vim easy-align插件使用

时间:2022-02-09 07:24:06

用vundle安装, 添加下面到vimrc

Plugin 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'

" Start interactive EasyAlign in visual mode (e.g. vipga)
xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign) " Start interactive EasyAlign for a motion/text object (e.g. gaip)
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)





默认向左对其,比如按照空格对其  *<space>

向右对其 <enter>*<space>

居中对其 <enter><enter>*<space>

如果遇到其他字符比如 | , = 啥的,都把空格替换为对应的即可



| Option| Type | Default | Description |
| threads | Fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool |
|queues |Fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues |
|queue_size | Fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue |
| interval | Numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for batch processing |
|batch | Boolean | false | enables batch processing mode |
|batch_size | Fixnum | nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
|logger | Logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs |




| option | type | default | description |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| threads | fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool |
| queues | fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues |
| queue_size | fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue |
| interval | numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for batch processing |
| batch | boolean | false | enables batch processing mode |
| batch_size | fixnum | nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
| logger | logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs | vipga<enter>*|
| option | type | default | description |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| threads | fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool |
| queues | fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues |
| queue_size | fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue |
| interval | numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for batch processing |
| batch | boolean | false | enables batch processing mode |
| batch_size | fixnum | nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
| logger | logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs | vipga<enter><enter>*|
| option | type | default | description |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| threads | fixnum | 1 | number of threads in the thread pool |
| queues | fixnum | 1 | number of concurrent queues |
| queue_size | fixnum | 1000 | size of each queue |
| interval | numeric | 0 | dispatcher interval for batch processing |
| batch | boolean | false | enables batch processing mode |
| batch_size | fixnum | nil | number of maximum items to be assigned at once |
| logger | logger | nil | logger instance for debug logs |