AllLib - library to extend standard Delphi 3-7 libraries functionality (types, converting, lists, files, threads, windows, databases, sockets, scripts, sysinfo, graphics, cryptography based on CryptoAPI/Crypto-PRO/Signal-COM)
Collection of libraries and various small applications.
AutoREALM is a free role-playing game mapping program originally made by Andrew Gryc. This program is an excellent mapping program that can design castles, caves, cities, dungeons and more. New developers are more than welcome!
- 主题:编辑器(
) , 角色扮演( ) , 软件开发( )
- 编程语言:C++(
) , Delphi/Kylix( )
- 界面类型:Win32 (MS Windows) , X Window System (X11)
- 支持语种:英语 , 法语 , 德语 , 日语
- 操作系统:32-bit MS Windows (95/98) , 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP) , All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP) , All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes) , Win2K , WinXP
- 许可类型:GNU General Public License (GPL)
- 适用对象:开发人员 , 最终用户/桌面
- 开发状态:2 - Pre-Alpha版 , 5 - 产品化/稳定
- 数据库环境:
BDFfont is a library to handle BDF font (Bitmap Distribution Format file) font with Delphi. This library will solve the lack of support for bitmap font on MS-Windows. A complete documentation and few examples are also avaiable.
TBigNum is a new number type for Delphi and Pascal. TBigNum can handle with over 2 millions digits, supports commas/points, all number systems of 2-255 and most types of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents and roots).
BoardMod is a free tool which has been designed to modify YaBB Bulletin Boards (http://www.yabbforum.com). So called 'mods' or 'hacks' provide the ability to patch and enhance any kind of ASCII files and thereby any open source software.
Bricx Command Center (BricxCC) is a highly popular Windows-based IDE for programming LEGO programmable bricks using NQC as well as MindScript, LASM, C++, C, Pascal, Java, and Forth. Program the new NXT brick using NBC and NXC.