如何将两个值放在列表的一个索引中以将其存储在行+ cellvalue的excel文件中?

时间:2021-02-27 07:12:02

I want to add two values in one index of list like


['18' 'PASS','19' 'FAIL','20' 'PASS','21' '' FAIL] 

and then put this value in excel sheet like 18th row put value 'PASS'.


3 个解决方案



If you want to have multiple values in "one index of a list" you can simply use a list of tuples:


myTupleList= [(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three")]

If you want to store something as excel table (which is in and of itself 2 dimensional), you would need at least 3 things:


myData = [(row_1,column_1,data_1), ..., (row_n,col_n,data_n)]

to enable arbitary placement inside a excel workboot sheet.

在excel workboot表中启用任意放置。

Lets create some demo data:


header = [ (0,idx,n) for idx,n in enumerate(["number","number^2","number^3"])] 

data = [ (n, 0, n) for n in range(0,30,3)]
data += [ (n, 1, n ** 2) for n in range(0,30,3)]
data += [ (n, 2, n ** 3) for n in range(0,30,3)]

# header: [(0, 0, 'number'), (0, 1, 'number^2'), (0, 2, 'number^3')]

# data: [(0, 0, 0),    (3, 0, 3),   (6, 0, 6),   (9, 0, 9),   (12, 0, 12), (15, 0, 15), 
#        (18, 0, 18),  (21, 0, 21), (24, 0, 24), (27, 0, 27), (0, 1, 0),   (3, 1, 9), 
#        (6, 1, 36),   (9, 1, 81),  (12, 1, 144),(15, 1, 225),(18, 1, 324),(21, 1, 441), 
#        (24, 1, 576), (27, 1, 729), (0, 2, 0),  (3, 2, 27),   (6, 2, 216), (9, 2, 729), 
#        (12, 2, 1728),(15, 2, 3375),(18, 2, 5832),(21, 2, 9261),(24, 2, 13824), 
#        (27, 2, 19683)]

And then write the data into workbooks:


writeXlsWorkbook("text.xls","computed Numbers", header, data)
writeXlsxWorkbook("text.xlsx","computed Numbers", header, data)

Writing old excel files (*.xls):

编写旧的Excel文件(* .xls):

import xlwt    
def writeXlsWorkbook(filename:str, sheet:str, header:list, tupleData:list):
    """Write xls to filename, place data on sheet with sheet as name.

    'header' and 'tupleData' are 3 dimensional zero based tuples of (row,column, data). 
    If 'header' is given, 'tupleData' will be placed in the row below the header-row."""
    book = xlwt.Workbook()
    sh = book.add_sheet(sheet)

    addToRowsNr = 0
    if header:
        for row, col, data in header:
            sh.write(row , col , data)
        addToRowsNr = 1

    for row, col, data in tupleData:
        sh.write(row + addToRowsNr, col , data)


Writing new excel files (*.xlsx):

编写新的Excel文件(* .xlsx):

import openpyxl 
def writeXlsxWorkbook(filename:str, sheet:str, header:list, tupleData:list):
    """Write xlsx to filename, place data on sheet with sheet as name.

    'header' and 'tupleData' are 3 dimensional zero based tuples of (row,column, data). 
    If 'header' is given, 'tupleData' will be placed in the row below the header-row."""
    book = openpyxl.Workbook()
    sh = book.active # get the one default sheet
    sh.title = sheet # rename it

    # sh.cell( ..) is 1-based, data is 0 based so we add one to row and col
    addToRowsNr = 0
    if header:
        for row, col, data in header:
            sh.cell(row=row+1, column=col+1, value=data) # ws['B4'] = "42" would work
        addToRowsNr = row+2

    for row, col, data in tupleData:
        sh.cell(row = row + addToRowsNr, column = col + 1, value = data)


To write your data you would supply:


# zero based data, hence -1 on the row
writeXlsWorkbook("somename.xls","someSheetName",None, [(18-1,0, 'PASS'),
                          (19-1,0,'FAIL'),(20-1,0,'PASS'),(21-1,0,'FAIL')] )

writeXlsxWorkbook("somename.xlsx","someSheetName",None, [(18-1,0, 'PASS'),
                           (19-1,0,'FAIL'),(20-1,0,'PASS'),(21-1,0,'FAIL')] )


Disclaimer: I took a peek at this answer for the old style excel writing and heavily adapted it.




You can make a list of tuples


For example

lst = [(18, 'Pass'), (19, 'Fail')]

You can access the values as


lst[1] --> (19, 'Fail')
lst[1][0] --> 19
lst[1][1] --> 'Fail'

Please Note:

  • Tuples are immutable, so cannot add new elements
  • 元组是不可变的,因此无法添加新元素

  • Merging of tuples with the + operator you can add an element and it will create a new tuple
  • 将元组与+运算符合并,您可以添加一个元素,它将创建一个新的元组

You can read more about this over here




Possible options are


1. One string with seperator


>>> list = ['18 PASS', '19 FAIL', '20 PASS']

>>> list = ['18 PASS','19 FAIL','20 PASS']

>>> list[0].split()
['18', 'PASS']

>>> list[0].split()[0]

>>> list[0].split()[1]

>>> list = ['18|PASS', '19|FAIL', '20|PASS']

>>> list[0].split('|')
['18', 'PASS']

>>> list[0].split('|')[0]

>>> list[0].split('|')[1]

Here you store the information as 1 string with a separator, usually space. And whenever needed you parse it.


Caution: Though the separator can e any character or string, you should be extra careful that you separator should not appear in the information string.


For example, lets go out of your example and take age and name


>>> list = ['48 Torvalds', '62 Rossum', '62 Grady Booch']

>>> list[0].split()[1]

>>> list[1].split()[1]

>>> list[2].split()[1]

Ouch!! you missed the last name Booch.


2. List of lists or list of tuples


As explained in previous answer by https://*.com/users/3287355/user3287355


Remember tuples are immutable, once created you cannot alter the contents.


3. Recommended to use Python Dictionary

3.建议使用Python Dictionary

For key-value pairs Python has a built-in structure called Dictionary which analogous to Map, JSON etc.


>>> dict = {'18':'PASS', '19':'FAIL', '20':'PASS'}

>>> dict.get('18')

>>> dict.get('19')

>>> dict.get('20')

Caution: Beware of duplicate keys. Also you can't expect the dictionary to preserve the order of elements as you entered. However its completely based on key-value, we don't get values by index.




If you want to have multiple values in "one index of a list" you can simply use a list of tuples:


myTupleList= [(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three")]

If you want to store something as excel table (which is in and of itself 2 dimensional), you would need at least 3 things:


myData = [(row_1,column_1,data_1), ..., (row_n,col_n,data_n)]

to enable arbitary placement inside a excel workboot sheet.

在excel workboot表中启用任意放置。

Lets create some demo data:


header = [ (0,idx,n) for idx,n in enumerate(["number","number^2","number^3"])] 

data = [ (n, 0, n) for n in range(0,30,3)]
data += [ (n, 1, n ** 2) for n in range(0,30,3)]
data += [ (n, 2, n ** 3) for n in range(0,30,3)]

# header: [(0, 0, 'number'), (0, 1, 'number^2'), (0, 2, 'number^3')]

# data: [(0, 0, 0),    (3, 0, 3),   (6, 0, 6),   (9, 0, 9),   (12, 0, 12), (15, 0, 15), 
#        (18, 0, 18),  (21, 0, 21), (24, 0, 24), (27, 0, 27), (0, 1, 0),   (3, 1, 9), 
#        (6, 1, 36),   (9, 1, 81),  (12, 1, 144),(15, 1, 225),(18, 1, 324),(21, 1, 441), 
#        (24, 1, 576), (27, 1, 729), (0, 2, 0),  (3, 2, 27),   (6, 2, 216), (9, 2, 729), 
#        (12, 2, 1728),(15, 2, 3375),(18, 2, 5832),(21, 2, 9261),(24, 2, 13824), 
#        (27, 2, 19683)]

And then write the data into workbooks:


writeXlsWorkbook("text.xls","computed Numbers", header, data)
writeXlsxWorkbook("text.xlsx","computed Numbers", header, data)

Writing old excel files (*.xls):

编写旧的Excel文件(* .xls):

import xlwt    
def writeXlsWorkbook(filename:str, sheet:str, header:list, tupleData:list):
    """Write xls to filename, place data on sheet with sheet as name.

    'header' and 'tupleData' are 3 dimensional zero based tuples of (row,column, data). 
    If 'header' is given, 'tupleData' will be placed in the row below the header-row."""
    book = xlwt.Workbook()
    sh = book.add_sheet(sheet)

    addToRowsNr = 0
    if header:
        for row, col, data in header:
            sh.write(row , col , data)
        addToRowsNr = 1

    for row, col, data in tupleData:
        sh.write(row + addToRowsNr, col , data)


Writing new excel files (*.xlsx):

编写新的Excel文件(* .xlsx):

import openpyxl 
def writeXlsxWorkbook(filename:str, sheet:str, header:list, tupleData:list):
    """Write xlsx to filename, place data on sheet with sheet as name.

    'header' and 'tupleData' are 3 dimensional zero based tuples of (row,column, data). 
    If 'header' is given, 'tupleData' will be placed in the row below the header-row."""
    book = openpyxl.Workbook()
    sh = book.active # get the one default sheet
    sh.title = sheet # rename it

    # sh.cell( ..) is 1-based, data is 0 based so we add one to row and col
    addToRowsNr = 0
    if header:
        for row, col, data in header:
            sh.cell(row=row+1, column=col+1, value=data) # ws['B4'] = "42" would work
        addToRowsNr = row+2

    for row, col, data in tupleData:
        sh.cell(row = row + addToRowsNr, column = col + 1, value = data)


To write your data you would supply:


# zero based data, hence -1 on the row
writeXlsWorkbook("somename.xls","someSheetName",None, [(18-1,0, 'PASS'),
                          (19-1,0,'FAIL'),(20-1,0,'PASS'),(21-1,0,'FAIL')] )

writeXlsxWorkbook("somename.xlsx","someSheetName",None, [(18-1,0, 'PASS'),
                           (19-1,0,'FAIL'),(20-1,0,'PASS'),(21-1,0,'FAIL')] )


Disclaimer: I took a peek at this answer for the old style excel writing and heavily adapted it.




You can make a list of tuples


For example

lst = [(18, 'Pass'), (19, 'Fail')]

You can access the values as


lst[1] --> (19, 'Fail')
lst[1][0] --> 19
lst[1][1] --> 'Fail'

Please Note:

  • Tuples are immutable, so cannot add new elements
  • 元组是不可变的,因此无法添加新元素

  • Merging of tuples with the + operator you can add an element and it will create a new tuple
  • 将元组与+运算符合并,您可以添加一个元素,它将创建一个新的元组

You can read more about this over here




Possible options are


1. One string with seperator


>>> list = ['18 PASS', '19 FAIL', '20 PASS']

>>> list = ['18 PASS','19 FAIL','20 PASS']

>>> list[0].split()
['18', 'PASS']

>>> list[0].split()[0]

>>> list[0].split()[1]

>>> list = ['18|PASS', '19|FAIL', '20|PASS']

>>> list[0].split('|')
['18', 'PASS']

>>> list[0].split('|')[0]

>>> list[0].split('|')[1]

Here you store the information as 1 string with a separator, usually space. And whenever needed you parse it.


Caution: Though the separator can e any character or string, you should be extra careful that you separator should not appear in the information string.


For example, lets go out of your example and take age and name


>>> list = ['48 Torvalds', '62 Rossum', '62 Grady Booch']

>>> list[0].split()[1]

>>> list[1].split()[1]

>>> list[2].split()[1]

Ouch!! you missed the last name Booch.


2. List of lists or list of tuples


As explained in previous answer by https://*.com/users/3287355/user3287355


Remember tuples are immutable, once created you cannot alter the contents.


3. Recommended to use Python Dictionary

3.建议使用Python Dictionary

For key-value pairs Python has a built-in structure called Dictionary which analogous to Map, JSON etc.


>>> dict = {'18':'PASS', '19':'FAIL', '20':'PASS'}

>>> dict.get('18')

>>> dict.get('19')

>>> dict.get('20')

Caution: Beware of duplicate keys. Also you can't expect the dictionary to preserve the order of elements as you entered. However its completely based on key-value, we don't get values by index.
