c ++ 11线程池适用于Windows - Linux上的块

时间:2021-04-02 07:06:20

I solved my problem by using a single mutex variable in the Shared struct instead of the multiple mutexes in Unique. If someone understands why this works and the other one doesn't (reliably) I will gladly accept an answer.


I wrote a simple thread pool with c++11 threads. On windows it behaves as intended but on linux it blocks. I assume that I programmed it wrong and it is just running on windows by coincidence.

我用c ++ 11线程编写了一个简单的线程池。在Windows上它的行为与预期相同,但在linux上它会阻止。我假设我编程错了,它只是巧合地在Windows上运行。

The idea is to create the pool once and call run() multiple times, which runs the program once on all available threads, and returns afterwards without destroying the threads. The threads then wait for the next run and so on.


On windows this worked every time I tried it. On linux however only a single thread starts executing the program and after that nothing happens, so run() never returns.


I have included a only slightly condensed version of my source code because I thought the thing might be small enough. If someone is interested in taking a look I suspect loop() and wait_all() in the middle of the code section are the most relevant parts. I have also included the declaration as a reference in case the variable types are not clear from name/context.


Pool::Pool(uint32_t num_threads) : num_threads_(num_threads), uniques_(num_threads), threads_(num_threads) {
    shared_.end  = false;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
        uniques_[i].wake = false;
        threads_[i] = std::thread(loop, std::ref(uniques_[i]), std::ref(shared_));

void Pool::run(Program program) {
    shared_.program = program;

void Pool::wake_all() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < uniques_.size(); ++i) {
        uniques_[i].wake = true;


void Pool::wait_all() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads_; ++i) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(uniques_[i].lock);
        uniques_[i].done_signal.wait(locker, [&]{return !uniques_[i].wake;});

void Pool::loop(Unique& unique, Shared& shared) {
    for (;;) {
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> locker(unique.lock);
        shared.wake_signal.wait(locker, [&]{return unique.wake;});

        if (shared.end) {

        // Do stuff... On linux only a single thread gets here

        unique.wake = false;

// Declaration
class Pool {
    typedef std::function<void()> Program;
    Pool(uint32_t num_threads);
    void run(Program program);
    void wake_all();
    void wait_all();

    struct Unique {
        std::condition_variable done_signal;
        std::mutex lock;
        bool wake;

    struct Shared {
        Program program;
        std::condition_variable wake_signal;
        bool end;

    uint32_t num_threads_;
    Shared shared_;
    std::vector<Unique> uniques_;
    std::vector<std::thread> threads_;

    static void loop(Unique& unique, Shared& shared);

1 个解决方案


You are violating the standard's requirements for calling wait:


void wait(unique_lock& lock);

void wait(unique_lock&lock);

Requires: lock.owns_lock() is true and lock.mutex() is locked by the calling thread, and either:


— no other thread is waiting on this condition_variable object or

- 没有其他线程在等于这个condition_variable对象或

— lock.mutex() returns the same value for each of the lock arguments supplied by all concurrently waiting (via wait or timed_wait) threads.

- lock.mutex()为所有并发等待(通过wait或timed_wait)线程提供的每个锁参数返回相同的值。

You can have concurrently waiting threads whose lock refers to a different mutex. So you don't meet the prerequisites for calling wait on a condition_variable.


I believe you could use a condition_variable_any, which doesn't have this requirement.



You are violating the standard's requirements for calling wait:


void wait(unique_lock& lock);

void wait(unique_lock&lock);

Requires: lock.owns_lock() is true and lock.mutex() is locked by the calling thread, and either:


— no other thread is waiting on this condition_variable object or

- 没有其他线程在等于这个condition_variable对象或

— lock.mutex() returns the same value for each of the lock arguments supplied by all concurrently waiting (via wait or timed_wait) threads.

- lock.mutex()为所有并发等待(通过wait或timed_wait)线程提供的每个锁参数返回相同的值。

You can have concurrently waiting threads whose lock refers to a different mutex. So you don't meet the prerequisites for calling wait on a condition_variable.


I believe you could use a condition_variable_any, which doesn't have this requirement.
