
时间:2021-07-15 07:16:12

I'm trying to get a Ruby on Rails project started on Dreamhost, ruby version 1.8.7 I can't check the rails version because of the rake problem but I believe it's at least 3.0. I was having trouble getting the mysql2 connector to work with rake db:migrate and I was trying different versions of gems, and I installed a local version of bundle on ~/.gems, then uninstalled it, and now bundle and rake don't see the gems installed in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin.

我正在尝试在Dreamhost上启动Ruby on Rails项目,ruby版本1.8.7由于rake问题我无法检查rails版本,但我相信它至少是3.0。我无法让mysql2连接器与rake db:migrate一起工作,我正在尝试不同版本的gem,我在〜/ .gems上安装了本地版本的bundle,然后将其卸载,现在捆绑和rake不查看安装在/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin中的gem。

I tried following http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Rails_3 to see if it was a path issue before I realized the local bundle gem may have caused the problem, and I erased my PATH by not including :$PATH at the end of the export command the first time. I looked up common $PATH variables and after following the link above the following are set to:

在我意识到本地bundle gem可能导致问题之前,我试着关注http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Rails_3以查看它是否是一个路径问题,并且我删除了我的PATH,不包括:$ PATH结束时第一次导出命令。我查找了常见的$ PATH变量,并在按照上面的链接后将以下内容设置为:

$GEM_HOME = ~/.gems

$ GEM_HOME =〜/ .gems

$GEM_PATH = /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

$ GEM_PATH = /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

$PATH = ~/.gems/bin:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games

$ PATH =〜/ .gems / bin:/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin:/ usr / local / bin:/ usr / bin:/ bin:/ usr / bin / X11:/ usr / games

So now I'm not quite sure if there was something in the $PATH that is now missing, or if it was the bundle install/uninstall in ~/.gems that make it so when I try to run rake db:migrate or bundle exec rails console I get the error "Could not find rake-0.8.7 in any of the sources".

所以现在我不太确定$ PATH中是否存在现在缺少的东西,或者是否是〜/ .gems中的bundle install / uninstall,当我尝试运行rake db:migrate或bundle时exec rails console我收到错误“无法在任何来源中找到rake-0.8.7”。

EDIT: I tried following the directions on http://forums.site5.com/showthread.php?p=87539 so I added the GEM_PATH in environment.rb which points to the local and shared gem directories, ran irb and tried require 'rubygems' and require 'rake' which both worked, $: showed the correct version of rake, but still get the same error when trying to run rake db:migrate in the RoR app directory, "Could not find rake-0.8.7 in any of the sources".

编辑:我尝试按照http://forums.site5.com/showthread.php?p=87539上的说明进行操作,所以我在environment.rb中添加了GEM_PATH,它指向本地和共享的gem目录,运行irb并尝试了' rubygems'和要求'rake'都有效,$:显示正确的rake版本,但在尝试运行rake db:migrate时仍然会在RoR app目录中遇到相同的错误,“找不到rake-0.8.7 in任何来源“。

EDIT: After getting rvm setup I was at the same spot, but after reading http://muffinlabs.com/content/rvm-and-bundler-dreamhost I changed the GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH vars (in config/evironment.rb instead of config.ru) to the rvm setup ones and rake no longer gives the "Could not find rake" error. The mysql2 adapter still doesn't work but that's another issue.

编辑:获得rvm设置后,我在同一地点,但在阅读http://muffinlabs.com/content/rvm-and-bundler-dreamhost后,我更改了GEM_HOME和GEM_PATH变量(在config / evironment.rb而不是config中) .ru)到rvm setup和rake不再给出“找不到rake”错误。 mysql2适配器仍然无法正常工作,但这是另一个问题。

1 个解决方案



Use rvm. It handles any number of different versions of rubies and gems to avoid exactly this kind of headache.




Use rvm. It handles any number of different versions of rubies and gems to avoid exactly this kind of headache.
