
时间:2022-05-20 06:29:09

What are the most convenient, intuitive and easy to use Freeware Version ControlSystem and Issue Tracking system for home PC (without a LAN)?


Note that, GUIs are a must for both.


6 个解决方案


Install your own copy of Trac, it runs by default with SQLite so you won't need a database server (I guess the home computer doesn't have many resources).


For Version Control SVN will be just fine, if you use Windows try VisualSVN for a faster setup.



I recommend Redmine for issue tracking/project management, and Git for version control. Redmine supports most SCM:s like CVS, Subversion, Git, Darcs, Mercurial, and Bazaar.

我推荐Redmine用于问题跟踪/项目管理,Git用于版本控制。 Redmine支持大多数SCM:如CVS,Subversion,Git,Darcs,Mercurial和Bazaar。

Redmine features:

  • Multiple projects support
  • 多个项目支持

  • Flexible role based access control
  • 灵活的基于角色的访问控制

  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • 灵活的问题跟踪系统

  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • 甘特图和日历

  • News, documents & files management
  • 新闻,文件和文件管理

  • Feeds & email notifications
  • 订阅源和电子邮件通知

  • Per project wiki
  • 每个项目维基

  • Per project forums
  • 每个项目论坛

  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • 问题,时间条目,项目和用户的自定义字段

  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • SCM集成(SVN,CVS,Git,Mercurial,Bazaar和Darcs)

  • Issue creation via email
  • 通过电子邮件创建问题

  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • 多个LDAP身份验证支持

  • User self-registration support
  • 用户自助注册支持

  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
  • 多个数据库支持

For extremely easy installation, Redmine can be installed using Bitnami, available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Bitnami will install all required dependencies for you and everything may be uninstalled just as easily.

为了便于安装,可以使用Bitnami安装Redmine,可用于Windows,Mac和Linux。 Bitnami将为您安装所有必需的依赖项,并且可以轻松地卸载所有内容。

Edit: For Windows, Subversion + TortoiseSVN is probably your best bet for version control.

编辑:对于Windows,Subversion + TortoiseSVN可能是版本控制的最佳选择。


There's a 100% always free hosted private bug tracker available at https://www.hostedredmine.com/


By using that you don't even have to worry about setting up, managing and backing up your own server.



You could use an online hosted version. Project Locker provide source control and issue tracking and have a free plan (up to 500MB). Beanstalk also do online source control (100MB).

您可以使用在线托管版本。 Project Locker提供源代码管理和问题跟踪,并提供免费计划(最多500MB)。 Beanstalk也做在线源控制(100MB)。

You can use any of the free UI applications to access the source control repositories (such as TortoiseSVN, SmartSVN, etc..)



For version control I use Visual SVN which is a setup for a windows based user (takes care of all the install details of apache, bsd, etc.). It just works and is easy to use/manage. Then you need an SVN client - Tortoise is probably the best for it's windows explorer integration. This is free. If you want SVN integration in Visual Studio then you may want to splurge on a copy of Visual SVN for your client!

对于版本控制,我使用Visual SVN,这是一个基于Windows的用户的设置(负责apache,bsd等的所有安装细节)。它只是工作,易于使用/管理。然后你需要一个SVN客户端 - Tortoise可能是最好的Windows浏览器集成。这是免费的。如果您希望在Visual Studio中集成SVN,那么您可能希望为您的客户端挥霍Visual SVN的副本!

Also regarding version control don't underestimate the power of CodePlex or Google Code! As long as you don't mind people looking at your work (IE not for secret stuff) then this is a great resource that requires far less management on your part. Also great for distributed teams!

关于版本控制也不要低估CodePlex或Google Code的强大功能!只要你不介意人们看你的工作(IE不是秘密的东西),那么这是一个很好的资源,你需要的管理要少得多。对于分布式团队也很棒!

For bug and defect tracking you can't beat CounterSoft's Gemini product. This is a web based tool that allows you to track projects, bugs, call tickets, etc. Very nice for the professional consultant.


If you need something more robust for a bigger team and a team that is agile specific then take a look at VersionOne's products. Their first year of the basic package is free!



You can use SVN/CVS, which has loads of GUI utilities to back it up on almost every OS out there. It is rock stable. For issue tracking bugzilla is just perfect for any level of expertise and it integrates well. Web based interface is also pretty simple and intuitive.

您可以使用SVN / CVS,它具有大量的GUI实用程序,几乎可以在每个操作系统上备份它。岩石稳定。对于问题跟踪bugzilla非常适合任何级别的专业知识,并且集成良好。基于Web的界面也非常简单直观。


Install your own copy of Trac, it runs by default with SQLite so you won't need a database server (I guess the home computer doesn't have many resources).


For Version Control SVN will be just fine, if you use Windows try VisualSVN for a faster setup.



I recommend Redmine for issue tracking/project management, and Git for version control. Redmine supports most SCM:s like CVS, Subversion, Git, Darcs, Mercurial, and Bazaar.

我推荐Redmine用于问题跟踪/项目管理,Git用于版本控制。 Redmine支持大多数SCM:如CVS,Subversion,Git,Darcs,Mercurial和Bazaar。

Redmine features:

  • Multiple projects support
  • 多个项目支持

  • Flexible role based access control
  • 灵活的基于角色的访问控制

  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • 灵活的问题跟踪系统

  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • 甘特图和日历

  • News, documents & files management
  • 新闻,文件和文件管理

  • Feeds & email notifications
  • 订阅源和电子邮件通知

  • Per project wiki
  • 每个项目维基

  • Per project forums
  • 每个项目论坛

  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • 问题,时间条目,项目和用户的自定义字段

  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • SCM集成(SVN,CVS,Git,Mercurial,Bazaar和Darcs)

  • Issue creation via email
  • 通过电子邮件创建问题

  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • 多个LDAP身份验证支持

  • User self-registration support
  • 用户自助注册支持

  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
  • 多个数据库支持

For extremely easy installation, Redmine can be installed using Bitnami, available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Bitnami will install all required dependencies for you and everything may be uninstalled just as easily.

为了便于安装,可以使用Bitnami安装Redmine,可用于Windows,Mac和Linux。 Bitnami将为您安装所有必需的依赖项,并且可以轻松地卸载所有内容。

Edit: For Windows, Subversion + TortoiseSVN is probably your best bet for version control.

编辑:对于Windows,Subversion + TortoiseSVN可能是版本控制的最佳选择。


There's a 100% always free hosted private bug tracker available at https://www.hostedredmine.com/


By using that you don't even have to worry about setting up, managing and backing up your own server.



You could use an online hosted version. Project Locker provide source control and issue tracking and have a free plan (up to 500MB). Beanstalk also do online source control (100MB).

您可以使用在线托管版本。 Project Locker提供源代码管理和问题跟踪,并提供免费计划(最多500MB)。 Beanstalk也做在线源控制(100MB)。

You can use any of the free UI applications to access the source control repositories (such as TortoiseSVN, SmartSVN, etc..)



For version control I use Visual SVN which is a setup for a windows based user (takes care of all the install details of apache, bsd, etc.). It just works and is easy to use/manage. Then you need an SVN client - Tortoise is probably the best for it's windows explorer integration. This is free. If you want SVN integration in Visual Studio then you may want to splurge on a copy of Visual SVN for your client!

对于版本控制,我使用Visual SVN,这是一个基于Windows的用户的设置(负责apache,bsd等的所有安装细节)。它只是工作,易于使用/管理。然后你需要一个SVN客户端 - Tortoise可能是最好的Windows浏览器集成。这是免费的。如果您希望在Visual Studio中集成SVN,那么您可能希望为您的客户端挥霍Visual SVN的副本!

Also regarding version control don't underestimate the power of CodePlex or Google Code! As long as you don't mind people looking at your work (IE not for secret stuff) then this is a great resource that requires far less management on your part. Also great for distributed teams!

关于版本控制也不要低估CodePlex或Google Code的强大功能!只要你不介意人们看你的工作(IE不是秘密的东西),那么这是一个很好的资源,你需要的管理要少得多。对于分布式团队也很棒!

For bug and defect tracking you can't beat CounterSoft's Gemini product. This is a web based tool that allows you to track projects, bugs, call tickets, etc. Very nice for the professional consultant.


If you need something more robust for a bigger team and a team that is agile specific then take a look at VersionOne's products. Their first year of the basic package is free!



You can use SVN/CVS, which has loads of GUI utilities to back it up on almost every OS out there. It is rock stable. For issue tracking bugzilla is just perfect for any level of expertise and it integrates well. Web based interface is also pretty simple and intuitive.

您可以使用SVN / CVS,它具有大量的GUI实用程序,几乎可以在每个操作系统上备份它。岩石稳定。对于问题跟踪bugzilla非常适合任何级别的专业知识,并且集成良好。基于Web的界面也非常简单直观。