I am using Neo4j which has a clause to allow setting multiple properties at once:
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE p.email = '${userEmail}'
SET p += ${argsToUpdate}
RETURN p AS Person
However, I cannot get argsToUpdate
into the query because Neo4j is looking for a string exactly as it appears here:
{ email: 'test@test.com', age: 1337, colour: 'blue' }
I could use JSON.stringify(argsToUpdate)
regex and strip \ and " but that is subpar because some properties could contain those characters. Maybe they could be encoded first.
我可以使用JSON.stringify(argsToUpdate) regex和条形\和“但是这不够,因为有些属性可能包含这些字符。”也许它们可以先被编码。
I also tried JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(argsToUpdate))
I used util.inspect(argsToUpdate)
and it works perfectly, but my dev lead won't accept it because it's a node.js debugging method.
我使用了util.inspect(argsToUpdate),它工作得很好,但是我的dev lead不会接受它,因为它是一个节点。js调试方法。
Is there a simple way to achieve this another way?
I don't want to do something like a for loop like this:
let args = '{ '
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(argsToUpdate).length; i++) {
args += `${prop[i]}: ${key[i]}`
args += ' }'
Is there an efficient way to do this? The issue is that argsToUpdate
contains a variable number of properties. I want it to be dynamic so that the code isn't so brittle. Is there anything available in ES6+ including babel that can achieve the result of util.inspect(argsToUpdate)
1 个解决方案
Assuming you're using the default neo4j driver, you should be able to pass all parameters to the query in standard javascript data structures and not worry about string escaping like this. I think the issue is that your parameters are named incorrectly.
Cypher parameters must be composed of unicode letters and cannot start with a currency symbol. Names enclosed in backticks can contain spaces. So, should take forms like the below.
- { someParam }
- someParam美元
Or even something like the two below.
{ `some param with spaces in the name` }
$`some param with spaces in the name`
With that in mind, the query below should work.
.run('MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.email = $userEmail SET p += $argsToUpdate RETURN p AS Person', {userEmail: 'test@test.com', argsToUpdate: { email: 'test@test.com', age: 1337, colour: 'blue' }})
Assuming you're using the default neo4j driver, you should be able to pass all parameters to the query in standard javascript data structures and not worry about string escaping like this. I think the issue is that your parameters are named incorrectly.
Cypher parameters must be composed of unicode letters and cannot start with a currency symbol. Names enclosed in backticks can contain spaces. So, should take forms like the below.
- { someParam }
- someParam美元
Or even something like the two below.
{ `some param with spaces in the name` }
$`some param with spaces in the name`
With that in mind, the query below should work.
.run('MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.email = $userEmail SET p += $argsToUpdate RETURN p AS Person', {userEmail: 'test@test.com', argsToUpdate: { email: 'test@test.com', age: 1337, colour: 'blue' }})