如何在应用程序中启用。net Native ?

时间:2021-12-23 07:30:28

With the recent announcement of .Net compiling to native code, I want to know how can I enable this functionality in my applications? Does it work for all project types and all platforms?


1 个解决方案



As of today, .Net Native only supports Windows Store Apps targeting ARM or X64. In the future other project types and platforms may be supported.

到目前为止,。net Native只支持针对ARM或X64的Windows Store应用。将来可能会支持其他项目类型和平台。

Start by making sure you have the correct tool chain installed. You need Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 RC and the Native Developer preview installed on your machine:

首先要确保安装了正确的工具链。您需要安装在您的机器上的Visual Studio 2013更新2 RC和本地开发者预览:

After everything is installed, right click on your project and select Enable for .Net Native


如何在应用程序中启用。net Native ?

After doing this, you should see a new file added to your project default.rd.xml. This is a report that tells you if your application is compatible with .net native code generation.


If everything is compatible, you can enable the compilation in the project properties. As I mentioned previously, this only works for x64 and ARM platforms at this time, so select one of those platforms and you can check the Compile with .Net Native tool chain option:

如果一切都是兼容的,那么您可以在项目属性中启用编译。正如我之前提到的,这目前只适用于x64和ARM平台,所以选择其中一个平台,你可以使用。net Native tool chain选项查看编译:

如何在应用程序中启用。net Native ?

I suggest watching this channel 9 video on how the tooling works: http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Inside-NET-Native




As of today, .Net Native only supports Windows Store Apps targeting ARM or X64. In the future other project types and platforms may be supported.

到目前为止,。net Native只支持针对ARM或X64的Windows Store应用。将来可能会支持其他项目类型和平台。

Start by making sure you have the correct tool chain installed. You need Visual Studio 2013 with Update 2 RC and the Native Developer preview installed on your machine:

首先要确保安装了正确的工具链。您需要安装在您的机器上的Visual Studio 2013更新2 RC和本地开发者预览:

After everything is installed, right click on your project and select Enable for .Net Native


如何在应用程序中启用。net Native ?

After doing this, you should see a new file added to your project default.rd.xml. This is a report that tells you if your application is compatible with .net native code generation.


If everything is compatible, you can enable the compilation in the project properties. As I mentioned previously, this only works for x64 and ARM platforms at this time, so select one of those platforms and you can check the Compile with .Net Native tool chain option:

如果一切都是兼容的,那么您可以在项目属性中启用编译。正如我之前提到的,这目前只适用于x64和ARM平台,所以选择其中一个平台,你可以使用。net Native tool chain选项查看编译:

如何在应用程序中启用。net Native ?

I suggest watching this channel 9 video on how the tooling works: http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Going+Deep/Inside-NET-Native
