PythonCard - 我可以单独启动CustomDialog吗?

时间:2021-02-27 07:11:56

I have a CustomDialog I made to let the user configure settings. Normally I want this to be launched from a menu item within the main application which works fine.


But during the install, I want to launch just the dialog to let the user configure the settings. Is there a way I can have both?


1 个解决方案


With a little supporting code you can -- see e.g. which launches an almost-stand-alone custom dialog subclass "wizard".

您可以使用一些支持代码 - 例如wizard.py启动一个几乎独立的自定义对话子类“向导”。


With a little supporting code you can -- see e.g. which launches an almost-stand-alone custom dialog subclass "wizard".

您可以使用一些支持代码 - 例如wizard.py启动一个几乎独立的自定义对话子类“向导”。