
时间:2022-02-03 07:00:16

I configured MinGW and distutils so now I can compile extensions using this command:


setup.py install

MinGW's gcc compiler will be used and package will be installed. For that I installed MinGW and created distutils.cfg file with following content:


compiler = mingw32

It's cool but now I'd like to use all pip benefits. Is there a way to use the same MinGW's gcc compiler in pip? So that when I run this:


pip install <package name>

pip will use MinGW's gcc compiler and compile C code if needed?


Currently I get this error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat. Seems pip doesn't know that I have gcc compiler. How can I configure pip to use gcc compiler?


3 个解决方案



  • install MinGW with C++ Compiler option checked
  • 使用c++编译器选项安装MinGW。
  • add C:\MinGW\bin to your PATH
  • 添加C:\MinGW\bin到您的路径。
  • in PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils, create a file distutils.cfg and add these lines:
  • 在PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils中,创建一个文件distutils。cfg和添加这些线:

[build] compiler=mingw32

(构建)编译器= mingw32



Even though configuration file solves this problem, it's not always an option. I had the same issue for my command line installation process and I was not able to change config files on all the machines and python distributions.


This is my solution:


For mingw32 and packages, which use VC++ as default:


pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32 <package_zip>

For Visual C++ on WinPython, which uses mingw32 as default:

对于WinPython的Visual c++,它使用mingw32作为默认值:

pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=msvc <package_zip>



Maybe you didn't put distutils.cfg in the right location? I solved the same problem creating a file called pydistutils.cfg inside c:\Documents and Settings\myuser, with the same content as yours. I did this way and it works. HTH




  • install MinGW with C++ Compiler option checked
  • 使用c++编译器选项安装MinGW。
  • add C:\MinGW\bin to your PATH
  • 添加C:\MinGW\bin到您的路径。
  • in PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils, create a file distutils.cfg and add these lines:
  • 在PYTHONPATH\Lib\distutils中,创建一个文件distutils。cfg和添加这些线:

[build] compiler=mingw32

(构建)编译器= mingw32



Even though configuration file solves this problem, it's not always an option. I had the same issue for my command line installation process and I was not able to change config files on all the machines and python distributions.


This is my solution:


For mingw32 and packages, which use VC++ as default:


pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32 <package_zip>

For Visual C++ on WinPython, which uses mingw32 as default:

对于WinPython的Visual c++,它使用mingw32作为默认值:

pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=msvc <package_zip>



Maybe you didn't put distutils.cfg in the right location? I solved the same problem creating a file called pydistutils.cfg inside c:\Documents and Settings\myuser, with the same content as yours. I did this way and it works. HTH
