在Google App Engine上为DataStore设置Django

时间:2021-07-30 06:53:43

How do I setup Django on Google App Engine to use DataStore? I did a bunch of searches and some seemed to point to something called django-nonrel. But I couldn't find anything that looked like a definitive guide up-to-date (dated around 2012-2013).

如何在Google App Engine上设置Django以使用DataStore?我做了一堆搜索,有些似乎指向了一个叫django-nonrel的东西。但我找不到任何看起来像最新的指南(约会2012-2013)。

1 个解决方案



The djangae project seems to be what you're looking for. From their documentation:


Djangae (jan-gee) is a Django app that allows you to run Django applications on Google App Engine, including (if you want to) using Django's models with the App Engine Datastore as the underlying database.

Djangae(jan-gee)是一个Django应用程序,允许您在Google App Engine上运行Django应用程序,包括(如果您愿意)使用Django的模型和App Engine数据存储区作为底层数据库。

It has a Database backend that supports AppEngine's Datastore, so you can use Django's ORM. In addition to Django's default fields, a number of other field types are added in the project.


You should consider the list of limitations carefully though.




The djangae project seems to be what you're looking for. From their documentation:


Djangae (jan-gee) is a Django app that allows you to run Django applications on Google App Engine, including (if you want to) using Django's models with the App Engine Datastore as the underlying database.

Djangae(jan-gee)是一个Django应用程序,允许您在Google App Engine上运行Django应用程序,包括(如果您愿意)使用Django的模型和App Engine数据存储区作为底层数据库。

It has a Database backend that supports AppEngine's Datastore, so you can use Django's ORM. In addition to Django's default fields, a number of other field types are added in the project.


You should consider the list of limitations carefully though.
