如何创建powershell 2.0模块?

时间:2022-07-21 07:12:10

I've heard powershell 2.0 CTP has modules, but I can't find much example code or instructions. I've read what little help there seems to be online...

我听说过powershell 2.0 CTP有模块,但我找不到很多示例代码或指令。我看过网上似乎有什么帮助......

But I just keep getting "The term 'Add-Module' is not recognized as a cmdlet..." when I try and load a module.

但是当我尝试加载模块时,我只是继续“使用术语'添加模块'不被识别为cmdlet ...”。

Any help would be gratefully received!


Edit (July 2010) Please note this question is based on powershell 2.0 CTP and is therefore a year and half out of date! Please see Samuel Jack's answer for help with the powershell 2.0 RTM.

编辑(2010年7月)请注意这个问题基于powershell 2.0 CTP,因此是一年半过时了!请参阅Samuel Jack的答案,以获取有关powershell 2.0 RTM的帮助。

5 个解决方案



With the Win7 build, Add-Module is gone. The new cmdlet is Import-Module. The easiest way to create a module is rename a PS1 file to a PSM1 file. From there you can do all sorts of things including the module manifest.




I'm no Powershell expert, but here's what I just figured out using PowerShell 2.0 RTM.

我不是Powershell专家,但这就是我刚才用PowerShell 2.0 RTM想出来的。

Suppose you want to create a module called MyModule:


  1. Make sure that you have created the folder %My Documents%\WindowsPowershell\Modules
  2. 确保您已创建文件夹%My Documents%\ WindowsPowershell \ Modules

  3. Create a folder inside Modules called MyModule
  4. 在名为MyModule的Modules中创建一个文件夹

  5. Put your code in a file inside MyModule and name the file MyModule.psm1
  6. 将您的代码放在MyModule中的文件中,并将文件命名为MyModule.psm1

  7. Remember to use the Export-ModuleMember command as the last thing in your script file. Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * will export all functions and aliases
  8. 请记住使用Export-ModuleMember命令作为脚本文件中的最后一项。 Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *将导出所有函数和别名

  9. In scripts where you want to use the module, use the command Import-Module MyModule
  10. 在要使用该模块的脚本中,使用命令Import-Module MyModule

By default Powershell is configured not to run any kinds of scripts from files, so you need to alter the security settings. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted will get you going if you're not concerned about scripts needing to be signed.

默认情况下,Powershell配置为不从文件运行任何类型的脚本,因此您需要更改安全设置。如果您不关心需要签名的脚本,Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted将帮助您。



Here's a little bit of information. http://huddledmasses.org/powershell-modules/

这里有一些信息。 http://huddledmasses.org/powershell-modules/


Let's hope that the upcoming CTP3 has some useful documentation about modules.




Modules will hopefully solve a few problems. Right now, we can use dot sourcing to get functions, variables, and scripts into a PowerShell session's global scope.


The problem is that this can pollute your session with all kinds of global variables and helper functions that an end user may not want/need directly.


Modules will allow you as an author to build scripts and only make certain functions/variables avaiable to the end user of the module.


They also essentially replace the concept of a PSSnapin. You can use Add-Module Some.dll to add an assembly that has cmdlets in it.

它们也基本上取代了PSSnapin的概念。您可以使用Add-Module Some.dll添加包含cmdlet的程序集。

What is really cool is what is called a Module Manifest. This is a hash table that basically specifies all kinds of dependcies as well as author, name, GUID Identifier, and version number. When a user loads a module that has a module manifest, it will check all the dependencies and run any scripts the module author deems necessary.


There should be some decent documentation on these when CTP3 ships.


Hope that helps a bit.





Windows PowerShell v2.0: TFM (sapienpress.com) has information and samples in one of the chapters. It's available as an ebook which is updated as new CTPs are released. I also blogged about them on ConcentratedTech.com, and there's been discussion on them at PowerShellCommunity.org in the forums.

Windows PowerShell v2.0:TFM(sapienpress.com)在其中一章中包含信息和示例。它可以作为电子书使用,随着新CTP的发布而更新。我还在ConcentratedTech.com上发表了关于它们的博客,并在论坛中的PowerShellCommunity.org上对它们进行了讨论。



With the Win7 build, Add-Module is gone. The new cmdlet is Import-Module. The easiest way to create a module is rename a PS1 file to a PSM1 file. From there you can do all sorts of things including the module manifest.




I'm no Powershell expert, but here's what I just figured out using PowerShell 2.0 RTM.

我不是Powershell专家,但这就是我刚才用PowerShell 2.0 RTM想出来的。

Suppose you want to create a module called MyModule:


  1. Make sure that you have created the folder %My Documents%\WindowsPowershell\Modules
  2. 确保您已创建文件夹%My Documents%\ WindowsPowershell \ Modules

  3. Create a folder inside Modules called MyModule
  4. 在名为MyModule的Modules中创建一个文件夹

  5. Put your code in a file inside MyModule and name the file MyModule.psm1
  6. 将您的代码放在MyModule中的文件中,并将文件命名为MyModule.psm1

  7. Remember to use the Export-ModuleMember command as the last thing in your script file. Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * will export all functions and aliases
  8. 请记住使用Export-ModuleMember命令作为脚本文件中的最后一项。 Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias *将导出所有函数和别名

  9. In scripts where you want to use the module, use the command Import-Module MyModule
  10. 在要使用该模块的脚本中,使用命令Import-Module MyModule

By default Powershell is configured not to run any kinds of scripts from files, so you need to alter the security settings. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted will get you going if you're not concerned about scripts needing to be signed.

默认情况下,Powershell配置为不从文件运行任何类型的脚本,因此您需要更改安全设置。如果您不关心需要签名的脚本,Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted将帮助您。



Here's a little bit of information. http://huddledmasses.org/powershell-modules/

这里有一些信息。 http://huddledmasses.org/powershell-modules/


Let's hope that the upcoming CTP3 has some useful documentation about modules.




Modules will hopefully solve a few problems. Right now, we can use dot sourcing to get functions, variables, and scripts into a PowerShell session's global scope.


The problem is that this can pollute your session with all kinds of global variables and helper functions that an end user may not want/need directly.


Modules will allow you as an author to build scripts and only make certain functions/variables avaiable to the end user of the module.


They also essentially replace the concept of a PSSnapin. You can use Add-Module Some.dll to add an assembly that has cmdlets in it.

它们也基本上取代了PSSnapin的概念。您可以使用Add-Module Some.dll添加包含cmdlet的程序集。

What is really cool is what is called a Module Manifest. This is a hash table that basically specifies all kinds of dependcies as well as author, name, GUID Identifier, and version number. When a user loads a module that has a module manifest, it will check all the dependencies and run any scripts the module author deems necessary.


There should be some decent documentation on these when CTP3 ships.


Hope that helps a bit.





Windows PowerShell v2.0: TFM (sapienpress.com) has information and samples in one of the chapters. It's available as an ebook which is updated as new CTPs are released. I also blogged about them on ConcentratedTech.com, and there's been discussion on them at PowerShellCommunity.org in the forums.

Windows PowerShell v2.0:TFM(sapienpress.com)在其中一章中包含信息和示例。它可以作为电子书使用,随着新CTP的发布而更新。我还在ConcentratedTech.com上发表了关于它们的博客,并在论坛中的PowerShellCommunity.org上对它们进行了讨论。