在Windows 10 UWP上的应用内购买问题

时间:2021-02-24 07:25:42

I'm trying to enable an in-app purchase item on my app (already on Windows 10 store), but I always receive the same error message when trying to buy this item:

我正在尝试在我的应用上(已经在Windows 10 store上)启用内购项,但是当我试图购买这个项目时,我总是会收到相同的错误信息:

在Windows 10 UWP上的应用内购买问题

This in-App Purchase item is no longer available in MyAppName


The code is fairly simple and just what the docs recommend:


var itemName = "app.advanced_items.full";
if (CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[itemName].IsActive) {
    return true;
var results = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(itemName);

if (results.Status == ProductPurchaseStatus.Succeeded ||
    results.Status == ProductPurchaseStatus.AlreadyPurchased) {
    return true;
} else { 
    return false;

More information:


  • I created and submited the in-app item to the store before building the package as the documentation told me
  • 在构建包之前,我创建并将应用程序项下到商店中,文档告诉我。
  • The name of the item is the same both on the store and the app (itemName on code)
  • 商店和应用程序上的项目名称都是相同的(代码上的项目名称)
  • I tried this before submitting to the store
  • 我在提交商店之前试过了。
  • I tried this after submitting to the store (My app is currently broken there! -- unable to buy the item)
  • 我在提交给商店后尝试了这个(我的应用程序现在在那里坏了!)——无法购买物品)

I suspect the problem might be related with the following:


  • The app display name (on Package.appxmanifest) is not the same app name on the store (The name I wanted was not available so I made it longer, but the app once installed will display the original name). This shorter name is the one in the error message...
  • 应用程序显示名(在Package.appxmanifest上)在商店上不是相同的应用程序名(我想要的名字是不可用的,所以我把它加长了,但是一旦安装应用程序就会显示原来的名字)。这个简短的名字是错误消息中的名字……

I changed the "display name" to the full name of the app, but the error was the same. I don't know if sending it to the store might change this (I and don't want to deploy another buggy version just to test this theory)


Extra: The only resources I found online about this issue were useless and related to Windows 8: link

额外提示:我在网上找到的关于这个问题的唯一资源是无用的和与Windows 8: link相关的



6 个解决方案



After 2 months talking to Microsoft support they finally fixed something on their side and my IAP started working.


I believe the fix was global, but if your IAP still do not work, contact them to republish it.


Below is an excerpt from the email they sent me:


We have issued a republish for your IAPs in this app. This should correct the situation as soon as the process completes. You may want to check periodically over the next few hours to see if you are able to confirm the fix worked for you. Let me know what you see.




Please check with the productId of the IAP. I guess the one you mention in your code is different from the one in the store.


If its the same, I recommend to use the method LoadListingInformationAsync which returns the list of IAP's and then select the required IAP from that list. If there's a name mismatch then you wont be able to retrieve that IAP. So we'll be able to find its because of the naming problem. I have also added a sample code for that. Give a try.


            var listing = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
            var iap = listing.ProductListings.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.ProductId == "removeads");
            receipt = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(iap.Value.ProductId, true);
            if (CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[iap.Value.ProductId].IsActive)
                //your code after purchase is successful
        catch (Exception ex)



I believe the problem here is that you need to differentiate between testing and production. You cannot use production mode unless you are published in the store. See CurrentApp and CurrentAppSimulator.


From the CurrentAppSimiulator page:




Until the app has been listed in the Windows Store, the CurrentApp object won't work in the app. Use the CurrentAppSimulator to test your app's licensing and in-app products while you develop your app. After you test your app, and before you submit it to the Windows Store, you must replace the instances of CurrentAppSimulator with CurrentApp. Your app will fail certification if it uses CurrentAppSimulator.


Here is how I solve this in my app with a #define which I change for testing/production, and a proxy class that switches between CurrentApp and CurrentAppSimulator to make my other code much easier on the eyes.


App.xaml.cs, App()


            // configure in-app purchasing
#if false
#warning WARNING: You are using CurrentAppProxy in TEST MODE!
            CurrentAppProxy.SetTestMode(true); // true for test, false for production
            CurrentAppProxy.SetTestMode(false); // true for test, false for production



public static class CurrentAppProxy
    static bool? testmode = null;
    public static async void SetTestMode(bool mode)
        testmode = mode;
        if (mode)
            var file = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("WindowsStoreProxy.xml");
            if (file != null)
                await CurrentAppSimulator.ReloadSimulatorAsync(file);

    public static LicenseInformation LicenseInformation
            if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.LicenseInformation;
            else return CurrentApp.LicenseInformation;

    public static IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<UnfulfilledConsumable>> GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync()
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync();
        else return CurrentApp.GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync();

    public static IAsyncOperation<ListingInformation> LoadListingInformationAsync()
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.LoadListingInformationAsync();
        else return CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();

    public static IAsyncOperation<FulfillmentResult> ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(string productId, Guid transactionId)
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(productId, transactionId);
        else return CurrentApp.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(productId, transactionId);

    public static IAsyncOperation<PurchaseResults> RequestProductPurchaseAsync(string productId)
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);
        else return CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);

Usage in my app...


    private async Task RefreshInAppOffers()
        // in-app offers
        List<KeyValuePair<string, ProductListing>> products = null;
        UnfulfilledConsumable unfulfilledConsumable = null;


            var listinginfo = await CurrentAppProxy.LoadListingInformationAsync();
            products = listinginfo.ProductListings.ToList();
            products.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Value.FormattedPrice.CompareTo(p2.Value.FormattedPrice));

CurrentAppProxy is they key here. If it works with the simulator, it should work with your production items. You just need to have all the other pieces in place for all the various conditions. Some testing is easiest to do in the debugger.




I tried contacting Microsoft about this issue and they asked me to make the IAP unavailable and then make it available again. I must say it did not solve my issue, but if you want to give it a try, follow these steps:


  1. Create an update for the IAP
  2. 为IAP创建一个更新
  3. Under Distribution and Visibility set the IAP to Not available for purchase
  4. 在分销和能见度下,IAP无法购买。
  5. Submit the update
  6. 提交的更新
  7. Wait for update to publish
  8. 等待更新发布。
  9. Create a new update for IAP
  10. 为IAP创建一个新的更新
  11. Set Distribution and Visibility back to Available for purchase
  12. 将分布和可见性设置为可购买
  13. Submit the update
  14. 提交的更新
  15. Once this update publishes, retest the IAP
  16. 一旦更新发布,重新测试IAP

After that, they told me to try making the whole app unavailable to all countries and publish it. Then do the opposite. No success either...




i've got the same problem. In my situation the solution is to add all language description in IAP and then it's works fine




I had similar issue with my new UWP app, "Midi Player". IAP was available for purchase on WP 8.1 right after certification and publishing but shows same error on W10M (Windows 10 Mobile) platform (I believe, all Windows 10 UWP apps has the same store). I've opened issue with Microsoft but they can't help me. Fortunately, the issue now is gone :) What I did:

我的新UWP应用“Midi Player”也有类似的问题。IAP在认证和发布后立即可以在WP 8.1上购买,但在W10M (Windows 10 Mobile)平台上显示了同样的错误(我相信,所有Windows 10 UWP应用程序都有相同的存储)。我和微软有争执,但他们帮不了我。幸运的是,现在的问题已经消失了:我所做的:

  • published initial app revision
  • 发表初步应用修订
  • created IAP
  • 创建IAP
  • tested IAP (works on WP8.1, not working on W10M)
  • 测试IAP(在WP8.1上工作,不工作于W10M)
  • I found that my Package.appxmanifest file was changed slightly (that string mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="7f32ab79-xxx-xxx-aff3-ce228745b36f" PhonePublisherId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") after publishing
  • 我发现我的包裹。appxmanifest文件在发布后略有变化(该字符串mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="7f32ab79-xxx-xxx-aff3-ce228745b36f" PhonePublisherId=" 000000000000000000000000- 000000000000")
  • I changed version (minor number) and submitted new release with changed Package.appxmanifest
  • 我更改了版本(次要编号),并提交了带有更改的Package.appxmanifest的新版本
  • today, I checked IAP on W10M Lumia 950 and it works.
  • 今天,我在W10M Lumia 950上检查了IAP,它是有效的。

So, my conclusion:


  • you need to re-publish app after creating IAP
  • 创建IAP后需要重新发布app
  • you should wait for a little
  • 你应该等一会儿



After 2 months talking to Microsoft support they finally fixed something on their side and my IAP started working.


I believe the fix was global, but if your IAP still do not work, contact them to republish it.


Below is an excerpt from the email they sent me:


We have issued a republish for your IAPs in this app. This should correct the situation as soon as the process completes. You may want to check periodically over the next few hours to see if you are able to confirm the fix worked for you. Let me know what you see.




Please check with the productId of the IAP. I guess the one you mention in your code is different from the one in the store.


If its the same, I recommend to use the method LoadListingInformationAsync which returns the list of IAP's and then select the required IAP from that list. If there's a name mismatch then you wont be able to retrieve that IAP. So we'll be able to find its because of the naming problem. I have also added a sample code for that. Give a try.


            var listing = await CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();
            var iap = listing.ProductListings.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.ProductId == "removeads");
            receipt = await CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(iap.Value.ProductId, true);
            if (CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.ProductLicenses[iap.Value.ProductId].IsActive)
                //your code after purchase is successful
        catch (Exception ex)



I believe the problem here is that you need to differentiate between testing and production. You cannot use production mode unless you are published in the store. See CurrentApp and CurrentAppSimulator.


From the CurrentAppSimiulator page:




Until the app has been listed in the Windows Store, the CurrentApp object won't work in the app. Use the CurrentAppSimulator to test your app's licensing and in-app products while you develop your app. After you test your app, and before you submit it to the Windows Store, you must replace the instances of CurrentAppSimulator with CurrentApp. Your app will fail certification if it uses CurrentAppSimulator.


Here is how I solve this in my app with a #define which I change for testing/production, and a proxy class that switches between CurrentApp and CurrentAppSimulator to make my other code much easier on the eyes.


App.xaml.cs, App()


            // configure in-app purchasing
#if false
#warning WARNING: You are using CurrentAppProxy in TEST MODE!
            CurrentAppProxy.SetTestMode(true); // true for test, false for production
            CurrentAppProxy.SetTestMode(false); // true for test, false for production



public static class CurrentAppProxy
    static bool? testmode = null;
    public static async void SetTestMode(bool mode)
        testmode = mode;
        if (mode)
            var file = await Package.Current.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync("WindowsStoreProxy.xml");
            if (file != null)
                await CurrentAppSimulator.ReloadSimulatorAsync(file);

    public static LicenseInformation LicenseInformation
            if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
            else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.LicenseInformation;
            else return CurrentApp.LicenseInformation;

    public static IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<UnfulfilledConsumable>> GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync()
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync();
        else return CurrentApp.GetUnfulfilledConsumablesAsync();

    public static IAsyncOperation<ListingInformation> LoadListingInformationAsync()
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.LoadListingInformationAsync();
        else return CurrentApp.LoadListingInformationAsync();

    public static IAsyncOperation<FulfillmentResult> ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(string productId, Guid transactionId)
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(productId, transactionId);
        else return CurrentApp.ReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync(productId, transactionId);

    public static IAsyncOperation<PurchaseResults> RequestProductPurchaseAsync(string productId)
        if (testmode == null) throw new NotSupportedException();
        else if (testmode.Value) return CurrentAppSimulator.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);
        else return CurrentApp.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(productId);

Usage in my app...


    private async Task RefreshInAppOffers()
        // in-app offers
        List<KeyValuePair<string, ProductListing>> products = null;
        UnfulfilledConsumable unfulfilledConsumable = null;


            var listinginfo = await CurrentAppProxy.LoadListingInformationAsync();
            products = listinginfo.ProductListings.ToList();
            products.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.Value.FormattedPrice.CompareTo(p2.Value.FormattedPrice));

CurrentAppProxy is they key here. If it works with the simulator, it should work with your production items. You just need to have all the other pieces in place for all the various conditions. Some testing is easiest to do in the debugger.




I tried contacting Microsoft about this issue and they asked me to make the IAP unavailable and then make it available again. I must say it did not solve my issue, but if you want to give it a try, follow these steps:


  1. Create an update for the IAP
  2. 为IAP创建一个更新
  3. Under Distribution and Visibility set the IAP to Not available for purchase
  4. 在分销和能见度下,IAP无法购买。
  5. Submit the update
  6. 提交的更新
  7. Wait for update to publish
  8. 等待更新发布。
  9. Create a new update for IAP
  10. 为IAP创建一个新的更新
  11. Set Distribution and Visibility back to Available for purchase
  12. 将分布和可见性设置为可购买
  13. Submit the update
  14. 提交的更新
  15. Once this update publishes, retest the IAP
  16. 一旦更新发布,重新测试IAP

After that, they told me to try making the whole app unavailable to all countries and publish it. Then do the opposite. No success either...




i've got the same problem. In my situation the solution is to add all language description in IAP and then it's works fine




I had similar issue with my new UWP app, "Midi Player". IAP was available for purchase on WP 8.1 right after certification and publishing but shows same error on W10M (Windows 10 Mobile) platform (I believe, all Windows 10 UWP apps has the same store). I've opened issue with Microsoft but they can't help me. Fortunately, the issue now is gone :) What I did:

我的新UWP应用“Midi Player”也有类似的问题。IAP在认证和发布后立即可以在WP 8.1上购买,但在W10M (Windows 10 Mobile)平台上显示了同样的错误(我相信,所有Windows 10 UWP应用程序都有相同的存储)。我和微软有争执,但他们帮不了我。幸运的是,现在的问题已经消失了:我所做的:

  • published initial app revision
  • 发表初步应用修订
  • created IAP
  • 创建IAP
  • tested IAP (works on WP8.1, not working on W10M)
  • 测试IAP(在WP8.1上工作,不工作于W10M)
  • I found that my Package.appxmanifest file was changed slightly (that string mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="7f32ab79-xxx-xxx-aff3-ce228745b36f" PhonePublisherId="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") after publishing
  • 我发现我的包裹。appxmanifest文件在发布后略有变化(该字符串mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="7f32ab79-xxx-xxx-aff3-ce228745b36f" PhonePublisherId=" 000000000000000000000000- 000000000000")
  • I changed version (minor number) and submitted new release with changed Package.appxmanifest
  • 我更改了版本(次要编号),并提交了带有更改的Package.appxmanifest的新版本
  • today, I checked IAP on W10M Lumia 950 and it works.
  • 今天,我在W10M Lumia 950上检查了IAP,它是有效的。

So, my conclusion:


  • you need to re-publish app after creating IAP
  • 创建IAP后需要重新发布app
  • you should wait for a little
  • 你应该等一会儿