin by 16 bytes. Every byte I convert into hexadecimal form. Is there a way I can use read() function to read NOT from the beginning, but for example from the second byte? Also how can I know if I have read the whole stdin? - This way I could call this function in a cycle until I have read the whole stdin

大家好我需要帮助。我想从stdin读取16个字节。我转换成十六进制形式的每个字节。有没有办法我可以使用read()函数从头开始读取NOT,但是例如从第二个字节开始?另外我怎么知道我是否读过整个标准输入? - 这样我就可以在一个循环中调用这个函数,直到我读完整个标准输入

This is a function I made:


void getHexLine()

  int n = 16;
  char buffer[n];
  read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, n);
  //printf("%08x", 0); hex number of first byte on line - not working yet
  putchar(' ');
  putchar(' ');
  //converting every byte into hexadecimal
  for (int i = 0;i < 16;i++ )
    printf("%x", buffer[i]);
    putchar(' ');
    if (i == 7 || i == 15)
        putchar(' ');

  printf("|%s|\n", buffer);

The output should be like this but with an option to start from second byte for example.


[vcurda@localhost proj1]$ echo "Hello, world! This is my program." | ./proj1
48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77  6f 72 6c 64 21 20 54 68  |Hello, world! Th|
69 73 20 69 73 20 6d 79  20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d  |is is my program|

This is a school project so I cant use malloc, scanf and <string.h>. I would be really glad if I get some help and sorry for my not very understandable english.

这是一个学校项目,所以我不能使用malloc,scanf和 。如果我得到一些帮助,我会非常高兴,并为我不太懂的英语感到抱歉。

2 个解决方案



Is there a way I can use read() function to read NOT from the beginning, but for example from the second byte?


Most universally, you can simply ignore the read-in bytes you're not interested in.


Sometimes you will be able to lseek, e.g. if you run your program with a regular file set to its STDIN as in:


./a.out < /etc/passwd

but lseek will fail on STDINs that are terminals, pipes, character devices, or sockets.


how can I know if I have read the whole stdin?


read will return 0 at the end of the file.


Consult the manual pages for more information. Generally, you should check your return codes and account for short reads. Your function should probably return an int so that it has a way to communicate a possible IO error.




stdin is not seekable. You can read bytes in, but you can't rewind or fast forwards. EOF (-1) means end of input in stdin as with a regular file, but it's a bit of a looser concept if you are conducting an interactive dialogue with the user.

stdin不可寻求。您可以读入字节,但无法快退或快进。 EOF(-1)表示stdin中的输入结束与常规文件一样,但如果您正在与用户进行交互式对话,则这是一个更宽松的概念。

Basically stdin is line oriented, and it's best to use the pattern printf() prompt, enter whole line from user, printf() results if applicable and another prompt, read in whole line from user, and so on, at least at first until you get used to programming stdin.


To start from the second byte then becomes easy. Read in the whole line, then start from i = 1 instead of i = 0 as you parse it.

从第二个字节开始然后变得容易。读入整行,然后在解析时从i = 1而不是i = 0开始。



Is there a way I can use read() function to read NOT from the beginning, but for example from the second byte?


Most universally, you can simply ignore the read-in bytes you're not interested in.


Sometimes you will be able to lseek, e.g. if you run your program with a regular file set to its STDIN as in:


./a.out < /etc/passwd

but lseek will fail on STDINs that are terminals, pipes, character devices, or sockets.


how can I know if I have read the whole stdin?


read will return 0 at the end of the file.


Consult the manual pages for more information. Generally, you should check your return codes and account for short reads. Your function should probably return an int so that it has a way to communicate a possible IO error.




stdin is not seekable. You can read bytes in, but you can't rewind or fast forwards. EOF (-1) means end of input in stdin as with a regular file, but it's a bit of a looser concept if you are conducting an interactive dialogue with the user.

stdin不可寻求。您可以读入字节,但无法快退或快进。 EOF(-1)表示stdin中的输入结束与常规文件一样,但如果您正在与用户进行交互式对话,则这是一个更宽松的概念。

Basically stdin is line oriented, and it's best to use the pattern printf() prompt, enter whole line from user, printf() results if applicable and another prompt, read in whole line from user, and so on, at least at first until you get used to programming stdin.


To start from the second byte then becomes easy. Read in the whole line, then start from i = 1 instead of i = 0 as you parse it.

从第二个字节开始然后变得容易。读入整行,然后在解析时从i = 1而不是i = 0开始。