
时间:2021-07-30 06:53:49

Is there a standard practice to organize the process of developing a simple website. there is no use implementing MVC as there is no data base involved. It will be very useful in organizing the project and separating


  • the aspx files and master
  • aspx文件和主文件
  • page content(this can be very useful in implementing simple cms techniques)
  • 页面内容(这对于实现简单的cms技术非常有用)
  • user controls
  • 用户控件
  • scripts
  • 脚本
  • styles
  • 风格
  • images
  • 图片

is there any industry standard or best practice for this.?


thanks in advance :)


Update: yes the way i have listed is convenient. but it would be great if i could separate server codes and files like master,aspx.. and the actual page content.


One more reason for not using MVC: I usually outsource the SEO process. Now an MVC application can be greek/latin for my SEO expert. :)


The final structure:


  1. Images
  2. 图片
  3. Scripts
  4. 脚本
  5. Styles
  6. 风格
  7. Images
  8. 图片
  9. Weblets
  10. Weblets
  11. Pagelets
  12. Pagelets
  13. aspx files..
  14. aspx文件. .

the images, styles and scripts will contain only those that are common for the whole project. The weblets and pagelets are in the idea as follows...
Weblets should contain a collection of weblets. A weblet is folder containing a user control,it's styles,scripts,images etc.,
Pagelets should contain a collection of pagelets. A pagelet is a folder containing the content for the aspx page. If there is an aspx file named "aboutUs.aspx" then there is a corresponding pagelet named "aboutUs" which contains aboutUs.html,it's styles,scripts and images. the aspx page should only include them here.This can be very useful in configuring CMS.
If there can be betterments please do post..:)

3 个解决方案



That is right there is no such industry standard for this. But in my opinion i really like the Web Application Template from ASP.Net 4.0. It is more like MVC Template but it remain very useful in terms of scalability.

没错,没有这样的行业标准。但是在我看来,我真的很喜欢来自ASP的Web应用模板。Net 4.0。它更像MVC模板,但在可扩展性方面仍然非常有用。


http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/08/26/starter项目-模板- vs - 2010和-网- 4 - 0 - series.aspx



No industry standards as such, but most developers I know would separate things out the way you did.


i.e. - different types of content in different directories.




ASP.Net MVC isn't just for database applications. In fact I would suggest it's easier to work with than webforms after the small learning curve. The concept of convention over configuration will help you with your question. There is a standard structure that MVC sets up for you that works great and anybody that opens your MVC code will be able to understand where everything is.

ASP。Net MVC不仅仅适用于数据库应用程序。事实上,我认为在学习曲线较小的情况下,与webforms相比,它更容易使用。约定优于配置的概念将帮助您解决您的问题。MVC为您设置了一个标准结构,它工作得很好,任何打开MVC代码的人都能理解所有东西在哪里。



That is right there is no such industry standard for this. But in my opinion i really like the Web Application Template from ASP.Net 4.0. It is more like MVC Template but it remain very useful in terms of scalability.

没错,没有这样的行业标准。但是在我看来,我真的很喜欢来自ASP的Web应用模板。Net 4.0。它更像MVC模板,但在可扩展性方面仍然非常有用。


http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/08/26/starter项目-模板- vs - 2010和-网- 4 - 0 - series.aspx



No industry standards as such, but most developers I know would separate things out the way you did.


i.e. - different types of content in different directories.




ASP.Net MVC isn't just for database applications. In fact I would suggest it's easier to work with than webforms after the small learning curve. The concept of convention over configuration will help you with your question. There is a standard structure that MVC sets up for you that works great and anybody that opens your MVC code will be able to understand where everything is.

ASP。Net MVC不仅仅适用于数据库应用程序。事实上,我认为在学习曲线较小的情况下,与webforms相比,它更容易使用。约定优于配置的概念将帮助您解决您的问题。MVC为您设置了一个标准结构,它工作得很好,任何打开MVC代码的人都能理解所有东西在哪里。