
时间:2020-12-11 07:18:27

I am creating a linked list as in the previous question I asked. I have found that the best way to develop the linked list is to have the head and tail in another structure. My products struct will be nested inside this structure. And I should be passing the list to the function for adding and deleting. I find this concept confusing.

我正在创建一个链接列表,就像我之前提出的问题一样。我发现开发链表的最好方法是将头部和尾部放在另一个结构中。我的products struct将嵌套在这个结构中。我应该将列表传递给添加和删除功能。我发现这个概念令人困惑。

I have implemented the initialize, add, and clean_up. However, I am not sure that I have done that correctly.


When I add a product to the list I declare some memory using calloc. But I am thinking shouldn't I be declaring the memory for the product instead. I am really confused about this adding.


Many thanks for any suggestions,


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PRODUCT_NAME_LEN 128

typedef struct product_data 
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;
    struct product_data_t *next;

typedef struct list 
    product_data_t *head;
    product_data_t *tail;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost); 
void initialize(list_t *list);
void clean_up(list_t *list);

int main(void)
    list_t *list = NULL;

    add(list, 10, "Dell Inspiron", 1500);


    return 0;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    // Allocate memory for the new product
    list = calloc(1, sizeof(list_t));
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocated memory");

        // First item to add to the list
        list->head->product_code = code;
        list->head->product_cost = cost;
        strncpy(list->head->product_name, name, sizeof(list->head->product_name));
        // Terminate the string
        list->head->product_name[127] = '/0';

// Initialize linked list
void initialize(list_t *list)
    // Set list node to null
    list = NULL;
    list = NULL;

// Release all resources
void clean_up(list_t *list)
    list_t *temp = NULL;

        temp = list->head;
        list->head = list->head->next;
    list = NULL;
    list = NULL;
    temp = NULL;

============================== Edited ============================

==============================编辑=================== =========

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


// typedef struct product_data product_data_t;
typedef struct product_data 
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;

typedef struct list
    struct list *head;
    struct list *tail;
    struct list *next;
    struct list *current_node;
    product_data_t *data;


void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost); 

int main(void)
    list_t *list = NULL;
    list = initialize(list);
    add(list, 1001, "Dell Inspiron 2.66", 1299);

    add(list, 1002, "Macbook Pro 2.66", 1499);



    return 0;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    /* Allocate memory for the new product */
    product_data_t *product = (product_data_t*) calloc(1, sizeof(*product));
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot allocate memory.");

    /* This is the first item in the list */
    product->product_code = code;
    product->product_cost = cost;
    strncpy(product->product_name, name, sizeof(product->product_name));
    product->product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0';

        /* Assign the address of the product. */
        list = (list_t*) product;   
        /* Set the head and tail to this product */
        list->head = (list_t*) product;
        list->tail = (list_t*) product;
        /* Append to the tail of the list. */
        list->tail->next = (list_t*) product;
        list->tail = (list_t*) product;

    /* Assign the address of the product to the data on the list. */
    list->data = (list_t*) product;

14 个解决方案


In your case the head and tail could simply point to the beginning and end of a linked-list. With a singly linked-list, only the head is really needed. At it's most basic, a linked-list can be made by using just a struct like:


typedef struct listnode
   //some data
   struct listnode *next;

listnodeT *list;
listnodeT *current_node;
list = (listnodeT*)malloc(sizeof(listnodeT));
current_node = list;

and as long as list is always pointing to the beginning of the list and the last item has next set to NULL, you're fine and can use current_node to traverse the list. But sometimes to make traversing the list easier and to store any other data about the list, a head and tail token are used, and wrapped into their own structure, like you have done. So then your add and initialize functions would be something like (minus error detection)


    // Initialize linked list
void initialize(list_t *list)
    list->head = NULL;
    list->tail = NULL;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    // set up the new node
    product_data_t *node = (product_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(product_data_t));
    node->code = code;
    node->cost = cost;
    strncpy(node->product_name, name, sizeof(node->product_name));
    node->next = NULL;

    if(list->head == NULL){ // if this is the first node, gotta point head to it
        list->head = node;
        list->tail = node;  // for the first node, head and tail point to the same node
        tail->next = node;  // append the node
        tail = node;        // point the tail at the end

In this case, since it's a singly linked-list, the tail is only really useful for appending items to the list. To insert an item, you'll have to traverse the list starting at the head. Where the tail really comes in handy is with a doubly-linked list, it allows you to traverse the list starting at either end. You can traverse this list like


// return a pointer to element with product code
product_data_t*  seek(list_t *list, int code){
   product_data_t* iter = list->head;
   while(iter != NULL)
       if(iter->code == code)
           return iter;
       iter = iter->next;
   return NULL; // element with code doesn't exist

Often times, the head and tail are fully constructed nodes themselves used as a sentinel to denote the beginning and end of a list. They don't store data themselves (well rather, their data represent a sentinel token), they are just place holders for the front and back. This can make it easier to code some algorithms dealing with linked lists at the expense of having to have two extra elements. Overall, linked lists are flexible data structures with several ways to implement them.


oh yeah, and nik is right, playing with linked-lists are a great way to get good with pointers and indirection. And they are also a great way to practice recursion too! After you have gotten good with linked-list, try building a tree next and use recursion to walk the tree.



Arguably you want your list data structure to be external to the data that it stores.


Say you have:


struct Whatever
   int x_;

Then your list structure would look like this:


struct Whatever_Node
   Whatever_Node* next_
   Whatever* data_

Ryan Oberoi commented similarly, but w/o example.

Ryan Oberoi同样评论,但没有例子。


If you are looking to better understand the basics of linked lists, take a look at the following document:




If you are learning C pointer theory this is a good exercise. Otherwise, it feels like too much indirection for code that is not generic (as in a library).


Instead of allocating a static 128 byte character string, you might want to do some more pointer practice and use an allocated exact length string that you clean up at exit.


Academically, kungfucraigs' structure looks more generic then the one you have defined.



You're calloc'ing space for your list_t struct, just pointers to list head and tail, which isn't what you want to do.


When you add to a linked list, allocate space for an actual node in the list, which is your product_data_t struct.



You're allocating the wrong chunk of memory. Instead of allocating memory for each list element, you're allocating for the list head and tail.


For simplicity, get rid of the separate structure for the head and tail. Make them global variables (the same scope they're in now) and change them to be listhead and listtail. This will make the code much more readable (you won't be needlessly going through a separate structure) and you won't make the mistake of allocating for the wrong struct.


You don't need a tail pointer unless you're going to make a doubly linked list. Its not a major element to add once you create a linked list, but not necessary either.



I am not writing the code here but you need to do the following:


  • Create and object of list, this will remain global for the length of program.
  • 创建列表的对象,这将在程序的长度上保持全局。

  • Malloc the size of product _ data _ t.
  • malloc产品_ data _ t的大小。

  • For first element (head is NULL), point head to the malloced' address.
  • 对于第一个元素(head为NULL),指向malloced'地址。

  • To add next element, move to the end of list and then add the pointer of malloced address to next of last element. (The next of the last element will always be NULL, so thats how you traverse to end.)
  • 要添加下一个元素,请移至列表末尾,然后将malloced地址的指针添加到最后一个元素。 (最后一个元素的下一个元素将始终为NULL,因此您将如何遍历结束。)

  • Forget tail for a while.
  • 忘了尾巴一会儿。


In memory your items are linked by pointers in the list structure


item1 -> item2

item1 - > item2

Why not make the list structure part of your item?


Then you allocate a product item, and the list structure is within it.


typedef struct product_data 
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;
    struct list_t list; // contains the pointers to other product data in the list


I think u first need to Imagin back-end. Code are nothing to important. Go here and visualize back-end basic c code of all insertion. 1) Insertion at beginning Visit and scroll to get every instruction execution on back- end And u need front and imagin Go here Back end imagin

我想你首先需要Imagin后端。代码没什么重要的。转到此处,可视化所有插入的后端基本c代码。 1)在开始时插入访问并滚动以获得后端的每个指令执行并且你需要前面和想象去这里返回结束imagin

And All other possible insertion here.


And important thing u can use this way.


struct Node{
int data;//data field
struct Node*next;//pointer field

struct Node*head,*tail; // try this way

struct Node * head,* tail; //试试这个

or short cut


struct Node{
int data;//data field
struct Node*next;//pointer field
}*head,*tail; //global root pointer


<< Click >> To visualize other linked list problem.

<< Click >>可视化其他链表问题。



A demo for Singly Linked List. If you prefer, try to check Circular Linked List and Doubly Linked List.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node {
    int val;
    struct node * next;
} node_t;

// Iterating over a list
print_list(node_t *head)
    node_t *current = head;

    while(current != NULL)
        printf("%d\n", current->val);
        current = current->next;

// Adding an item to the end of the list
push_end(node_t *head, int val)
    node_t *current = head;
    while (current->next != NULL)
        current = current->next;

    current->next = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
    current->next->val = val;
    current->next->next = NULL;

// Adding an item to the head of the list
push_head(node_t **head, int val)
    node_t *new_node = NULL;

    new_node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
    new_node->val = val;
    new_node->next = *head;

    *head = new_node;

// Removing the head item of the list
pop_head(node_t **head)
    int retval = -1;
    node_t *next_node = NULL;

    if (*head == NULL) {
        return -1;

    next_node = (*head)->next;
    retval = (*head)->val;
    *head = next_node;

    return retval;

// Removing the last item of the list
pop_last(node_t *head)
    int retval = 0;
    node_t *current = NULL;

    if (head->next == NULL) {
        retval = head->val;
        return retval;

    /* get to the second to last node in the list */
    current = head;
    while (current->next->next != NULL) {
        current = current->next;

    /* now current points to the second to last item of the list.
       so let's remove current->next */
    retval = current->next->val;
    current->next = NULL;

    return retval;

// Removing a specific item
remove_by_index(node_t **head, int n)
    int i = 0;
    int retval = -1;
    node_t *current = *head;
    node_t *temp_node = NULL;

    if (n == 0) {
        return pop_head(head);

    for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        if (current->next == NULL) {
            return -1;
        current = current->next;

    temp_node = current->next;
    retval = temp_node->val;
    current->next = temp_node->next;

    return retval;

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int i;
    node_t * testnode;

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        push_head(&testnode, atoi(argv[i]));


    return 0;

// http://www.learn-c.org/en/Linked_lists
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/linked-list/


The linked list implementation inspired by the implementation used in the Linux kernel:


// for 'offsetof', see: https://*.com/q/6433339/5447906.
#include <stddef.h>

// See: https://*.com/q/10269685/5447906.
#define CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member) \
    ( (type *) ((char *)(ptr) - offsetof(type, member)) )

// The macro can't be used for list head.
#define LIST_DATA(ptr, type, member) \
    CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member);

// The struct is used for both: list head and list nodes.
typedef struct list_node
    struct list_node *prev, *next;

// List heads must be initialized by this function.
// Using the function for list nodes is not required.
static inline void list_head_init(list_node *node)
    node->prev = node->next = node;

// The helper function, mustn't be used directly.
static inline void list_add_helper(list_node *prev, list_node *next, list_node *nnew)
    next->prev = nnew;
    nnew->next = next;
    nnew->prev = prev;
    prev->next = nnew;

// 'node' must be a list head or a part of a list.
// 'nnew' must not be a list head or a part of a list. It may
//   be uninitialized or contain any data (even garbage).
static inline void list_add_after(list_node *node, list_node *nnew)
    list_add_helper(node, node->next, nnew);

// 'node' must be a list head or a part of a list.
// 'nnew' must not be a list head or a part of a list. It may
//   be uninitialized or contain any data (even garbage).
static inline void list_add_before(list_node *node, list_node *nnew)
    list_add_helper(node->prev, node, nnew);

// 'node' must be part of a list.
static inline list_node *list_del(list_node *node)
    node->prev->next = node->next;
    node->next->prev = node->prev;
    return node->prev;

Example of usage:


#include <stdio.h>

// The struct must contain 'list_node' to be able to be inserted to a list
typedef struct
    int       data;
    list_node node;

// Convert 'list_node *' to 'my_struct*' that contains this 'list_node'
static inline my_struct* get_my_struct(list_node *node_ptr)
    return LIST_DATA(node_ptr, my_struct, node);

void print_my_list(list_node *head)
    printf("list: {");
    for (list_node *cur = head->next; cur != head; cur = cur->next)
        my_struct *my = get_my_struct(cur);
        printf(" %d", my->data);
    printf(" }\n");

// Print 'cmd' and run it. Note: newline is not printed.
#define TRACE(cmd) \
    (printf("%s -> ", #cmd), (cmd))

int main()
    // The head of the list and the list itself. It doesn't contain any data.
    list_node head;

    // The list's nodes, contain 'int' data in 'data' member of 'my_struct'
    my_struct el1 = {1};
    my_struct el2 = {2};
    my_struct el3 = {3};

    print_my_list(&head); // print initial state of the list (that is an empty list)

    // Run commands and print their result.
    TRACE( list_add_after (&head    , &el1.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_after (&head    , &el2.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_before(&el1.node, &el3.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_del       (head.prev)            ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_before(&head    , &el1.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_del       (&el3.node)            ); print_my_list(&head);

    return 0;

The result of execution of the code above:


list: { }
list_add_after (&head , &el1.node) -> list: { 1 }
list_add_after (&head , &el2.node) -> list: { 2 1 }
list_add_before(&el1.node, &el3.node) -> list: { 2 3 1 }
list_del (head.prev) -> list: { 2 3 }
list_add_before(&head , &el1.node) -> list: { 2 3 1 }
list_del (&el3.node) -> list: { 2 1 }


Of course in real life you will most probably use malloc for list elements.



In C language, we need to define a Node to store an integer data and a pointer to the next value.


struct Node{
    int data;
    struct Node *next;

To add a new node, we have a function add which has data as an int parameter. At first we create a new Node n. If the program does not create n then we print an error message and return with value -1. If we create the n then we set the data of n to have the data of the parameter and the next will contain the root as it has the top of the stack. After that, we set the root to reference the new node n.

要添加新节点,我们有一个函数add,它将数据作为int参数。首先,我们创建一个新的Node n。如果程序没有创建n,那么我们打印一条错误消息并返回值-1。如果我们创建n,那么我们将n的数据设置为具有参数的数据,而下一个将包含根,因为它具有堆栈的顶部。之后,我们将根设置为引用新节点n。


#include <stdio.h>
struct node
  int data;
  struct node* next;

int main()

//create pointer node for every new element

struct node* head = NULL;
struct node* second = NULL;
struct node* third = NULL;

//initialize every new pointer with same structure memory

head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
second = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
third = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

head->data = 18;
head->next = second;

second->data = 20;
second->next = third;

third->data = 31;
third->next = NULL;

//print the linked list just increment by address 

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
      return 0;

This is a simple way to understand how does pointer work with the pointer. Here you need to just create pointer increment with new node so we can make it as an automatic.



Go STL route. Declaring linked lists should be agnostic of the data. If you really have to write it yourself, take a look at how it is implemented in STL or Boost.


You shouldn't even keep the *next pointer with your data structure. This allows you to use your product data structure in a various number of data structures - trees, arrays and queues.

您甚至不应该将* next指针与数据结构保持一致。这允许您在各种数据结构中使用您的产品数据结构 - 树,数组和队列。

Hope this info helps in your design decision.



Since the post is tagged C, you have equivalent implementations using void* pointers that follow the basic design principle. For an example, check out:

由于帖子被标记为C,因此您使用遵循基本设计原则的void *指针进行等效实现。例如,请查看:

Documentation | list.c | list.h

文档| list.c | list.h


In your case the head and tail could simply point to the beginning and end of a linked-list. With a singly linked-list, only the head is really needed. At it's most basic, a linked-list can be made by using just a struct like:


typedef struct listnode
   //some data
   struct listnode *next;

listnodeT *list;
listnodeT *current_node;
list = (listnodeT*)malloc(sizeof(listnodeT));
current_node = list;

and as long as list is always pointing to the beginning of the list and the last item has next set to NULL, you're fine and can use current_node to traverse the list. But sometimes to make traversing the list easier and to store any other data about the list, a head and tail token are used, and wrapped into their own structure, like you have done. So then your add and initialize functions would be something like (minus error detection)


    // Initialize linked list
void initialize(list_t *list)
    list->head = NULL;
    list->tail = NULL;

void add(list_t *list, int code, char name[], int cost)
    // set up the new node
    product_data_t *node = (product_data_t*)malloc(sizeof(product_data_t));
    node->code = code;
    node->cost = cost;
    strncpy(node->product_name, name, sizeof(node->product_name));
    node->next = NULL;

    if(list->head == NULL){ // if this is the first node, gotta point head to it
        list->head = node;
        list->tail = node;  // for the first node, head and tail point to the same node
        tail->next = node;  // append the node
        tail = node;        // point the tail at the end

In this case, since it's a singly linked-list, the tail is only really useful for appending items to the list. To insert an item, you'll have to traverse the list starting at the head. Where the tail really comes in handy is with a doubly-linked list, it allows you to traverse the list starting at either end. You can traverse this list like


// return a pointer to element with product code
product_data_t*  seek(list_t *list, int code){
   product_data_t* iter = list->head;
   while(iter != NULL)
       if(iter->code == code)
           return iter;
       iter = iter->next;
   return NULL; // element with code doesn't exist

Often times, the head and tail are fully constructed nodes themselves used as a sentinel to denote the beginning and end of a list. They don't store data themselves (well rather, their data represent a sentinel token), they are just place holders for the front and back. This can make it easier to code some algorithms dealing with linked lists at the expense of having to have two extra elements. Overall, linked lists are flexible data structures with several ways to implement them.


oh yeah, and nik is right, playing with linked-lists are a great way to get good with pointers and indirection. And they are also a great way to practice recursion too! After you have gotten good with linked-list, try building a tree next and use recursion to walk the tree.



Arguably you want your list data structure to be external to the data that it stores.


Say you have:


struct Whatever
   int x_;

Then your list structure would look like this:


struct Whatever_Node
   Whatever_Node* next_
   Whatever* data_

Ryan Oberoi commented similarly, but w/o example.

Ryan Oberoi同样评论,但没有例子。


If you are looking to better understand the basics of linked lists, take a look at the following document:




If you are learning C pointer theory this is a good exercise. Otherwise, it feels like too much indirection for code that is not generic (as in a library).


Instead of allocating a static 128 byte character string, you might want to do some more pointer practice and use an allocated exact length string that you clean up at exit.


Academically, kungfucraigs' structure looks more generic then the one you have defined.



You're calloc'ing space for your list_t struct, just pointers to list head and tail, which isn't what you want to do.


When you add to a linked list, allocate space for an actual node in the list, which is your product_data_t struct.



You're allocating the wrong chunk of memory. Instead of allocating memory for each list element, you're allocating for the list head and tail.


For simplicity, get rid of the separate structure for the head and tail. Make them global variables (the same scope they're in now) and change them to be listhead and listtail. This will make the code much more readable (you won't be needlessly going through a separate structure) and you won't make the mistake of allocating for the wrong struct.


You don't need a tail pointer unless you're going to make a doubly linked list. Its not a major element to add once you create a linked list, but not necessary either.



I am not writing the code here but you need to do the following:


  • Create and object of list, this will remain global for the length of program.
  • 创建列表的对象,这将在程序的长度上保持全局。

  • Malloc the size of product _ data _ t.
  • malloc产品_ data _ t的大小。

  • For first element (head is NULL), point head to the malloced' address.
  • 对于第一个元素(head为NULL),指向malloced'地址。

  • To add next element, move to the end of list and then add the pointer of malloced address to next of last element. (The next of the last element will always be NULL, so thats how you traverse to end.)
  • 要添加下一个元素,请移至列表末尾,然后将malloced地址的指针添加到最后一个元素。 (最后一个元素的下一个元素将始终为NULL,因此您将如何遍历结束。)

  • Forget tail for a while.
  • 忘了尾巴一会儿。


In memory your items are linked by pointers in the list structure


item1 -> item2

item1 - > item2

Why not make the list structure part of your item?


Then you allocate a product item, and the list structure is within it.


typedef struct product_data 
    int product_code;
    char product_name[PRODUCT_NAME_LEN];
    int product_cost;
    struct list_t list; // contains the pointers to other product data in the list


I think u first need to Imagin back-end. Code are nothing to important. Go here and visualize back-end basic c code of all insertion. 1) Insertion at beginning Visit and scroll to get every instruction execution on back- end And u need front and imagin Go here Back end imagin

我想你首先需要Imagin后端。代码没什么重要的。转到此处,可视化所有插入的后端基本c代码。 1)在开始时插入访问并滚动以获得后端的每个指令执行并且你需要前面和想象去这里返回结束imagin

And All other possible insertion here.


And important thing u can use this way.


struct Node{
int data;//data field
struct Node*next;//pointer field

struct Node*head,*tail; // try this way

struct Node * head,* tail; //试试这个

or short cut


struct Node{
int data;//data field
struct Node*next;//pointer field
}*head,*tail; //global root pointer


<< Click >> To visualize other linked list problem.

<< Click >>可视化其他链表问题。



A demo for Singly Linked List. If you prefer, try to check Circular Linked List and Doubly Linked List.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node {
    int val;
    struct node * next;
} node_t;

// Iterating over a list
print_list(node_t *head)
    node_t *current = head;

    while(current != NULL)
        printf("%d\n", current->val);
        current = current->next;

// Adding an item to the end of the list
push_end(node_t *head, int val)
    node_t *current = head;
    while (current->next != NULL)
        current = current->next;

    current->next = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
    current->next->val = val;
    current->next->next = NULL;

// Adding an item to the head of the list
push_head(node_t **head, int val)
    node_t *new_node = NULL;

    new_node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
    new_node->val = val;
    new_node->next = *head;

    *head = new_node;

// Removing the head item of the list
pop_head(node_t **head)
    int retval = -1;
    node_t *next_node = NULL;

    if (*head == NULL) {
        return -1;

    next_node = (*head)->next;
    retval = (*head)->val;
    *head = next_node;

    return retval;

// Removing the last item of the list
pop_last(node_t *head)
    int retval = 0;
    node_t *current = NULL;

    if (head->next == NULL) {
        retval = head->val;
        return retval;

    /* get to the second to last node in the list */
    current = head;
    while (current->next->next != NULL) {
        current = current->next;

    /* now current points to the second to last item of the list.
       so let's remove current->next */
    retval = current->next->val;
    current->next = NULL;

    return retval;

// Removing a specific item
remove_by_index(node_t **head, int n)
    int i = 0;
    int retval = -1;
    node_t *current = *head;
    node_t *temp_node = NULL;

    if (n == 0) {
        return pop_head(head);

    for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        if (current->next == NULL) {
            return -1;
        current = current->next;

    temp_node = current->next;
    retval = temp_node->val;
    current->next = temp_node->next;

    return retval;

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int i;
    node_t * testnode;

    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
        push_head(&testnode, atoi(argv[i]));


    return 0;

// http://www.learn-c.org/en/Linked_lists
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/data-structures/linked-list/


The linked list implementation inspired by the implementation used in the Linux kernel:


// for 'offsetof', see: https://*.com/q/6433339/5447906.
#include <stddef.h>

// See: https://*.com/q/10269685/5447906.
#define CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member) \
    ( (type *) ((char *)(ptr) - offsetof(type, member)) )

// The macro can't be used for list head.
#define LIST_DATA(ptr, type, member) \
    CONTAINER_OF(ptr, type, member);

// The struct is used for both: list head and list nodes.
typedef struct list_node
    struct list_node *prev, *next;

// List heads must be initialized by this function.
// Using the function for list nodes is not required.
static inline void list_head_init(list_node *node)
    node->prev = node->next = node;

// The helper function, mustn't be used directly.
static inline void list_add_helper(list_node *prev, list_node *next, list_node *nnew)
    next->prev = nnew;
    nnew->next = next;
    nnew->prev = prev;
    prev->next = nnew;

// 'node' must be a list head or a part of a list.
// 'nnew' must not be a list head or a part of a list. It may
//   be uninitialized or contain any data (even garbage).
static inline void list_add_after(list_node *node, list_node *nnew)
    list_add_helper(node, node->next, nnew);

// 'node' must be a list head or a part of a list.
// 'nnew' must not be a list head or a part of a list. It may
//   be uninitialized or contain any data (even garbage).
static inline void list_add_before(list_node *node, list_node *nnew)
    list_add_helper(node->prev, node, nnew);

// 'node' must be part of a list.
static inline list_node *list_del(list_node *node)
    node->prev->next = node->next;
    node->next->prev = node->prev;
    return node->prev;

Example of usage:


#include <stdio.h>

// The struct must contain 'list_node' to be able to be inserted to a list
typedef struct
    int       data;
    list_node node;

// Convert 'list_node *' to 'my_struct*' that contains this 'list_node'
static inline my_struct* get_my_struct(list_node *node_ptr)
    return LIST_DATA(node_ptr, my_struct, node);

void print_my_list(list_node *head)
    printf("list: {");
    for (list_node *cur = head->next; cur != head; cur = cur->next)
        my_struct *my = get_my_struct(cur);
        printf(" %d", my->data);
    printf(" }\n");

// Print 'cmd' and run it. Note: newline is not printed.
#define TRACE(cmd) \
    (printf("%s -> ", #cmd), (cmd))

int main()
    // The head of the list and the list itself. It doesn't contain any data.
    list_node head;

    // The list's nodes, contain 'int' data in 'data' member of 'my_struct'
    my_struct el1 = {1};
    my_struct el2 = {2};
    my_struct el3 = {3};

    print_my_list(&head); // print initial state of the list (that is an empty list)

    // Run commands and print their result.
    TRACE( list_add_after (&head    , &el1.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_after (&head    , &el2.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_before(&el1.node, &el3.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_del       (head.prev)            ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_add_before(&head    , &el1.node) ); print_my_list(&head);
    TRACE( list_del       (&el3.node)            ); print_my_list(&head);

    return 0;

The result of execution of the code above:


list: { }
list_add_after (&head , &el1.node) -> list: { 1 }
list_add_after (&head , &el2.node) -> list: { 2 1 }
list_add_before(&el1.node, &el3.node) -> list: { 2 3 1 }
list_del (head.prev) -> list: { 2 3 }
list_add_before(&head , &el1.node) -> list: { 2 3 1 }
list_del (&el3.node) -> list: { 2 1 }


Of course in real life you will most probably use malloc for list elements.



In C language, we need to define a Node to store an integer data and a pointer to the next value.


struct Node{
    int data;
    struct Node *next;

To add a new node, we have a function add which has data as an int parameter. At first we create a new Node n. If the program does not create n then we print an error message and return with value -1. If we create the n then we set the data of n to have the data of the parameter and the next will contain the root as it has the top of the stack. After that, we set the root to reference the new node n.

要添加新节点,我们有一个函数add,它将数据作为int参数。首先,我们创建一个新的Node n。如果程序没有创建n,那么我们打印一条错误消息并返回值-1。如果我们创建n,那么我们将n的数据设置为具有参数的数据,而下一个将包含根,因为它具有堆栈的顶部。之后,我们将根设置为引用新节点n。


#include <stdio.h>
struct node
  int data;
  struct node* next;

int main()

//create pointer node for every new element

struct node* head = NULL;
struct node* second = NULL;
struct node* third = NULL;

//initialize every new pointer with same structure memory

head = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
second = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
third = malloc(sizeof(struct node));

head->data = 18;
head->next = second;

second->data = 20;
second->next = third;

third->data = 31;
third->next = NULL;

//print the linked list just increment by address 

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
      return 0;

This is a simple way to understand how does pointer work with the pointer. Here you need to just create pointer increment with new node so we can make it as an automatic.



Go STL route. Declaring linked lists should be agnostic of the data. If you really have to write it yourself, take a look at how it is implemented in STL or Boost.


You shouldn't even keep the *next pointer with your data structure. This allows you to use your product data structure in a various number of data structures - trees, arrays and queues.

您甚至不应该将* next指针与数据结构保持一致。这允许您在各种数据结构中使用您的产品数据结构 - 树,数组和队列。

Hope this info helps in your design decision.



Since the post is tagged C, you have equivalent implementations using void* pointers that follow the basic design principle. For an example, check out:

由于帖子被标记为C,因此您使用遵循基本设计原则的void *指针进行等效实现。例如,请查看:

Documentation | list.c | list.h

文档| list.c | list.h