Is it possible to use .NET Reflector (or an other tool) to modify and recompile the code quickly (that is, without dumping the source and then use Visual Studio to recompile it)?
是否可以使用.NET Reflector(或其他工具)快速修改和重新编译代码(即,不转储源,然后使用Visual Studio重新编译它)?
3 个解决方案
You can probably use the Reflexil add-in for Reflector to do that:
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector. Using Mono.Cecil, Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports 'on the fly' C# and VB.NET code injection.
Reflexil是一个组装编辑器,作为Reflector的插件运行。使用Mono.Cecil,Reflexil能够操作IL代码并将修改后的程序集保存到磁盘。 Reflexil还支持“即时”C#和VB.NET代码注入。
It's possible with .Net reflector along with reflexil. First download reflexiil and then open .net relector and load the reflexil into it using View->addins->select the reflexil file(all dlls) and then load. After that open the required dll file and go to tools->select reflectil, open the code and identify the required item, then edit..give to the assemblyy and select save as to save it to new file
使用.Net反射器和反射器是可能的。首先下载reflexiil,然后打开.net解析器并使用View-> addins->将reflexil加载到其中,然后选择reflexil文件(所有dll)然后加载。之后打开所需的dll文件并转到tools-> select reflectil,打开代码并识别所需的项目,然后编辑..给组件并选择另存为将其保存到新文件
.NET Reflector cannot do this, but other tools can decompile .NET assemblies, for example FileDisassembler (an add-in for .NET Reflector).
.NET Reflector无法做到这一点,但其他工具可以反编译.NET程序集,例如FileDisassembler(.NET Reflector的加载项)。
You can probably use the Reflexil add-in for Reflector to do that:
Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Reflector. Using Mono.Cecil, Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports 'on the fly' C# and VB.NET code injection.
Reflexil是一个组装编辑器,作为Reflector的插件运行。使用Mono.Cecil,Reflexil能够操作IL代码并将修改后的程序集保存到磁盘。 Reflexil还支持“即时”C#和VB.NET代码注入。
It's possible with .Net reflector along with reflexil. First download reflexiil and then open .net relector and load the reflexil into it using View->addins->select the reflexil file(all dlls) and then load. After that open the required dll file and go to tools->select reflectil, open the code and identify the required item, then edit..give to the assemblyy and select save as to save it to new file
使用.Net反射器和反射器是可能的。首先下载reflexiil,然后打开.net解析器并使用View-> addins->将reflexil加载到其中,然后选择reflexil文件(所有dll)然后加载。之后打开所需的dll文件并转到tools-> select reflectil,打开代码并识别所需的项目,然后编辑..给组件并选择另存为将其保存到新文件
.NET Reflector cannot do this, but other tools can decompile .NET assemblies, for example FileDisassembler (an add-in for .NET Reflector).
.NET Reflector无法做到这一点,但其他工具可以反编译.NET程序集,例如FileDisassembler(.NET Reflector的加载项)。