
时间:2022-11-22 05:57:14

Intel? Mobile Platform SDK 1.3

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Intel? Mobile Platform SDK 1.3 covered by BSD license, enables developers to build mobile-aware applications. It provides a set of libraries and runtime components, and programming interface, common across Windows, Linux, and Moblin UME platforms.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A simple yet powerful Model-View-Presenter framework for .NET platform. See www.MVCSharp.org for details.

Managed Windows API

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A collection of .NET components that wrap PInvoke calls to access native API by managed code

My Application Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Application framework that provides common services used by most business applications. Based on Xin Chen's Simplified Application Framework (SAF). Developed using .NET framework 2.0

MyGeneration Code Generator

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 MyGeneration is an extremely flexible template based code generator written in Microsoft.NET. MyGeneration is great at generating code for ORM architectures. The meta-data from your database is made available to the templates through the MyMeta API.

The Naked Objects Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Framework that facilitates the development of business applications using the 'Naked Objects' pattern, whereby the core business objects (such as Customer, Product, Order) are exposed directly, and automatically, to the user.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 NBearLite : NBearLite is a .NET 2.0 data access component which supports MsAccess, SqlServer, Oracle, Sqlite, MySql, PostgreSql databases. NBearLite is the new Core of the next generation of NBear V4 Framework, but can also be used seperately.

NCron – .NET scheduling service

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Task scheduling service written completely in managed C#. The service can be linked into other projects (DLL) or installed as a stand-alone Windows service (EXE), and is able of executing tasks written in any .NET language.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 neormf (New Entreprise Object Relational Mapping Framework) is a Bottom-Up Code Generation Framework for a number of languages/plateforms (Java/J2EE,C#/DotNet,...) and architectures, following main design patterns and frameworks

Common Infrastructure Libraries for .NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Common infrastructure libraries for .NET development

.NET Data Objects (NDO)

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 NDO? (.NET Data Objects?) is a powerful tool for object relational mapping (O/R-Mapping) on the Microsoft? .NET Platform. It integrates smoothly in Visual Studio, using an Add-in.

C#.NET del.icio.us API

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An API written in C# using the .NET 2.0 framework which allows developers to interact with the delicious (http://del.icio.us) social bookmarking service.

.Net XML reflected type editor

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 This application was first designed to allow the creation of XML files based on .Net assemblies. But the developer (me) was out of time and there are some good XML free tools (like Eclipse) that can read XSD files, and allow you to create good XML files.

NeuronDotNet - Neural Networks in C#

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 NeuronDotNet is a neural network engine written in C#. It provides an interface for advanced AI programmers to design various types of artificial neural networks and use them. More information is available at http://neurondotnet.freehostia.com

Oridea Nex Browser

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Nex is a web-browser, written on C#. It uses .Net Framework, Microsoft Web Browser (ActiveX Control), stores all configuration in XML format and has MDI interface. Nex is an executable part of Oridea Platform and designed to run Oridea applications.

NRtfTree Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 NRtfTree library is a set of classes written entirely in C# which may be used to manage (read and write) RTF documents in your own applications. A java port of the library can be found in http://nrtftree.sourceforge.net/


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Highly extensible, publish/subscribe, workflow integrated communications framework for .NET


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 nToolbox is a .NET library of commonly used code. It provides developers with a set of reusable .Net components that solve common problems and simplifies common tasks.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 NSpecify is a Behavior Driven Development framework. Behavior Driven Development represents the evolution of current coding practices with respect to Test Driven Development (TDD).


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Declarative validation tool for .NET, which uses templating and runtime code generation. Consolidating the validation logic reduces duplication and the number of lines of code. Templating faciliatates reuse of common logic within and across projects.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 XML serializer for .Net objects. Serializes object's private fields. Handles interface, class, and struct types. Supports circular references between objects, multiple object instances without XML bloat. XML optimised for common .Net framework types.

Official Address Normalizer

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Official Address Normalizer parses a mailing address into a set of potentially matching US Postal Service standardized addresses. The library is intended for real-time usage and emphasizes speed over completeness.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 abNORM is a .NET based Object Relational Mapper which focuses on an easy, quick to learn API. It features forward- and reverse engineering of datamodels. Supported databases are Ingres, PostgreSQL and Oracle. Support for MySQL and MS SQL Server planned.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 .NET Object Relational Mapping tool that uses XML as input to generate your Data Access Layer.

Znode Ecommerce Integrator

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Znode E-commerce Integrator is a C# Library for Payment Processing, Shipping & Accounting Integration. Currently supports Authorize.net, Paymentech Orbital and Paypal payment gateways. You can also retrieve shipping rates directly from UPS.

Aabs Dbc

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The DBC framework uses reflection to inspect a type, it then generates source for a proxy object containing checks on predicates in attributes attached to members of the type. Proxy code is compiled into an in-mem assembly used to enforce DBC rules.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An Object Relational Mapping (ORM) System Based on Scott Ambler's designs. Koan has a powerful and highly extensible code generation system and is designed for production use within an enterprise environment.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Dynamic mock object library for .NET.

Nmwerp: the free .NET/MONO ERP System

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Extensible highly scalable ERP with encrypted XML backend; allows binding of any frontend (.NET,MONO,Java...).PlugIns:Contact management,disposition,invoices,reports,commAddon (e-mail,fax,TAPI,buddies,chat),osCommerce,StoreNuke, eBay,Amazon...

Otter Unit Test Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Otter Unit Test Framework is a tool which performs automated Unit Test in .NET 2.0 or above applications. It works similarly to the JUnit and it may be used either as an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, or as part of the application being tested.

Passage .NET Enterprise Portal

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Passage .NET Enterprise Portal provides content management and interactive web applications for Customer, Partner, and Employee portal applications.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Pensieve.NET is an extension to ASP.NET framework. It facilitate storing variables into ASP.NET sessions, Applications, Caches etc. using Declarative Programming.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Persist.NET is a persistence framework written in C#.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Phorm is an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool for php and .net. It works as a plugin of DBDesigner, a freely available tool which allows to graphically design a database schema.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 This project aims to provide a framework for developing two-tier WinForms and WebForms and three-tier SOA applications by combining existing technologies like NHibernate, CSLA.NET and Castle Windsor

AdFactum ObjectMapper .NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The AdFactum Object Mapper is a relational object mapper for Microsoft .NET. It has special features like an internal localization functionality, support of data paging and a comprehensive query API. The mapper supports Oracle, SQL Server, Access and XML

Okapi Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Okapi Framework is a set of components, guidelines, APIs, and other elements that provide ways to make the different steps of the translation and localization process more interoperable.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Open Dataset eXtensions is a quite tiny but extremely powerful ORM framework. It utilizes all the power of ADO.NET and adds the natural ease of OOP. ODX delivers on-the-fly proxy generation, relations, polymorphy, remoting, offline, save points, etc.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 OmniPortal was built on the idea of having a web-portal-kernel, that could handle security, themeing, and localization. This means that you can create any web based system on top of OmniPortal (i.e. ERP, CMS, CRM) easily. Mono and .Net is supported.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An .NET application framework that aims to provide a tightly integrated structure around which desktop, server or web applications can be developed. It provides persistence, message buses, logging, configuration management and database abstraction.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 OpenMedic is a set of open source software and hardware building blocks written in C# for building computer-based medical instrumentation and controls using the .NET framework. Services (1)  


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 OpenRDL is an open source alternative to Microsoft?s SQL Server Reporting Services. Reports are based on the Report Definition Language (RDL) specification with multiple output formats (PDF, HTML, printer). Deployment on Windows, Linux (Mono) or embedded

OpenXUP - an XUP-based UI framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 XUP (Extensible User Interface Protocol) is a SOAP-based protocol for delivering events and incremental UI updates. This project builds a web application development framework on top of XUP, consisting of a client, a server toolkit, and a template viewer.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A portable and flexible HTTP web server library written in C#. A article about it can be found here: http://www.codeproject.com/cs/internet/minihttpd.asp


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The PKI Framework (PKIF) is a cross-platform library for performing PKIX-compliant certificate processing. It includes support for OCSP, CMS and Timestamps. It uses Windows CAPI, NSS or Crypto++ for cryptographic services and hardware support.

Pocket Graphics

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 PocketGraphics is a 100% managed assembly graphics library for the Pocket PC environment. It uses either GAPI or the raw framebuffer for increased speed.

DotGNU Portable.NET Mac OS/X Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 DotGNU Portable.NET Mac OS/X framework This is a binary redistribution (for Mac OS/X) of the DotGNU Portable.NET (pnet) project. The source code is available at www.dotgnu.org as well as binary redistributables for many other platforms.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 POLS is a location framework intended for mobile devices designed with privacy in mind.

Portable .NET Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Portable .NET Framework provides an on-the-fly .NET Powered Environment to your system. It allows running .NET Applications with out installing Microsoft .NET Framework on end-users' computers.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Provisio.Collections brings STL like iterator-based containers to the .Net world (especially C#). It offers fundamental sequential (vector/list/deque) and associative (tree/skiplist) containers that can be filled, traversed and modified using iterators.

The Project Identity

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Project Identity aims to develop an Open source Biometric Solution i.e. complete set of tools and libraries for Biometric identifiction systems. This project has intial code done by students as their summer project at Echo IT Labs Pvt. Ltd.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The intend of this project is to create wide range of Open Source components available for .Net/Mono developers.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Puzzle.NET is a collection of frameworks and tools for Agile, Domain Driven Design and Development on the .NET platform, with frameworks for persistence (NPersist), AOP (NAspect), Depency Injection (NFactory) and a GUI Domain Model Editor (ObjectMapper)

Quartz Enterprise Scheduler .NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system written in C# for .NET platform that can be used from smallest apps to large scale enterprise systems.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 qvYATE is a small, sophisticated HTML template-engine written in VB.NET (though accessible through COM) supporting loops, optional sections, recursive import of subtemplates and inheritance of variable values in subsections.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 RAPPTOR is an Open-Source Semantic Technologies-Enabled Web Application Server for the .Net platform. RAPPTOR integrates relational, hierarchical and semantic data. Project Website: http://www.rapptor.org

SQL Query Engine From XML

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 This is a simple class library provided for generating structured query language (SQL) expressions from an XML criteria (somewhat like XQuery) and a Typed Dataset containing all required tables.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 reacTIVision is a computer vision application framework for the fast and robust tracking of markers attached on physical objects, and the creation of multi-touch surfaces. it was designed for the rapid development of table-based tangible user interfaces.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Replication framework for offline data syncronization. Requires minimal schema additions (particularly only the timestamp column for each super table). Built with maximum flexibility and performance in mind. Check coming project overview for more details

Spring.NET RichClient

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Based on the Spring.NET Application Framework the RichClient project is designed to bring the power of Spring.NET to desktop environments. It allows to leverage proven design patterns and components made available by the Spring.NET Application Framework.

Robot Controlling System

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Robot Controlling System (RCS) - is a .NET-oriented software group for controlling remote mechanical objects, debuging and programming them by .NET-languages

C# RoombaSCI Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 C# Framework that implements the iRobot Roomba SCI spec. Also included is a diagnostic application named Roomba-Term that uses the framework. I invite you to use the Roomba-Term software as a tool & an example on how to program with the C# SCI

RaPiD Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Use RPDfwk framework for RaPiD ASP.NET application development. Easy to develop and change, the web forms are dynamically generated from xml files. Data access is automatically generated. Implements document workflow, mail merge. Perfect for CRM or ERP.

Runsite Application Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The framework, for Microsoft Sql Server, is designed to manage users, groups, and permissions for objects defined within the scope of an application. It also consists of a .NET API for integrating the framework into Web or Form Applications.

SAGE - A Multithreaded Game Engine

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 SAGE stands for Simple Asynchronous Game Engine and is an attempt to implement a multithreaded game engine in C#. For rendering/physics/sound/etc it uses(/will use) open source libraries (like OGRE, ODE, etc) through plugins.

Selective API Engine

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Selective API Engine is a .NET framework which allows programmers to tie together multiple APIs to provide redundant and broad compilation of related data.

Scrolling Game Development Kit 2

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 All-in-one program for creating 2D scrolling games. Compile your games into stand-alone .NET executables or customizable C# source code. Includes built in graphics editor with anti-aliasing and translucency, parallax scrolling map editor and more.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An operating system kernel written in C# with a strong focus on security, reliability, and maintainability.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Enhanced Role-Based Access Security Model and Validation platform built on the .NET 2.0 Framework.

SharpCore Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A light-weight component model and services framework providing enterprise quality services.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ShowX is a .NET set of libraries aimed to provide automatical representation of classes over Web or Windows application, by using controls to automate operations over those class intances

Silverlight UI Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 This project provides a framework upon which a Silverlight user interface can be created. It provides control navigation, pop-up windows, data-bound controls, and some basic user controls. The framework is XAML-driven and coded in C#.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 SmartCache is a cache project which provides storage facility for temporay objects in memory and disc. Main usage is in the smartclient to store temporary objects on the client side. It deals both static and non static nature of data.

Simple Smtp Client

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A Simple Smtp Client to use to send e-mails using C#, please read the docs for more information about sending e-mail. Requires .Net framework 2.0 (see doc)


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Soya is an open-source implementation of the SSDL specification, built on top of the Windows Communictaion Foundation (WCF) (formerly Indigo). it provides a programming model and runtime environment for creating and enacting SSDL contracts.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Spline.NET is a simple attribute-driven object/relational mapping system built on top of ADO.NET. It is much lighter than typical ORM solutions and allows full access to the ADO.NET APIs, rather than replacing them. It also has a simple IoC mechanism.

Strisys EA Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Application framework containing implmentations for a subset of the patterns documented in Patterns of Enterprise Archicture.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Library to generate SVG primitives from within ASP.net


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 SyncML.NET Client API C# is a set of .Net components and programs to synchronize between a personal information manager and a SyncML server like Funambol. It is not a port of existing sync client API coded in C++/Java, or .NET wrapper of the C++ API.

The Tao Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Tao Framework for .NET is a collection of bindings to facilitate cross-platform game-related development utilizing the .NET platform.

A flexible .NET Plugin architecture

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The TaskPluginInterface namespace is a set of classes, interfaces, enumerations, and events to provide create a "Plug-in" architecture for .NET applications.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 PostSharp is a platform that allows you to transform or analyze your .NET assemblies after compilation. It reads binary assemblies into memory, execute a suite of plug-ins and write back the modified code. Geat tool for Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). Services (1)  

XmlObject - Adaptive Object Model

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Adaptive Object Model Framework: define your object model in XML, create easy pluggable components, easily adapt to changing requirements, make programming fun again.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Public description: The 'cbear' framework is a set of libraries and common utilities for different programming languages and platforms.

MindTouch Deki Wiki: Enterprise Wiki

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 MindTouch Deki Wiki is a free open source wiki. Deki Wiki is an easy to use wiki and extensible enterprise and social application platform. Wiki community: www.OpenGarden.org. Support plans available for Deki Wiki: www.MindTouch.com. Wikiwiki more... Services (7)  

Emgu CV

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A cross platform .Net wrapper for the Intel OpenCV image-processing library. Allows OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython. The wrapper can be compiled in Mono and run on Linux, Solaris & Mac OS X. Services (1)  


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Provides DataBindings to Gtk-Sharp for mono

The Helena Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A robust Model View Controller [MVC] framework built ground up for ASP.NET


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Webstensible is an extensible application layer for building robust, web-based business applications. The framework is written in DotNet. All components are loaded via reflection and designed to be replaced to match ever-changing business requirements.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A discrete event simulation library for the .NET Framework.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A set of .NET wrappers around the ROOT (http://root.cern.ch) analysis tools and library.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 PHPRPC is a Remote Procedure Calling (RPC) protocol that works over the Internet. It is secure and fast. It has a smaller overhead. It is powerful and easy to use. This project is the client and server implementations of the PHPRPC.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The objective of the TESIS|SPML.net project is to provide the community with a Microsoft .NET(tm) Implementation of the OASIS SPML 2.0 Specification. This Project will give you the facilities necessary to create and parse SPML Messages.

AgateLib - Awesome Game and Tool Engine

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 AgateLib - Awesome game and tool engine library. A platform independent .NET library for developing games and game development tools. AgateLib is built on a driver-based model so that new platforms and rendering pipelines can be implemented easily.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Ajaj.Net is an ASP.NET library for develop AJAX web application with JSON. It support C#, Visual Basic.Net and so on. For use it, put the AjajMethod attribute on the method, just like use WebMethod attribute in Web Service.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Lightweight framework for creating data-aware objects and collections in .NET. Designed to be unobtrusive. A framework for people that don't want to use a framework.

Alchemi [.NET Grid Computing Framework]

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Alchemi is a .NET grid computing framework that allows you to painlessly aggregate the computing power of intranet and Internet-connected machines into a virtual supercomputer (computational grid) and to develop applications to run on the grid.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Amber.net is a lightweight R/O mapper framework for .net, which easy database access without XML descriptors. It uses reflection and annotations for the CRUD cycle of c# objects. Amber.net is dot net version of original java version of Amber


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 AODL,a C# .net library for creating / editing documents in the OpenDocument Format ( ODF ). Requires no knowledge about the ODF XML schema itself. AODC, an OpenDocument Converter & Embed OpenOffice as .net Control


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 AOP.NET is another approach of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework for .NET. It differs from others in that it manipulates directly assembly's structure to achieve weaving. It is designed to be easy and extensible as well as reliable.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A framework to help you build ASP.NET web applications happily and rapidly in the modern style (with the use of ORM, MVC, two-way databinding UI components, etc); Support NHibernate ORM and DotLucene search engine.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Apodora is a framework for automating functional testing of web applications. It's key focus is on reducing the cost of maintenance thereby increasing the time for further script development.

Application Rapid Development Toolkit

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ARD Toolkit - class library for typical tasks: thread pool and synchronization, vendor independent db access, typed XML configuration and custom object instantiation, logging, cryptography, smart client, cross-machine process synchronization, etc.

Teddy's Aspect Weaver

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Teddy's Aspect Weaver is a powerful AOP Framework based on AspectDNG's ILML library. Please visit the following link for latest news about Teddy's Aspect Weaver: http://ilungasoft.com


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 aspbeans is a framework allowing translation between bean-like .NET objects and ASP web forms, allowing forms to be mapped to an object-oriented hierarchy (with relationships like many-to-one or one-to-one). Reduces coupling and makes developers happy.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Af-Arch is an Open Source N-tier framework to build distribuited applications. Its license schema allows Open Source and commercial (closed source) applications. This is the foundation to build an new set of applications in a fast and reliable way.

QooxDootNET ASP.NET UI AJAX Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 QooxDootNET ASP.NET RIA AJAX Framework with full state support, GUI Design support, databinding, GUI set based on QooxDoo

AsyncControls - Easy Ajax For ASP.NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 AsyncControls is a total rewrite of the ASP.NET from the ground-up. It provides 30+ Ajax-Enabled ASP.NET server controls. Everything about AJAX is handled from the client-side to the server. No javascript, ever! Includes Ajax PageRepeater and Calendar.

Autonomous - Give life to your objects.

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Autonomous is a powerful framework to make autonomous class tests. With it you can make the autonomous objects with your operations, specify one behavior then start the process. The tests will be executed in linear, circular or aleatory way. Enjoy!

Axe Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Very useful framework library, contains many frequent used code snippets, algorithms, data structures, WinForms & APS.NET controls for all-day work.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 BooGame is an object oriented CLS-compliant, 2D game engine framework that provides high-level hardware accelerated video, audio, keyboard, mouse, embedded scripting and many image formats. Written in C#, BooGame targets .NET 1.1, 2.0 and Mono platforms.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Sort, filter and aggregate lists of business objects without all the boring code! This library provides a powerful "view" approach to data binding .NET objects to user interface controls.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 BinaryNotes is the Open Source ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) framework for Java and .NET based on annotations/attributes. The framework has the flexible ASN.1 compiler, the runtime library that supports BER, DER and PER, and the Message Queues


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Brahma is an open-source library written for the .NET 3.5 framework (in C# 3.0), to provide high-level access to parallel streaming computations on a variety of processors, including GPUs.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 MBR BootFX is an application framework for .NET software and is an Open Source publication of an in-house tool that we use with our clients. It has strong object-relational mapping capabilities and other application components, such as logging and UI.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Basic Object System (BOS) means to provide a dynamic environment for hosting and using components. It can also be described as a general purpose software framework based on component technology.

BugEye Unit Testing Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 BugEye is an XML-based unit test creation framework. Being XML-based, it can be easily translated to almost any language. The current translations are C#, Java, JavaScript, and Visual Basic. Future translations include C++, Python, Perl, and PHP.

Carranca Toolkit

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Library for Mono and / or. Net Framework. It includes clients SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, FTP, among others. It contains equally MIME-type encoder / decoder. This library is being developed in C#.

Castle Project

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Castle aspires to simplify the development of enterprise and web applications. Offering a set of tools (working together or indepedently) and integration with other open source projects, Castle helps you get more done with less code.

Cataclysmos Online

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Experimental MMORPG intended to act as test bed for implmenting new ideas not currently seen in commercial games.

Cedar Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Cedar Framework is a project the aim of which is to create a versatile C# library for Microsoft .NET developers (both Open Source and commercial) whose primary concern are desktop applications.

Celestum Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A core framework based on .net technology to provide extended functionalities upon the standard .net framework. - Generic ORM engine (based on Emit) - High performance Cache impl - Lite Reflection.Emit framework - Collection Framework (proposed)

CH3ETAH Code Generation IDE

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Extensible IDE and framework for managing small and large-scale code generation projects. Through an abstracted code generation layer, CH3ETAH can support almost any template language, workflows, and even tasks not directly related to code generation.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ClamAv# is a Mono language binding for the ClamAV virus scanner


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 CLI.Net is a framework, class-per-class, API-per-API and algorithmic port of the Jakarta Commons CLI framework to the C# and .NET platform utilizing Microsoft .NET Framework.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 .Net C# command line parser that takes advantage of .Net features. Simple to use with command line switches for common data types. Automatically discovers switch data type by reflection on application properties. Less coding, standard parser.

Cooperator Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Cooperator is on the one hand, a base class library for Object Relational Mapping, ORM, and by another one, a tool of code generation for for the MS.Net 2.0/3.0, using Business Objects and Stored Procedures. DAL, ORM, UOW, FACADE, MAPPER, MODELING ...

ConsoleFx Commandline Processing Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ConsoleFx is an attribute-based .NET/Mono framework for easily developing command-line interface (CLI) applications. It automates most of the work involved in creating a command line application, like argument processing, error handling and validations.

Corsis (formerly Tenka Text)

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An open-source corpus analysis class library written in C#. GUI of Tenka Text 0.1.3 comes with Wordlister - an advanced, extremely fast graphical wordlist tool and a simple regex concordance tool. Tenka Text - the open-source answer to WordSmith Tools.

C# Command-Line Option Parsing Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 C# (.NET) class library to assist with parsing command-line arguments. Design has been originally derived from the Perl Getopt libraries. Code is designed for flexibility and tight integration with features provided by the .NET platform.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 CuberGA project is the flexible Genetic Algorithms framework. Realize your ideas easy with deliveries of this project. Keywords: genetic algorithms, framework, permutation, mutation, crossover, genotype, selection, survival, Левченко Илья.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 CSTL is a port of the C++ STL to C# 2.0 and .NET. The library utilizes C# generics, anonymous methods, and enumerable iterators, while alleviating some of C#'s deficiencies (no C++ templates, limited operator overloading, no C++ style iterators, etc).

CyberCore Application Farmework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A service-oriented, cross-platform application framework (currently implemented only in .net) which is trageted to speed up and standartise development by providing a robust freely extensible component structure.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 DaMonkey is a database access layer code generator for the .NET 2.0 Framework. DaMonkey has a GUI designer and generates SQL as well as VB and C# code. The generated code supports multiple databases, locking, transctions and audit trails.

Data Controls

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ASP.NET 2.0 UI generation for objects and data views. Includes enhanced datagrid, details and sidexside viewer. Flexible layout; desiger tools; auto 2-way databinding; reduces code. Separate download: Data Access using Enterprise Library and Generics.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 DataQuicker is a data access layer framework. It helps us to cut down, accelerate development and decrease risks. It's more possible to provide our customers a perfect on-time project, and release us away from working over-time and delay.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Manages the deployment of numbered change scripts to an SQL Server database, using a simple table in the database to track the current schema version. Port of dbdeploy to .NET

Data Holder .net Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Data Holder object/relational mapper. Provides typed data ecapsulation and database persistence for .net apps. It also contains a wizzard for generating the data objects code and persistance code. Right now it has implementation only for MSQL 2000.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Dialog is yet another O/RM (object to relational) mapping tool for .NET; however, it also aims to be a complete architecture, focused on delivering measurable productivity gains by providing the foundation for actual rapid application development.

DevFuel.NET Application Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 .NET Assemblies that integrate and expands on various advanced solutions for DataBinding, Reflection, UI Wrapping and more. Fuel your .NET applications with RAD techniques and ready-to-use code that picks up where the .NET framework left off.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The aim of the project is to build up a set of components for enabling windows to dock into a designated form. Apart from this the main issue (and advantage) will be that every dockable window is handled like a common form in design-time. Language: C#


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 .NET CLI is a port of the Apache Commons Command Line Interface (CLI) library for parsing command line options and their arguments.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Fireball FX is project that aim to create the best controls and libraries for developer, the project already contains some control, CodeEditorControl, Collections,Outlook Navigation bar and etc.. New Releases and source now at http://www.codeplex.com

DotNetWikiBot Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 DotNetWikiBot Framework helps with wiki site management. It's a clean C# API, compiled as DLL library, that allows to build programs and web robots easily to manage information on MediaWiki-powered sites. It is also good for learning C# and .NET 2.0.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Domain Architect is a tool for 3-tier enterprise application code generation, a framework, and a set of practices provided as building blocks. (Related words: database script, O/R mapper, business object code generator, poco, enterprise applications)


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Drools.NET is a .NET port for Drools, which is a java Rules Engine based on Charles Forgy's Rete algorithm. Drools.NET enables .NET developers/Users to exploit the powerful Rule Engine like Drools through a completely managed .NET code base.

Configuration Management Code Block

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Configuration Management Code Block (CMCB) provides a comprehensive and centralized platform designed to overcome the limitations of the configuration management capabilities built into the .NET framework.

Dynamic Linq Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Framework to Dynamically create Linq queries against an SQL database in C# 3.0 that automatically populates an ObservableCollection for WPF binding Also includes an Observable EntitySet<T> Wrapper to bind an EntitySet to WPF controls ItemsSource

EL4NET, an extension library for .NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 EL4NET, the extension library for the .NET framework, provides an open and extensible component model, a flexible configuration system, and a mechanism that allows distributed applications to be deployed without changes on multiple physical architectures.

emerge toolkit

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The emerge toolkit is a state-preserved web development framework. Build your whole application in one easy place. Uses O/R Mapping on the back-end, and Comet-style sockets on the front. http://emergetk.com


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 EMI2let defines a multi-agent software architecture, where agents modelling the different roles played by entities in AmI, communicate and cooperate to enhance and facilitate the user interactions with her smart environment.

Enso Extension Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Enso Extension Framework allows to create pluggable extensions for Humanized Enso (http://www.humanized.com/enso) rapidly.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 EPerl, or Embedded Perl, is a basic call-level interface that supports calling Perl subroutines or evaluating Perl code blocks from Java 5 and .NET 2.0. ActivePerl 5.8.8 (or later) for Windows is required. See unit tests (browse CVS online) for examples.

eXsyst Anywhere Platform

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A revolutionary software development framework based on eXegeSys Customizer Technology. It allows developers to build applications that can be customized by the end user without changing the source code, interrupting support, or limiting future upgrades.

FunArtix Lightweight Components

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A lightweight component library written in C#


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Fan is an OO, functional programming language designed to cross compile to both the Java and .NET platforms. It provides a concise syntax along with elegant, cross portable libraries. http://www.fandev.org/


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Fides is an extensible enterprise library for .NET 2.0, containing a Object Relational Mapping framework and geared for simplicity and productivity.

FileHelpers Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The FileHelpers are an easy to use .NET library written in C#. Is designed to read/write data from flat files with fixed length or delimited records (CSV). Also has support to import/export data from different data storages (Excel, Access, SqlServer)

FLUX.NET CMS and Application Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 FLUX.NET is a next generation content management system and web application framework for creating dynamic high impact websites with enterprise class management features and exceptional extensibility.

FuzzyWeb for ASP.NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 FuzzyWeb is a lightweight ASP.NET framework that enables developers to quickly build web applications using a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, resulting in more maintainable and more testable code.

The Games Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Games Framework is an open-source platform-independent game creation framework which can be used to build games without worrying about the coding aspect of game creation.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 GameBots# is a client API written in C# for GameBots, a research-oriented platform for building artificially-intelligent autonomous agents for computer games.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A toolkit for building user-level filesystems on the Windows operating system


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 GDBC mimics Java's JDBC for the .NET platform.

GeoRSS API for .NET and Java

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The project contain c# classes library and Java class library that implement the GeoRSS specification 1.2,by Joe hu at MapWindow software lab,Idaho State University


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Girders is an open source framework that enables Model View Controller (MVC) functionality for a multi-tiered software application communicating through SOAP web services. It allows the communication via an ASP.NET front end to a C# or Java back end

Glorg Graphics Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Glorg is a multipurpose OpenGL/OpenAL graphics and multimedia framework developed for use with the .NET languages on the Windows platform. Support for Mono may be implemented. It is at this point written 100% in C#

The Gimp.net

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The GIMP converted to C# and .net

Gong Solutions Shell Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A framework for accessing the Windows Shell Namespace from .Net. Provides controls to enable embedding Windows Explorer-like functionality into .Net programs and for creating custom file dialogs.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An object cache for .NET, allowing in-memory storage of arbitrary objects tospeed up network or disk access. Developers can specify an absolute expiration for objects or a maximum age that is refreshed at each access.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 HappySprite is a Managed DirectX framework for writing 2.5D games. The engine is written in C# and Visual Studio 2005. We make sprites happy.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Hotaru is an XNA-based Game Engine that is intended to be used for 2D Action RPGs. Game Developers can use Tonbo (a Visual Studio Plug-in) to create and distribute games that run on Hotaru.

HSC - IMS Interchange

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The HSC IMS Interchange is a framework and solution targeted to Higher Education. Utilizing the IMS XML messaging standard, it provisions SQL data wharehouses, Active Directory, SharePoint and other enterprise services from legacy data sources.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Huinca is a DDD (Domain Driven Design) and .NET software architecture sand box. We will try to find and share best practices for .NET real world software development based on the DDD approach.

DotNet Proteus EAI

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 DotNet Proteus is a framework for creating messaging applications, and a message broker built upon that framework.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 i4o (index for objects) is the first class library that extends LINQ to allow you to put indexes on your objects. Using i4o, the speed of LINQ operations are often over one thousand times faster than without i4o.

ICOD Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The complete ICOD Library, including all the networking tools, plus the tangentals. This umbrella project includes libraries for Mathematics, Chromatics, Security, and a text/character socket library.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 IMDBServices = C# framework, library (collection of classes) for easy integration of IMDB content (movie and actors (cast) details) in your applications. Easy(simple interfaces), Fast(multithreaded), Offline support, Pluggable storage(SQL, XML)


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 impact4 is a Macromedia Flash-based framework for nonlinear, branching multimedia surveys.

Indispensable.NET Library

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A .NET library written in C# that provides many useful frameworks and helper classes allowing for better designed and more maintainable software.

Ingenious MVC

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An MVC framework for .NET 2.0 applications. Includes support for web and winforms applications out of the box.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ISIADIS: development environment for hierarchical software systems. ISIADIS allows prototyping, development and running software systems that are based on hierarchical (tree-like) architecture.

Input Validation Framework for .NET

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 IVF stands for Input Validation Framework and is an open source framework for .NET supporting configurable, extensible and relatively complex external validation rules for user input in .NET applications. Intended for use in WinForm applications.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 iJaNet is a J2EE-based framework designed for building distributed applications. However, it is very simple and does not requre deep knowledge of J2EE to be used in various projects. For a detailed information see http://www.janetframework.org


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Jasper in an open source, cross-platform web development framework.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The JProgress project provides tools for connectivity with Java clients and the Progress database. JProgress provides an n-tier software architecture for database access for executing remote requests over WANs and the Internet.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Lattis is a MVC (Model - View - Controller) based framework for Microsoft .NET Web applications. It provides a FrontController to the application, which delegates user defined actions to specific distributed controller classes.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Maximum is a C# library containing classes for statistics, date, delimited files, logging, command line argument parsing, string utilities, vector, ZIP code, and neural networks.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 !!! The project has been renamed to "libanculus-sharp" and has been moved to googlecode : http://code.google.com/p/libanculus-sharp/ !!! LibCommon is a reusable library written in C#. It runs on Mono 1.2 or higher and .NET 2.0 or higher. It provides an

LIUS helper classes

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 When working with classes, strings, reflection, lists etc. lots of functionality in the dotnet framework is missing. The LIUS helper classes tries to fill those gaps.

LLRP toolkit

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A software toolkit for using the EPCglobal Low Level Reader Protocol (LLRP) to communicate with conforming RFID readers.

LITS Game Engine

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 LITS is a game development engine, which offers basic implementations of the most needed interfaces: Graphic, Network, Sound and Input. All interfaces have several (parts plattform independent) wrappers which can be choosen as needed.

LSID .NET Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Microsoft .NET inmplementation of the LSID specification, including authority and client stacks, and sample applications. See the LSID SourceForge site, http://lsid.sourceforge.net, for an overview of LSIDs, news and other implementations.

Mini Application Blocks

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Low-overhead solutions to common application problems. Similar to Microsoft Enterprise Application Blocks, but working on a smaller scale.

MagicAjax.NET - AJAX Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A framework that provides AJAX technologies for web pages created with ASP.NET. It allows developers to easily integrate AJAX support into their pages without replacing the ASP.NET controls and/or writing javascript code.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ManagedFusion was built on the idea of having a single Web-Portal Core, that handles modules, security, themeing, and localization. A CMS, ERP, or CRM can be easily created with this powerful framework. Mono and .Net are supported.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Mean Fiddler is a REST-style data service for .Net similar to the Microsoft project codenamed Astoria but based on NHibernate as the domain model.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 MicroConnector is a .NET Framework library that enables you to easily connect a microcontroller with a serial connection to resources on a PC using the .NET Framework.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 MindLib is a set of tools to facilitate projects developed based on NHibernate and NHibernate.Burrow

Transit Model

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Transit is an academic project which involves the creation of an XML based scripting language, which allows developers to easily create custom models for long running transactions. An API is also avaliable, allowing easy integration into other projects.

Transparent Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Transparent Framework is a Microsoft.Net 2.0 open source software engineering framework that provides an flexible infrastructure to implement new capabilities in programs by using Design Patterns and principles from Eric Evans Domain Driven Design.

Trx Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Trx is a framework built in C#, targeting the applications in the fields of the financial messages interchange. It supports many encoding/decoding mechanisms for fixed and variable field messages (including ISO 8583).

TXS : Tiny XML Server

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 TXS provides a basic HTTP server. Its own XML Script language can produce, via XSL-T, XForms or XHTML pages (tested with FireFox). It can also be used to read and generate CSV, XML or ZIP files. HTML page capture and email generation also available.

United Application Development Libraries

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 UADL is a collection of Windows DLLs that enable a developer to easly create complex applications. It includes a very powerful Game Engine [C++], Network Support [C#], and various other tools [C++/C#] to ease almost any development project.

Vanilla DAL

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Vanilla DAL is a framework for data access layers on top of ADO.NET. It provides DB independence, storage of SQL code in XML, transaction management, on-the-fly SQL generation for Datasets and other convenience implementations for ever recurring tasks.

Validation Application Block

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Validation Application Block encapsulates the logic needed to implement business rule validation against domain model entities.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Framework to work with Netflix Prize dataset.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 VersoORM helps to build db driven ASP.NET C# apps in NHibernate ORM. VersoORM allows you to create your database from NHibernate XML Mapping files with a Web Installer. Includes: Log4net, Local String Cache, Config Manager and a String Resource Manager.

ViNull Siding

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 ViNull Siding is the code that runs ViNull.Com; an ASP.NET / C# / MS SQL 2005 blog. It is released here as a guide for ASP.NET development and learning, in much the same way as Slashcode is the code that runs Slashdot. Tutorials and examples of ASP.NET.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A scheduling and resource management system for using a farm of servers running VMware virtualisation products as a computing cloud. Currently, only the VMware VIM 1.4 proxy is in active development.

Visual WebGui, Ajax framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Visual WebGui is the simplest AJAX framework. It is an Ajax framework that provides RAD for LOB GUIs. This AJAX framework simplifies Ajax development by providing AJAX framework with WinForms designer & controls including data and property grids. Services (2)  

Visual WebGui Silverlight framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 VWG is the simplest Silverlight framework. It is a Silverlight framework that provides RAD for LOB GUIs. This framework simplifies Silverlight dev. by providing Silverlight framework with WinForms designer & controls including data and property grids CTP

CUAHSI water1flow web service 1.0 API

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 CUAHSI water1flow web service 1.0 api provide programming interface for water1flow web services. Api will expose to .net, java, php, javascript etc programming language. Developed by Joe hu at MapWindow software lab,Idaho State University

Lightning Framework

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 The Lighting Framework is a framework for rapidly designing, developing and deploying Windows Forms Smart Client applications using Microsoft’s .NET framework. The Framework frees the developer from the mundane task of creating the application shell.

WOGL Sharp

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A C# Open GL Wrapper written by Wiktor. Utilitizes an enumerated approach allowing for rapid development and Intellisense support in VS.Net 2005


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Workflow Server is a workflow engine, with extensive ORM and UI Mapping capabilities.

WOX - Web Objects in XML (Serializer)

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 Web Objects in XML (serializer) provides easy XML serialization of Java and C# objects. Objects are serialized to a file in a standard XML format. They can then be de-serialized either to Java or C#.

.NET XmlResolver for OASIS XML Catalogs

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 .NET XmlResolver for OASIS XML Catalogs


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 XOffice is a UI toolkit for developing cross-platform applications with the Microsoft Office style. XOffice provides an implementation of key MS Office UI components, including the new Ribbon component introduced in Office 2007.

XMLNuke Web Development Framework XML

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 XMLNuke is a Framework for Web development Applications and it is integrated with a Content Management System fully based in XML. XMLNuke provides several classes for abstract the use of XML and the environment of Web application.

XQuiSoft data abstraction layer

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A data abstraction layer for .net applications. Write your application code to be database neutral. Swap out the type of database your application uses without updating or even recompiling your business components.

XQuiSoft Core Including Provider Support

《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 An implementation of the 'Provider' pattern for .NET 1.1 framework, plug in installation support, and generic entity model base classes capable of binding to a user interface.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 A script editor (stored as xml) that displays the code in a graphical way. You can code mainly using your mouse. You can also run your script in one click. Easy manipulation of files, IO, mails, loops, directories... 'XS' stands for 'Xml Script'.


《开源合辑-(软件开发->框架)之(C#)》 XUL# is a c# library for writing web and stand-alone application with Mozilla XUL user interface. The same application can be hosted into ASP.NET or Windows.Form (or Mono) Language: C#, XUL, HTML