
时间:2022-04-25 15:43:50

I'm trying to make a tool that will have a graph component. I wanted users to be able to build/model their own relationships. I was thinking of something similar to how mind map software works(users create nodes and edges,etc..).


I was hoping to use Neo4J(they have a library but I don't think you can add nodes/edges to it) but honestly any web library would work because I can transfer the data to their format, let users modify it then push the changes back to my backend DB.


Any suggestions?

1 个解决方案



Most graphDBs offer a REST endpoint for CRUD operations: Neo4J offers also a specific transactional one for ACID operations.


Basically you can use CREATE and MATCH queries to create or update/delete your data in the database, and send them by an AJAX call to the Neo4J server.


Using a graph drawing library you can trigger, based on the user activity, the ajax requests and create the elements in the database.


Have a look at the Cypher Cheatsheet for an overview of the possible operations.

请查看Cypher Cheatsheet,了解可能的操作概述。

Note: probably you don't want to expose your database to the user completely, so I'd say maybe to wrap the REST interface with a Business Software layer of yours so that you can control all the process (and not distribuite the Authentication credentials to the user as well).




Most graphDBs offer a REST endpoint for CRUD operations: Neo4J offers also a specific transactional one for ACID operations.


Basically you can use CREATE and MATCH queries to create or update/delete your data in the database, and send them by an AJAX call to the Neo4J server.


Using a graph drawing library you can trigger, based on the user activity, the ajax requests and create the elements in the database.


Have a look at the Cypher Cheatsheet for an overview of the possible operations.

请查看Cypher Cheatsheet,了解可能的操作概述。

Note: probably you don't want to expose your database to the user completely, so I'd say maybe to wrap the REST interface with a Business Software layer of yours so that you can control all the process (and not distribuite the Authentication credentials to the user as well).
