
时间:2023-01-23 07:17:36

I didn't understand how, but the main toolbar of the preview pane in the layout editor of Android Studio has changed :

我不明白如何,但Android Studio布局编辑器中预览窗格的主工具栏已更改:

It used to look like this : 如何更改布局编辑器预览窗格工具栏菜单?


But now it changed into this :



I tried to reset configuration, and even reinstall completely Android Studio but it didn't work.

我试图重置配置,甚至重新安装Android Studio,但它没有用。

Do you have any idea about how I could revert change ? Thank you in advance


I am using Android Studio 2.2 with Ubuntu 16.04 amd64.

我正在使用Android Studio 2.2和Ubuntu 16.04 amd64。

1 个解决方案



well in this case you could always hide the Palette and Properties tab ,unfortunately i don't think there is any way to customize this tool bar. Although you could use Android Studio version 2.1 .

好吧,在这种情况下你总是可以隐藏调色板和属性选项卡,不幸的是我不认为有任何方法来自定义此工具栏。虽然您可以使用Android Studio 2.1版。



well in this case you could always hide the Palette and Properties tab ,unfortunately i don't think there is any way to customize this tool bar. Although you could use Android Studio version 2.1 .

好吧,在这种情况下你总是可以隐藏调色板和属性选项卡,不幸的是我不认为有任何方法来自定义此工具栏。虽然您可以使用Android Studio 2.1版。