
时间:2023-01-23 07:17:42

How do I create a preference pane for my app on Mac. Also, how do I make a preferences section for my app in the iPhone?


4 个解决方案


Your iPhone app needs a Settings bundle if you want to have your preferences in the system preferences.



You can create your own preferences view in your app on either platform. This is done by creating a view controller or window controller like you would any other view controller/window controller and you can use NSUserDefaults to store/retrieve the information you obtain from your user.



To put settings inside your application you might want to consider mySettings, an open source (EPL) framework for doing much of the hard work. After making a small code contribution myself I decided against including the setting inside my app after all.



For the Mac, you may wish to consult Apple's Preference Panes guide.

对于Mac,您可以查阅Apple的Preference Panes指南。


For Mac OS X, i would recommend my RHPreferences framework.

对于Mac OS X,我会推荐我的RHPreferences框架。

Available on GitHub. BSD Licensed.

可在GitHub上获得。 BSD许可。

Its a simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.


It also provides:


  • Auto resizing between different sized tab views (With animation)
  • 在不同大小的选项卡视图之间自动调整大小(带动画)

  • Custom NSToolbarItem support
  • 自定义NSToolbarItem支持

  • Persistence of the last used tab
  • 最后使用的选项卡的持久性

  • Support for placeholder NSToolbarItems (eg NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier & NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)
  • 支持占位符NSToolbarItems(例如NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier和NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)


Your iPhone app needs a Settings bundle if you want to have your preferences in the system preferences.



You can create your own preferences view in your app on either platform. This is done by creating a view controller or window controller like you would any other view controller/window controller and you can use NSUserDefaults to store/retrieve the information you obtain from your user.



To put settings inside your application you might want to consider mySettings, an open source (EPL) framework for doing much of the hard work. After making a small code contribution myself I decided against including the setting inside my app after all.



For the Mac, you may wish to consult Apple's Preference Panes guide.

对于Mac,您可以查阅Apple的Preference Panes指南。


For Mac OS X, i would recommend my RHPreferences framework.

对于Mac OS X,我会推荐我的RHPreferences框架。

Available on GitHub. BSD Licensed.

可在GitHub上获得。 BSD许可。

Its a simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.


It also provides:


  • Auto resizing between different sized tab views (With animation)
  • 在不同大小的选项卡视图之间自动调整大小(带动画)

  • Custom NSToolbarItem support
  • 自定义NSToolbarItem支持

  • Persistence of the last used tab
  • 最后使用的选项卡的持久性

  • Support for placeholder NSToolbarItems (eg NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier & NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)
  • 支持占位符NSToolbarItems(例如NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier和NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)