I have an Eclipse E4 application with a MMenu (in the main menu of the application and in popup menus of different parts) that contains items provided at runtime by a dynamic menu contribution.
我有一个带有MMenu的Eclipse E4应用程序(在应用程序的主菜单和不同部分的弹出菜单中),其中包含动态菜单贡献在运行时提供的项目。
What I want to achieve is to disable the menu element, if the menu contribution does not provide any item. Something like @CanExecute for handler classes for commands or direct menu items.
1 个解决方案
Do you use the latest version of eclipse and you have an Application.e4xmi
If so, for your "Dynamic Menu Contribution"
, add a"Dynamic Menu Contribution"
entry that points to a class with a method annotated with "@AboutToShow"
that will dynamically build the menu entries and define an hanlder for each item
public class XXX {
@Inject private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(List<MMenuElement> items, ...) {
// insert your logic here to add an entry or not...
// maybe with a loop of some sort...
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI("platform:/plugin/<your plugin name>");
dynamicItem.setContributionURI("bundleclass://<your plugin name>/<class handler>");
dynamicItem.getTransientData().put(<name>, <value>); // To pass parameters to the handler
public class <class handler> {
public void execute(MMenuItem menuItem, ...) {
String param = (<Type>) menuItem.getTransientData().get(<name>); // Get parameter back
// Put your logic here linked to the menu entry
Add an"Imperative Expression"
child, link it to a class with a method annotated with "@Evaluate"
expression to decide to show/hide the dynamic menu, for example if the menu is empty...
添加一个“Imperative Expression”子项,使用带有“@Evaluate”表达式注释的方法将其链接到一个类,以决定显示/隐藏动态菜单,例如,如果菜单为空...
public boolean showXXX(...) {
return true/false; -> display/hide the whole menu
Do you use the latest version of eclipse and you have an Application.e4xmi
If so, for your "Dynamic Menu Contribution"
, add a"Dynamic Menu Contribution"
entry that points to a class with a method annotated with "@AboutToShow"
that will dynamically build the menu entries and define an hanlder for each item
public class XXX {
@Inject private EModelService modelService;
public void aboutToShow(List<MMenuElement> items, ...) {
// insert your logic here to add an entry or not...
// maybe with a loop of some sort...
MDirectMenuItem dynamicItem = modelService.createModelElement(MDirectMenuItem.class);
dynamicItem.setContributorURI("platform:/plugin/<your plugin name>");
dynamicItem.setContributionURI("bundleclass://<your plugin name>/<class handler>");
dynamicItem.getTransientData().put(<name>, <value>); // To pass parameters to the handler
public class <class handler> {
public void execute(MMenuItem menuItem, ...) {
String param = (<Type>) menuItem.getTransientData().get(<name>); // Get parameter back
// Put your logic here linked to the menu entry
Add an"Imperative Expression"
child, link it to a class with a method annotated with "@Evaluate"
expression to decide to show/hide the dynamic menu, for example if the menu is empty...
添加一个“Imperative Expression”子项,使用带有“@Evaluate”表达式注释的方法将其链接到一个类,以决定显示/隐藏动态菜单,例如,如果菜单为空...
public boolean showXXX(...) {
return true/false; -> display/hide the whole menu