
时间:2021-09-05 06:29:31

I have a program that depends on a shared library it expects to find deep inside a directory structure. I'd like to move that shared library out and into a better place. On OS X, this can be done with install_name_tool. I'm unable to find an equivalent for Linux.

我有一个程序依赖于它希望在目录结构内部找到的共享库。我想把那个共享库搬到一个更好的地方。在OS X上,可以使用install_name_tool完成此操作。我无法找到Linux的等价物。

For reference, readelf -d myprogram spits out the following paraphrased output:

作为参考,readelf -d myprogram吐出以下释义输出:

Dynamic section at offset 0x1e9ed4 contains 30 entries:
  Tag        Type                         Name/Value
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [this/is/terrible/library.so]
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libGL.so.1]
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libGLU.so.1]
 0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: [libstdc++.so.6]
(continues in an uninteresting fashion)

(and by request, ldd myprogram:)

(并根据要求,ldd myprogram :)

    linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0x0056a000)
    this/is/terrible/library.so => not found
    libGL.so.1 => /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1 (0x0017d000)
    libGLU.so.1 => /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1 (0x00a9c000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00710000)
   (etc, etc)

and I would like to errata "this/is/terrible/library.so" to be "shared/library.so". Note that, if the program is left in its "built" location, where the relative path this/is/terrible/library.so actually exists, then ldd is able to find it, as you'd expect.

我想将“this / is / terrible / library.so”改为“shared / library.so”。请注意,如果程序保留在其“构建”位置,其中/ / / ter / /。实际存在的相对路径,那么ldd能够找到它,正如您所期望的那样。

I know about RPATH and it isn't what I'm looking for, I don't need to change search paths globally.


4 个解决方案



HT - this might be helpful.

HT - 这可能会有所帮助。

HT is a file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables. The goal is to combine the low-level functionality of a debugger and the usability of IDEs. We plan to implement all (hex-)editing features and support of the most important file formats.


I couldn't find something much different from ZorbaTHut's solution, but perhaps it's possible to put a name with different length and still keep the binary valid.


gelf - this could be useful too.

gelf - 这也很有用。

GElf is a generic, ELF class-independent API for manipulat- ing ELF object files. GElf provides a single, common inter- face for handling 32-bit and 64-bit ELF format object files.

GElf是一个通用的,与ELF类无关的API,用于处理ELF目标文件。 GElf提供了一个单一的通用接口,用于处理32位和64位ELF格式的目标文件。



Posting a tentative, horrible, hacky solution.


The library dependencies are stored in an ELF block known as the .depends block. The format of that block is a large array of identifier/stringpointer pairs, with the stringpointer pointing to a standard C null-terminated string located somewhere in the binary.


You see where this is going, right?


Yep, as long as the new path you need is no larger than the old path, you can just reach right into the binary and do a simple string replace. Make sure not to add or remove bytes or you'll break the entire binary. If you want to be safer about it, you could actually traverse the ELF structure to ensure you had the right location - right now I'm just checking to make sure the source string shows up exactly once.

是的,只要您需要的新路径不大于旧路径,您就可以直接进入二进制文件并进行简单的字符串替换。确保不添加或删除字节,否则您将破坏整个二进制文件。如果你想对它更安全,你实际上可以遍历ELF结构以确保你有正确的位置 - 现在我只是检查以确保源字符串只显示一次。

ELF does include a checksum, but apparently there's no loader that actually verifies it, so it's "safe" - albeit messy - to ignore.

ELF确实包含了一个校验和,但显然没有实际验证它的加载器,因此忽略它是“安全的” - 尽管是凌乱的。

The "real solution" would be a utility that allowed low-level generalized manipulations of the ELF structure. As near as I can tell, no such utility exists, for anything except a few specialized cases (RPATH, mostly.) I don't pretend to know how difficult such a utility would be to write.


I would absolutely love a better solution to this, but, so far, this appears to work.




We can use patchelf:


patchelf --replace-needed liboriginal.so.1 libreplacement.so.1 my-program

We can also remove a dependency:


patchelf --remove-needed libfoo.so.1 my-program

Add a dependency:


patchelf --add-needed libfoo.so.1 my-program

Or change the path where to search for the libraries (rpath):


patchelf --set-rpath /path/to/lib:/other/path my-program



You can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to change the search path for shared libraries. If your program depends on a particular relative path like your example shows, you will still need to have that directory structure. In other words you can move the lib from /home/user/dev/project/this/is/terrible/library.so to /usr/local/lib/this/is/terrible/library.so but not to /usr/local/lib/library.so

您可以使用LD_LIBRARY_PATH更改共享库的搜索路径。如果您的程序依赖于特定的相对路径(如示例所示),则仍需要具有该目录结构。换句话说,您可以将lib从/home/user/dev/project/this/is/terrible/library.so移动到/usr/local/lib/this/is/terrible/library.so但不能移动到/ usr / local / lib目录/ library.so

If you can rebuild your program, then you can change the relative path it uses for the lib.


There's some more info on shared libs in Linux at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html




HT - this might be helpful.

HT - 这可能会有所帮助。

HT is a file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables. The goal is to combine the low-level functionality of a debugger and the usability of IDEs. We plan to implement all (hex-)editing features and support of the most important file formats.


I couldn't find something much different from ZorbaTHut's solution, but perhaps it's possible to put a name with different length and still keep the binary valid.


gelf - this could be useful too.

gelf - 这也很有用。

GElf is a generic, ELF class-independent API for manipulat- ing ELF object files. GElf provides a single, common inter- face for handling 32-bit and 64-bit ELF format object files.

GElf是一个通用的,与ELF类无关的API,用于处理ELF目标文件。 GElf提供了一个单一的通用接口,用于处理32位和64位ELF格式的目标文件。



Posting a tentative, horrible, hacky solution.


The library dependencies are stored in an ELF block known as the .depends block. The format of that block is a large array of identifier/stringpointer pairs, with the stringpointer pointing to a standard C null-terminated string located somewhere in the binary.


You see where this is going, right?


Yep, as long as the new path you need is no larger than the old path, you can just reach right into the binary and do a simple string replace. Make sure not to add or remove bytes or you'll break the entire binary. If you want to be safer about it, you could actually traverse the ELF structure to ensure you had the right location - right now I'm just checking to make sure the source string shows up exactly once.

是的,只要您需要的新路径不大于旧路径,您就可以直接进入二进制文件并进行简单的字符串替换。确保不添加或删除字节,否则您将破坏整个二进制文件。如果你想对它更安全,你实际上可以遍历ELF结构以确保你有正确的位置 - 现在我只是检查以确保源字符串只显示一次。

ELF does include a checksum, but apparently there's no loader that actually verifies it, so it's "safe" - albeit messy - to ignore.

ELF确实包含了一个校验和,但显然没有实际验证它的加载器,因此忽略它是“安全的” - 尽管是凌乱的。

The "real solution" would be a utility that allowed low-level generalized manipulations of the ELF structure. As near as I can tell, no such utility exists, for anything except a few specialized cases (RPATH, mostly.) I don't pretend to know how difficult such a utility would be to write.


I would absolutely love a better solution to this, but, so far, this appears to work.




We can use patchelf:


patchelf --replace-needed liboriginal.so.1 libreplacement.so.1 my-program

We can also remove a dependency:


patchelf --remove-needed libfoo.so.1 my-program

Add a dependency:


patchelf --add-needed libfoo.so.1 my-program

Or change the path where to search for the libraries (rpath):


patchelf --set-rpath /path/to/lib:/other/path my-program



You can use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to change the search path for shared libraries. If your program depends on a particular relative path like your example shows, you will still need to have that directory structure. In other words you can move the lib from /home/user/dev/project/this/is/terrible/library.so to /usr/local/lib/this/is/terrible/library.so but not to /usr/local/lib/library.so

您可以使用LD_LIBRARY_PATH更改共享库的搜索路径。如果您的程序依赖于特定的相对路径(如示例所示),则仍需要具有该目录结构。换句话说,您可以将lib从/home/user/dev/project/this/is/terrible/library.so移动到/usr/local/lib/this/is/terrible/library.so但不能移动到/ usr / local / lib目录/ library.so

If you can rebuild your program, then you can change the relative path it uses for the lib.


There's some more info on shared libs in Linux at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html
