
时间:2021-12-05 07:15:59

In my application I want to dynamically create windows (NSWindows) and have a special window (which is a NSWindow too and I call dump space) where I can drag the other windows for closing them.


Basically the dump space should detect when I "drop" a window there so it can trigger the action to release and close the window.


Is there something on the Cocoa drag and drop model that I could use? If not I'd like to know some workaround that I could do in order to simulate those actions.


1 个解决方案



In your dump space class implement the NSDraggingDestination protocol which has several messages to handle drag operations. In performDragOperation: you can handle your window. I recommend to implement NSDraggingSource in the class that starts dragging a window on mouseDown: or mouseMoved:. This way you can define your own pasteboard datatype for dragging windows. This can then be used in the dump space to see what was actually dropped on it and trigger your window processing. There's a relatively complicated example for all the required in this example.




In your dump space class implement the NSDraggingDestination protocol which has several messages to handle drag operations. In performDragOperation: you can handle your window. I recommend to implement NSDraggingSource in the class that starts dragging a window on mouseDown: or mouseMoved:. This way you can define your own pasteboard datatype for dragging windows. This can then be used in the dump space to see what was actually dropped on it and trigger your window processing. There's a relatively complicated example for all the required in this example.
